"The reason why you think war brings only harm to the people is because your view is too one-sided!"

"I would like to ask you two, in the past when the seven kingdoms fought for supremacy and many people suffered in successive wars, or in this world after the return of the world to Qin, more people suffered?"

Fusu asked directly.


Huang Shigong was dumbfounded again.

The tyranny of the Qin Dynasty has indeed been improved under Fusu, and the people's lives have gradually become better.

And even in the past when the people suffered from corvee and tyranny, it was better than in the past when the seven kingdoms were at war all year round. It's much better.

But if this is agreed, doesn't it mean that it is just for Qin to dominate the world?

Huang Shigong suddenly fell into deep thought

"It seems that the destiny of Qin is indeed the general trend."

"But wasn't it because the people settled down because the seven kingdoms were unified and the war stopped?"

"Now His Highness wants to restart the war. Isn't it against this principle?"

After a long time, Huang Shigong sighed and said

"Then I would like to ask the old gentleman another question: Why did the seven countries go to war in the past?"

Fusu took advantage of the victory and pursued him.

"There are many reasons for this, but most of them are because the king is very happy with his achievements and wants to gain a false reputation by competing for supremacy. Huang

Shigong said without hesitation

"Therefore, the old gentleman did not think from the perspective of a monarch."

"You think that monarchs launch armies to conquer other countries for the sake of glory, but you don’t know that in fact, in order to extend the border defense line outwards and obtain a more stable rear"

"Because if you don’t attack other countries today, they will come to attack you tomorrow."

"Striving for supremacy is indeed helpful to the king's prestige, but the actual effect of this prestige is to prevent others from attacking you, and it is only for you to attack others."

"Only in this case will the people of this country not be invaded and can have a safe living environment."

Xiao He nodded repeatedly. After Huang Shigong thought for a long time, he had to admit that what Fusu said was reasonable.

"But it’s true that the Qin people are warlike, right?"

‘Even His Highness, isn't he thinking of marching to foreign lands beyond the Great Wall? '

Huang Shigong raised a new question

"It is said that the Qin people are warlike, but in fact, before the establishment of Hangu Pass, Old Qin experienced several dangers of annihilation. If it had not stood up to resist, the country would have been destroyed long ago."

"Even after the Hangu Pass was built, Guanzhong was always under the threat of the Huns. Even if it unified the world, it was still the case. The reason why my father built the Great Wall was to use this dangerous pass to keep the Huns away from the Great Wall."

"Now that my prince has destroyed the Xiongnu, won't the construction of the Great Wall stop and the people will really benefit?"

Fusu said with a smile.

"However, military strategy is a dangerous and dangerous way, and the outcome is unpredictable. How can there be a way to always be victorious and invincible? Huang

Shigong retorted

"The old gentleman is indeed a master of the art of war. Yes, this war is indeed serious and will not be used lightly unless necessary."

"But the old gentleman forgot that people’s hearts are unpredictable"

"You know, in the past, the seven kingdoms were all of the same sect and bloodline, and they were still constantly fighting against each other."

"Nowadays, outside our Great Qin, there are all foreign tigers and wolves. If you don’t fight them, they won’t fight you."

"The reason why Da Yueshi and Dong Hu are very stable is because Da Qin has just destroyed the Xiongnu, and their prestige is the same for a while."

"If one day something happens to our Da Qin and our strength is greatly reduced, believe it or not, they will bite me right away."

"The foreign race has been living in a bitter cold land for a long time. Doesn't the old gentleman not know about the greed for the rich Central Plains?"

"The only way is to completely destroy them, annex the prairie to the Great Qin, and cultivate the strongest cavalry army for our Great Qin."

"Otherwise, even if you wipe out all the tribes on the prairie today, once you retreat, a powerful alien tribe will appear on the prairie decades later and continue to covet our Central Plains land."

Fusu said calmly

"But according to your highness's map, there is the Mauryan Dynasty outside the grassland, and there are other transitions besides the Mauryan Dynasty. Could it be that your highness can conquer them all? Huang

Shigong shook his head and said

"Why not?

Fusu smiled and said:"The reason why you think there is no hope of unifying the world is because your eyes only stay on the current territory of Da Qin.""

"Just like this grassland, once it is completely controlled by our Great Qin, we can easily cultivate more than 300,000 elite cavalry."

"Even in the whole world, there is no power that can compare to it"

"And the land of the Maurya Dynasty is similar in area to our Great Qin, but they are both plains and full of fertile land."

"If it is controlled by our Great Qin, we will no longer have to worry about lack of food and grass!"

"Moreover, the Maurya Dynasty has a population of 30 million. Once it is merged into Daqin, do we still need to worry about insufficient manpower?"

"The common people can be completely freed from corvee service."

Fusu pointed at the map and said

"Your Highness is so cruel!"

Huang Shigong was immediately startled.

"《"Zuo Zhuan" has a saying: Those who are not of my race must have different hearts. These foreigners have committed many mistakes against our people of Great Qin in the past. Don't you feel sorry for our people of Great Qin?"

"Now that this prince is just doing what he does to others, does the old gentleman think that this prince is cruel?"

"So, I would like to ask you something, old sir, are you a foreigner?"

Fusu said with a sharp look on his face.

This is what Fusu hates most about rotten scholars and Huang Lao people.

When the aliens invade, you don't fight bravely to kill the enemy. If you are a little cruel to the aliens, you will come out to chirp. Wai Wai.

This is simply an act of traitor.

Huang Shigong was immediately speechless.

"You keep saying that the Qin Dynasty was tyrannical and harsh, but it was nothing more than high taxes and too many corvees."

"But in fact, the Great Wall and Chidao, which cost the most, are for border security and to prevent foreigners!"

"Now the Xiongnu are gone, the Great Wall has stopped, and Chidao has been built by Xiongnu prisoners."

"If we don’t let them go, will we continue to let the people of Great Qin go?"

"You keep saying that taxes are high, but you don’t look at how much Great Qin spends?"

"Now that the prince has captured countless things from the Xiongnu, will my father soon exempt many of the taxes in the disaster-stricken areas?"

"Those who say taxes are high are probably not remnants of the Six Kingdoms, right?"

"In the past, they were so high that they didn't need to pay any taxes."

"Now that I have been demoted to a commoner by my father, I feel bad for paying even a little tax."

"Doesn't this just show that they are the blood-sucking insects of the people of the Six Nations, and the people don't know how much more they have to bear? Fusu said coldly.

"However, His Majesty was extravagant and mobilized troops to build the Alpang Palace and the mausoleum."

"Old gentleman, any ordinary villager will build a better house for himself if he has some money. Now His Majesty is using Hun prisoners. Isn't this excessive?"

"Moreover, although the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum is still under construction, the Alpang Palace has stopped."

Xiao He retorted directly.

"You keep talking about violent Qin, but without violent Qin, you people would have become the dead souls of the foreign tribes!"

"Now you actually have the nerve to spit here?"

"If so, I would rather be more cruel!"

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