“oh? Do you want me to be mentally prepared first? It seems that what you invented this time, Fusu, is really amazing. Bring it up quickly and let me see it.”

Ying Zheng’s curiosity was immediately piqued, and he couldn’t wait any longer.

“Yes, Father.”

Fusu did not hide any longer and walked up with a wooden box in his hand. It seemed to contain something important.

Then, under the expectant eyes of the ministers below, Fusu opened the box and took out the contents..

Surprisingly, it was a pair of reading glasses.

When he saw the real thing in Fusu’s hand, Ying Zheng and the ministers below were stunned for a moment, and then they all showed a more or less disappointed look.

After all, Fusu was not here just now. The constant momentum building, it is even said that it will shock Ying Zheng and make him mentally prepared, which makes everyone’s expectations for this new thing extremely high.

However, there is a big gap between the actual thing and what they imagined.

After all, no matter how you look at this thing, it seems to be just two glazed mirrors connected in series with gold threads and then embedded in a gold frame…….An oddly shaped artifact?

All in all, things are ordinary and there doesn’t seem to be anything special about them.

“Fusu, is this what you mentioned that would shock me?”

Ying Zheng’s voice was a little embarrassed.

“Father, don’t worry, you will know soon.”

Fusu seemed to have anticipated the current situation, and still had a confident smile on his face.

“Father, please close your eyes first. When you open them again, I promise that you will see a completely different world from before.”

“Well, I’ll wait and see.”

Ying Zheng nodded, and then closed his eyes.

Fusu stepped forward, put his specially made reading glasses on the bridge of Ying Zheng’s nose, and clamped the eye frames on the sides of his ears.

“Father, you can open your eyes now.”

After finally straightening the reading glasses, Fusu said next to him.

Feeling the foreign object on the bridge of his nose, Ying Zheng frowned subconsciously, and then slowly opened his eyes.

The next second, an extremely clear world appeared in front of him in front of


Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, then couldn’t help but stand up.

The appearance and clothing of the ministers below are very clear, and the expressions of doubt, nervousness, or curiosity on their faces are also clearly visible.

Ying Zheng lowered his head and looked at the desk. The scroll that originally had to be moved far away to barely read clearly, now his handwriting is clear and he can even see the ink spots he accidentally left.

This made Ying Zheng, who had always remained calm, suddenly become excited.

It seemed that Li Si and the ministers below were confused and surprised.

What is the miraculous effect of this strange thing brought by His Royal Highness Prince Fusu? How could the always calm His Majesty the First Emperor change his expression so much after wearing this strange thing?

Unfortunately, no matter how they looked from below, the glasses would always look like a strange piece of art to them, with nothing outstanding about them.

After all, only if you wear something like glasses on the bridge of your nose in person can you feel the feeling. Otherwise, it is impossible to see anything just by looking around.

“Father, I think you should go for a walk and walk around here, so that you can better appreciate the efficacy of this thing.”

Fusu suggested from the side.

“You’re right, I should go down for a walk.”

Ying Zheng nodded in approval.

Then he unrolled his sleeves and walked down the jade steps accompanied by Fu Su.

Then he opened his legs and walked forward along the right path step by step, while looking around with his eyes.

This hall He has been here for decades and should be extremely familiar with it.

But now it seems that it has become a little different. Ying Zheng feels that everything is so novel, as if it is the first time he has come to this place.

Let’s go. As they walked, Ying Zheng and Fu Su arrived outside the main hall.

The magnificent palace in the distance, the blue sky, and the pleasant flowing clouds made Ying Zheng feel extremely intoxicated.

“Huh, since I have passed half a hundred years ago, my eyes are getting worse day by day, and the things around me are becoming more and more blurry. Normally, my vision is like seeing flowers through fog, and it is difficult to grasp.”

“I can’t remember how many years I have had, and I haven’t seen such a clear sky!”

Ying Zheng looked up to the sky and exhaled, feeling indescribable relief in his heart.

