The news that the world's richest people gathered in Xianyang and spent a lot of money just to obtain the Prince's Mansion's new workshop cooperation project soon caused a sensation in the entire court.

The next day, outside the Chaohui Hall.

Many officials gathered together and whispered.

They never expected that the merchants they looked down upon before would actually have such huge energy.

Driven by Fusu, the development of Daqin's business was changing at a rapid pace, and in a short period of time, it had begun to show an unstoppable trend.

This is undoubtedly unacceptable to them who have always been aloof.

When will a group of businessmen at the lowest level be able to act openly?

The income earned is actually higher than all of them?

If this continues, it won't be long before he will be ranked above the imperial court?

Many officials made up their minds in an instant to severely suppress this business trend and never allow this situation to occur.

As soon as the meeting started, someone jumped out

"Your Majesty, the Master said: A gentleman is known for his righteousness, and a villain is known for his profit. Now we, the Qin Dynasty, are openly advocating this kind of benefit, which not only violates the teachings of the saints, but also traps the court in injustice. If other countries learn about it, wouldn't it be ridiculous?"

Fusu glanced at it, and it turned out to be a representative of the Guliang sect of Confucianism.

In Da Qin, Confucianism was not only suppressed by Legalism, but was also in a mess internally.

《Han Feizi's"Xian Xue" divided Confucianism into eight schools:"Since the death of Confucius, there have been Confucianism of Zi Zhang, Confucianism of Zi Si, Confucianism of the Yan family, Confucianism of the Meng family, and Confucianism of the Qidiao family. There are Confucians of the Zhongliang family, there are Confucians of the Sun family, and there are Confucians of the Yue Zheng family."

These eight factions not only cannot be united into one rope, but also different factions attack and exclude each other, which is quite a bit of a style of fighting within the insiders and fighting outside the outsiders.

"If I remember correctly, Master Confucius once said:"If you are rich, you can ask for it. Even if you are a man with a whip, I will do it. If you can't ask for it, do what I like."""

"In other words, Confucius believed that a gentleman can love money, but he must get it in a wise way."

"Zigong, the 72nd disciple of Master Kong, was a big businessman. How could we say that Master Kong despised business?"

"In addition, the only saint in Da Qin today is my father!"

Fusu sneered.

Ying Zheng immediately nodded with satisfaction. Great Qin has always respected Legalism, and he has always disliked Confucianism who talks about Mencius and always talks about Confucius and Mencius. What did the First Emperor think of him?

What Fu Su said just now, the only saint today is his father, really touched the heart of Ying Zheng.

The officials of the Guliang faction were stunned. Fu Su directly used Confucius' words to refute them. As a successor of Confucianism, He can't question Confucius, right?

Although Confucianism regards Confucius and Mencius as saints, they are not officially recognized by the Qin Dynasty. Fusu said that Ying Zheng is the only saint in the Qin Dynasty. Although they are not convinced, there is nothing they can do.

Openly in court The people in the hall questioned whether Ying Zheng was a saint. Did they think that Ying Zheng could not lift the sword?

Gu Liang sent officials to retreat angrily.

The other Confucian officials looked at each other, but no one dared to step forward.

Instead, Li Si stood up and faced Ying Zheng bowed and said:

"Your Majesty, now that the national treasury's revenue, commercial taxes have exceeded agricultural taxes, I believe that it is indeed feasible to pay equal attention to both merchants and farmers as stated by His Highness the Crown Prince!"

The officials were suddenly stunned.

Aren't you, Li Si, a representative of the Legalists, who have always been the most particular about emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business?

Even after being criticized by Fusu last time, you have been trying to restrict business through laws.

Now you are openly giving Isn't it too outrageous to sing the praises of business?

But thinking about Li Si's current status, everyone can't help but feel a little bit more understanding. Da Qin is headed by the right, and Li Si, the left prime minister, is not as good as the right prime minister Feng Quji in name. It's just that the right prime minister is Li Si.

When the Six Kingdoms were first unified, Feng Quji chose to support the feudal system, and the First Emperor finally adopted the system of prefectures and counties proposed by Li Si. After that, Feng Quji's authority was reduced a lot, which was quite nominal.

However, since After the rise of Fusu, the status of the two people changed again. Feng Quji clearly sided with Fusu, while Li Si did not have a harmonious relationship with Fusu due to the dispute between merchants and farmers. In addition

, Li Si did not have a harmonious relationship with Fusu due to the dispute between merchants and farmers.

Li Si once served as Hu Hai's teacher, and Fusu's position was extremely stable.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that once Fusu comes to power, it will be difficult for Li Si to maintain his status as prime minister.

Could it be that for this reason, Li Si also chose to show favor to Fusu?

The courtiers began to speculate one after another.

Even the First Emperor was no exception.

However, Ying Zheng was happy to hear this. After all, Fusu was his fully recognized successor. If he could get the support of more courtiers, it would be much easier to govern.

However , , the next moment.

Li Si slowly said:

"Even so, the national treasury is still not full due to huge expenditures!"

"Therefore, I suggest that the current commercial tax be increased three to five times. If this can be done, the revenue of the national treasury can also be increased several times!"

Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

This Li Si is really ruthless.

A sudden increase in taxes three to five times will kill these businessmen!

How can this be a show of support ? Su, this was clearly a deliberate kill!

And on the surface, he was still upright and upright, making it hard for anyone to find fault.

Even Ying Zheng couldn't help but narrow his eyes and glanced at the ministers with different expressions.

"Dear friends, what do you think of Li Si's plan?"

"Great kindness!"

The Confucian officials quickly agreed.

Although Confucianism and Legalism have always been at odds, it is obviously more advantageous to support Li Si at this moment!

"I second the motion!"

Many old Qin dignitaries also jumped out.

They were already jealous of the huge benefits of business, but with Fusu's protection, no one dared to do anything.

Now that they can peel off a layer of skin for the businessmen, they will naturally It's a joy to hear and see

"Although merchants and farmers can both be given equal attention, it is obvious that merchants are more important than farmers now. If this continues, how many people will still be willing to work in agriculture? The foundation of our Daqin is in danger!"

"These businessmen can easily obtain huge profits. How do others view them?"

"I feel that three to five times is too little, and we should charge ten times!"

"It is best to strictly investigate whether these businessmen have engaged in illegal activities such as speculation. Once found, all property must be confiscated and put in jail!"

Ying Zheng's face changed slightly and he looked in Fusu's direction.

He was very much looking forward to how Fusu would respond.

How to deal with unfavorable situations in the court is an ability that a qualified emperor must possess.

For Fusu , Ying Zheng has always held the greatest expectations!

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