"What Fusu said does make some sense, but the emphasis on agriculture and suppression of commerce has been a national policy that our country, Qin, has implemented for many years. If we want to change it easily, I'm afraid it will also be easy to change!"

After a long time, Ying Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and said

"Father, it will take time to fully promote this policy in our Daqin."

"How about just like the government-run schools, try it first in Xianyang or Hanzhong County?"

Fusu tried.


"Hanzhong is very close to Xianyang. If there is any accident, it can be discovered and dealt with in time."

"If you still have doubts, dear friends, you can join me and focus on the promotion of Fusu's business method. Whether it works or not, let's judge it based on the actual results!"

Ying Zheng made up his mind.

"I obey your orders!"

Seeing that Ying Zheng has made up his mind, Li Si and others, although they are still dissatisfied, have nothing to say. The

First Emperor has always kept his word, and now it is very good to give them a chance to supervise. If the trouble continues, I am afraid that they will offend Ying Zheng.

After all, they have completely lost to Fusu in the debate.

Fusu is also very satisfied with this.

Managing a big country is like cooking small dishes, especially in Da Qin where communication is inconvenient. It is difficult for county officials to understand that a policy that has been implemented for more than a hundred years is to be completely overturned at once. Let alone the common people

, the reason why many reforms in history had good intentions in the end ended in failure is Without publicity and implementation in place, the government and the opposition did not feel the benefits of the reform.

Once the reform encountered difficulties, the die-hards would be unable to resist when they counterattacked.

Ying Zheng asked Fusu to choose Xianyang and Hanzhong counties for pilot projects first. He was indeed mature and prudent. It is a safe move.

Even if Fusu has some omissions due to lack of experience, Ying Zheng can discover and correct them in time.

After the results are achieved, the ministers in the government and the public can also see them in time. Only by speaking with actual results can Li Si and others be convinced, and It’s not that he is dissatisfied.

It can be seen that Yingzheng indeed regards Fusu as his successor and is carefully cultivating and training Fusu’s ability to govern the country.

This father is already very good at his job.

Fusu took a deep breath, with confidence on his face Full.

Although in terms of government affairs, he only has theory and lacks practical experience.

But with Ying Zheng here, this shortcoming has been perfectly compensated.

He only needs to give full play to his ideas and fly hard..Father

's love is like a mountain. Although Ying Zheng never said much, Fusu felt it.

Ying Zheng also showed a smile of relief on his face.

With Fusu's prestige in Daqin at the moment, no matter what Even if he doesn't do anything, the status of the crown prince is as stable as Mount Tai. He can just wait for Yingzheng to ascend the throne of emperor. But now Fusu has chosen the most difficult route, directly challenging the thousands of years of practice, and even competing with Li Si and other original The supporters stood on the opposite side.

It fully shows that Fusu, like Ying Zheng, is a person who has the world at heart.

What they want is not the false name of a wise king recognized by the people and praised by his ministers.

But it is real, unprecedented and unprecedented. There may not be a great cause that anyone who comes can catch up with.

That is Rang. The world map only has the name Da Qin! What they want to achieve is to be an emperor through the ages!

Ying Zheng is very happy to see that after him, Fusu also chose This is the most difficult but most fulfilling route.

At this moment, Ying Zheng and Fu Su are not only the relationship between father and son, emperor and successor, but also have a sense of confidants.

This feeling makes Ying Zheng feel I feel happy that I am not alone in my path.

Father and son looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.......

Prince's Mansion, in the study.

Fusu calmed down and began to conceive of business development plans for Xianyang and Hanzhong County.

Due to the emphasis on agriculture and suppression of business for many years, the current merchants in Da Qin are actually in an extremely embarrassing position.

That is, although it is not as powerful as in the past, and it can be regarded as a wealthy family, it cannot be recognized by the government.

Under strict laws and regulations, businessmen in Da Qin, despite their wealth, could only wear ordinary clothes like ordinary people outside.

As for silk and satin, only those with a title or official position can wear it publicly.

Because of this, the enthusiasm of merchants in Great Qin has become less and less, and now, it has declined a lot.

Many people simply follow the example of Tao Zhugong in the past. After making money, they directly hide it in the treasury, and then settle into a comfortable apartment.

Fusu had already noticed this when developing papermaking and printing workshops.

The merchants of Da Qin were actually not without money, but very rich.

As for why it is not felt in the market, it is because these people hide their wealth for fear of being discovered.

What Fusu has to do is to make them dare to take money out of the cellar and use it in business, thereby driving economic development.

And this requires businessmen to see real benefits.

And it is also necessary for the people to see the real benefits before they will give up their deep-rooted disdain for businessmen and join in commerce and trade.

This requires a breaking point.

It boosted the business of Xianyang and Hanzhong counties, which were almost stagnant.

Fusu thought hard in his mind for a long time and soon came up with an idea.

At this moment, the maid's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Your Highness, Miss Gongshu wants to see you."


A veiled figure flashed in Fusu's mind, and he burst out laughing.

He had asked the Shadow Guards to look at this girl with such personality, but he was so busy these days that he almost forgot about her..

But in this current opportunity, she can really help a lot. The losers are the most knowledgeable people in Da Qin about the art of instruments.

And commerce and industry have always been inseparable.

"Let her in."

Fusu waved his hand and continued to draw on the paper.

Soon, Gong Shuyue's beautiful figure appeared in the study.

There was a strong resentment on the pretty face under the veil.

Fusu's In Gongshuyue's view, this behavior was simply a sign of contempt for him.

If it weren't for his previous favorable impression of Fusu, Gongshuyue would have wanted to leave.

"Okay, there’s been a lot going on these days, and it’s true that the reception was not good enough."

"Take a look at this drawing. Can you build it?"

Fusu smiled and glanced at Gongshuyue.

Gongshuyue snorted proudly.

During this period of time, she had nothing to do and had untied all 24 of Fusu's chain sets. She was no longer confident in Fusu. The equipment could hold me back.

I made up my mind to show off my skills in front of Fusu and prove my abilities.

Gongshuyue took the drawings handed over by Fusu with confidence.

Then he was stunned..How is this done?

Isn’t it amazing?

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