And Fusu couldn’t help but feel a little emotional when he looked at the somewhat old-looking Ying Zheng.

It seems that even an emperor through the ages can’t compete with the passage of time. kill

“Fusu, what is this that is so magical?!”

At this time, Ying Zheng turned around and asked

“Father, these things are called glasses. They are made of a special kind of glass through a series of processes such as professional polishing and cleaning. As for the specific process, I won’t go into details for now. I will introduce it in detail later.”

“When glasses are worn correctly, they will help adjust vision, relieve eye pressure, and have the effect of making blurred eyes brighter again.”

Fusu introduced Ying Zheng.

Hearing this, the faces of the ministers below all moved.

Especially when they heard Fusu say that wearing glasses has the effect of clearing blurred eyes. In addition to being shocked in their hearts, the ministers also had hope in their eyes.

After all, under Fusu’s various policies and systems and severe crackdowns, the imperial government had eliminated countless corrupt and redundant officials.

Therefore, now everyone Those who can reach the top of the court as officials are all among the best, and all are diligent and studious people.

Especially civil servants like Li Si, most of them studied very hard when they were young. It’s a common thing.

Later, after I was admitted to the imperial examination and became an official, I also had no leisure time. I had to read various general files and deal with various things every day. I overused my eyes almost every day. Although military attaches are slightly better than civil servants, But it’s only half a catty.

After all, in addition to wielding swords and guns, military attachés also have to read various military books and learn from the above war experiences and lessons. If they encounter any war, they have to conduct sand table exercises and study various maps. Many times, research lasts from morning until midnight.

It is precisely because of this uncontrolled excessive use of eyes that all the officials in this court, the young ones are more or less myopic, and the old ones are more or less short-sighted. It is presbyopia.

This has undoubtedly brought great inconvenience to the ministers’ daily life, and it is also a problem that has been bothering them.

Now that they see hope of solving this problem in Fusu, they are naturally very excited.

“You can rest assured that after you leave the court, the Prince will arrange for the Engineering Academy to conduct one-on-one measurements for you and tailor-made suitable glasses for you.”

Fusu saw what the ministers were thinking and said specifically.

“His Highness the Crown Prince is so kind and loving that I dare not refuse. I would like to thank His Highness the Crown Prince for this gift!”

The officials headed by Li Si all bowed and thanked them, their faces filled with joy.

After all, myopia and presbyopia have been bothering them for a long time. Not only are they inconvenient when dealing with affairs, but they are also troublesome in daily life. It caused a lot of trouble.

Therefore, how could the ministers be unhappy when they thought that they could finally bid farewell to the painful life of being unable to see clearly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) At this time, Fusu supported him Ying Zheng returned to the high hall from outside the main hall.

When he sat on the throne, Ying Zheng was vaguely in a trance.

“These glasses are good, but after wearing them for a long time, I always feel dizzy. I don’t know if they cause any adverse reactions. It seems that my body is really getting worse.”

Ying Zheng took off his reading glasses and pressed his temples with his fingers.

This also made the ministers feel strange.[]

Could it be that Prince Fu Su hasn’t fully studied these glasses yet? Or does using it inherently have such side effects?

“Father, you are worrying too much. Your health is very good now.”

“The reason why you feel dizzy is because the pair of glasses you are wearing now are just the first version made temporarily by Erchen.”

“After your father has measured your vision, I will provide you with a pair of glasses that better suit your vision. In this way, some of the symptoms you just experienced will disappear, and your field of vision will remain the same. It will be clearer than this. Fusu replied with a smile.

“Vision degree? What does this word mean? In addition, Fusu, you just mentioned that you want to measure my eyesight. What does this mean?”

Ying Zheng was very confused.

“Father, the vision degree mentioned here refers to the degree of myopia or farsightedness in both eyes. Father, you can also understand it as the degree of blurred vision.”

