"Father, why are you here?"

Fusu just walked into the hall with Yu Shu carrying a plate of dumplings, and saw Ying Zheng with a smile on his face, and he immediately laughed and said

"Why, your father can’t even come to see you?

Ying Zheng also took a deep breath with a smile, and then sighed:"It smells so good!""

"This is a kind of pasta newly developed by Erchen. It is called dumplings, also called boiled dumplings. It is filled with mutton stuffing. Father, you can try it. Fusu said with a smile.

For him who comes from later generations, eating dumplings during the New Year has become a habit.

But he is busy with official duties and rarely has time.

Now it is rare to catch up with the New Year's holiday, so naturally he has to reward himself I met my family.

Ying Zheng arrived just in time. The whole family gathered together, and it felt like having a New Year dinner around the fire.

"Yes, this is the best food my father has ever eaten."

Ying Zheng picked up a dumpling and put it into his mouth, tasted it carefully, and said with a look of surprise on his face.

"If the father likes it, his son will write down the making method and send it to the palace later."

Fusu said with a smile.

"No need, when father wants to eat, just come to Fusu and you will be fine."

Ying Zheng said with a smile.

The reason why he was so surprised was not only because the dumplings were really delicious, but also because they were made by Fusu himself. Although they were not made specifically for Ying Zheng, they still gave Ying Zheng a taste of family affection..

This is also the fundamental reason why Ying Zheng will leave the palace and come to the Prince's Mansion whenever he has time.

"There, I often look forward to the visit of my father. Fusu said with a smile:"Father, please go out to the palace more often. You can relax and exercise. It can be said that you can achieve multiple things with one stone.""

"It's also because of you, Fusu, that my father is able to have this little leisure time."

"In previous years, before this time, my father would have been worrying about how to spend the winter and how to keep the people fed and clothed, so he would have no time to think about it."

Ying Zheng said with emotion.

Fu Su smiled slightly.

With the large-scale promotion of coal, the price has dropped to a level lower than that of charcoal. Coupled with the increase in income, most people in Daqin have now used it. With the new coal stove for heating, this winter will be much warmer than before.

"My son just made some suggestions. To really implement them, I still have to rely on my father."

"You don’t have to be humble. Why do you and I, father and son, have so many distinctions?"

"But these dumplings are pretty good. My father thinks that you can announce the making method. When the time comes, it will be a good story, haha!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand and said with a smile on his face.

"The father reminded his son that the front page of the first issue of the newspaper was already there."

Fusu's eyes lit up and he said.

What else can attract the attention of the people during the festival than the food preparation method that even the First Emperor praised highly?


Ying Zheng suddenly became excited and said.

Unexpectedly, today on a whim, he came to his son's place. Not only could he have new delicacies, but he could also gain other benefits.

"It is a kind of printed matter that is published regularly, which contains important government news, business news, legal education content, novels and miscellaneous notes, etc.

Fusu explained patiently:"After the newspaper is published, it will be sent to all counties and counties in Daqin. First, public notices will be posted everywhere. The excess will be distributed in the market so that the people can get the latest news in Daqin. Better to guide the social fishing boat."

Ying Zheng nodded with deep understanding.

Fusu had introduced to him many times the role of fishing boats in guiding the people, and Ying Zheng had fully recognized it. However, due to backward communication methods and other reasons, although Ying Zheng and the courtiers had worked very hard, Still not much improvement has been achieved.

The area around Xianyang City is okay. In more remote areas, the people are still easily misled by people with good intentions and have misunderstandings about Da Qin.

The remnants of the Six Kingdoms rely on this deviation of the news to continue to Survive in Daqin.

And if the newspaper Fusu mentioned now can be promoted in all counties and counties in Daqin, the initiative of this fishing boat can truly be in the hands of the imperial court.

This is led by the Prince's Palace, and the imperial court The public announcement of the issuance has much stronger credibility than the gossip.

"However, many people in Da Qin are illiterate. They may not be able to understand the contents of this newspaper, right?"

Ying Zheng thought for a long time and asked.

"In fact, not many people could directly understand the previous announcements. They relied on officials' interpretations and word of mouth."

"After the publication of this newspaper, each county will hire some scholars, such as students in schools, to explain to the people."

"As long as they are given a little reward, I believe these people will be happy to increase their income."

"The purpose of publishing commercial and industrial news, novels and miscellaneous notes in newspapers is to arouse the interest of the people and actively participate in the dissemination of newspaper content."

Fusu said with a confident smile.

Most people would indeed find it boring and not very interested in just the government affairs.

However, news such as commercial recruitment is related to the increase of people's income and will definitely make people excited.

The novels and miscellaneous notes that follow will enrich the entertainment life of the people of Daqin and attract more people to come and watch.

From the previous New Year's event, many people from other counties came to participate in it from hundreds of miles away. It can be seen that Daqin Common people, the entertainment life is so dull and boring.

And novels and miscellaneous notes are the best medium.

Even in later generations, a good novel can still cause a sensation as expensive as paper in Luoyang, let alone in Da Qin.

"That's not a bad idea.

Ying Zheng said with a smile:"But in the entire Great Qin, only you, Fusu, can be so creative.""

Fusu smiled faintly.

His biggest advantage is that as a time traveler, he has gained two thousand years of vision and knowledge.

However, the prince's experience also made Fusu understand that many ideas that will be popular in later generations must be truly implemented in Daqin. It must be combined with the actual situation of Daqin.

For example, this newspaper, in fact, is combined with the official Di newspaper in history, and makes full use of the power of various counties, counties, and township chiefs, pavilions, and li chiefs for promotion.

Thinking of this, Fusu had to admire Ying Zheng.

In the Qin Dynasty, the power of the government had penetrated into every village.

According to the Qin system, ten households were divided into one li, with a mile long; ten li was a pavilion, with a pavilion length;

Ten pavilions are one township, with a township head.

It is this system that ensures Da Qin's mobilization ability in wartime. Now it is very useful when applied to fishing boat guidance.

Don't underestimate these, even in Fusu Crossing Before, a certain Ah San next door didn't do this.

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