“As for the visual acuity, you have to use���Another thing designed by Erchen, Erchen called it a visual acuity meter. With it, it can be used to measure the visual acuity and make more suitable and accurate glasses based on the visual acuity.”

As he said that, Fusu took out a piece of paper from the wooden box just now.

It was a modern visual acuity chart with special symbols of different sizes all over it.

“The writing on it seems to be the word”山”, but it doesn’t stand out. These words are somewhat similar to the words of my Da Qin, but they seem to be much simpler, and I can’t recognize them.”

Neishiteng spent a long time identifying, but he didn’t recognize a word.

Li Si and other recognized erudite masters also shook their heads, wondering what the hieroglyphics on the vision meter meant.

“You don’t need to go out of your way to recognize it. This is just a symbol depicted on the visual acuity chart. It is not a special text. It has no other meaning except to help measure the visual acuity.”

Seeing these most knowledgeable people in the Qin Dynasty running to read a visual acuity chart, Fusu couldn’t laugh or cry.

“It turns out that this is the case. I am ignorant. I just don’t know how to measure the vision degree with these symbols of different sizes?”

Nei Shiten asked

“It’s very simple. When measuring, you only need to hang the visual acuity meter at a position that is at least eye level with the measurer, and then the measurer needs to stand seven feet away from the visual acuity meter.”

“If you are measuring the left eye, place your right hand on the right eye and look from the first row to the last row. If you can’t see clearly at that row, then the left eye’s visual acuity will be the same as the scale in that row. No two, just reverse the movements when measuring the right eye.”

“In this way, the visual acuity data of the left eye and the right eye can be obtained. When wearing glasses, it is based on these visual acuity 930 data. Fusu replied.

Although using a visual acuity meter to measure a person’s vision would lead to considerable deviations. However, in Daqin, where technological capabilities are far from being fully developed, this method can be used for the time being. The best way to measure vision

“In this case, Fusu, you have to find a way to make glasses suitable for me as soon as possible. After seeing the clear world, now you want me to face the blur, but I can’t do it.”

Ying Zheng said with a smile.

This was completely what he was saying. If his eyes continue to age like this and his vision gradually becomes blurry, Ying Zheng can still accept it. After all, it is human nature to have old eyesight. , even if he is an emperor, he is not exempt from the vulgarity.

But since he came into contact with the world that is clear after wearing glasses, Ying Zheng can no longer force himself to continue to be blurry. As the saying goes, it used to be difficult to make water, but Wushan is not a cloud, and now Ying Zheng is exactly This feeling

“Of course, when my father’s glasses are ready, I will personally deliver them to my father. Fusu said with a smile.

“Prince Fusu is indeed a sage in this world! These glasses are not only ingenious, but also extremely practical!”

“With the rapid development of education in Daqin and the vigorous promotion of reading in Daqin, students’ enthusiasm for learning has been unprecedentedly high. However, the probability of suffering from this eye disease has also become higher and higher.”

“Some time ago, a student in Suzhou City South suffered from extremely serious eye disease due to excessive use of his eyes. As a result, when he was walking back to school, he couldn’t see the road conditions clearly and accidentally fell into a well. Not long after, he fell into a well. He died of drowning, and this tragedy is not limited to this family.”

“If these glasses can be popularized in the future, I believe this kind of thing will never happen again. This will undoubtedly have a huge life-changing effect on the students of our Daqin and the officials who have entered the court. It will also have a huge impact on the entire Daqin. It is also of great significance to the common people.”

Li Si said with a happy face.

The other officials in the court also looked at each other and nodded in recognition.

After all, as one of the patients, they, the officials, know better than anyone how much myopia and presbyopia hinder their daily life. Therefore, I am naturally full of respect for Fusu, who created glasses.

“I have handed over the manufacturing process of glasses and vision charts to the Academy of Engineering and explained them in detail many times. I believe they will be able to master the essentials soon.”

“Once their production process is fully mature, they should be able to start mass-producing glasses. Fusu said with a smile.

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