King Yuezhi was stunned.

Not long ago, his 100,000-strong army was charging fiercely, shaking the heaven and earth, as if they were going to crush the Great Qin Demon Fusu into pieces.

But in the blink of an eye, the tens of thousands of cavalry in the vanguard had already been routed back, and the rear troops were directly thrown into chaos.

Some of the desperate escapees waved their butcher knives directly at their original colleagues.

There was a huge commotion involving tens of thousands of people, and they were completely unprepared, so the war team was unable to stop it.

At the back, many supervisory teams simply joined in the escape.

There is no way, once the army rebels, and it is a loose alliance composed of tribes like the Da Yuezhi, even the gods will not be able to save it.

Not to mention the King of the Yuezhi whose original prestige was damaged and whose throne was on the verge of collapse.

King Yuezhi's heart was bleeding and cold.

He knew that he was finished!

Even when the first ray of morning light came, who didn't know when, the Yuezhi King still didn't feel any warmth.

On the other side, the soldiers of Da Qin who fought fiercely all night were not tired at all.

Everyone's eyes were reddened by the continuous victory, and their spirits were extremely high. They felt that their whole bodies were filled with inexhaustible energy.

"All officers and men obey the order!"

"Change your sword, mount your horse, and charge with me!"

"Capture and kill the Yuezhi King!"

"Annihilate all opponents!"

Fusu waved his gentian silver spear and took the lead.

Behind him, the ten thousand elites of the Qin Dynasty whose morale was bursting, were like tigers descending from the mountain, sweeping down from the valley.

This valley is a sad place for the Yuezhi people. The land is a place of despair!

But for the people of Great Qin, it is a place of victory.

King Yuezhi closed his eyes in despair.

Won't these people of Great Qin be tired after fighting for most of the night?

At this time , still have the strength to launch such a coordinated charge!

Although the Yueshi still have the numerical advantage, their morale has already collapsed. The generals have no fighting spirit, and the soldiers have no fighting spirit.

Everyone is killing each other, like headless flies. They were running wild on the Gobi Desert!

Even though it was already dawn, these Yuezhi cavalry had not woken up.

Even the Yuezhi King himself, if not for the desperate protection of his personal guards, would have died in the chaos.


The earth trembled again.

Although the sound was not as powerful as the Yuezhi's 100,000 cavalry before, the momentum was even greater!

The 10,000 elite Great Qin cavalry, taking advantage of the advantage of coming down from high, pushed their speed to the extreme!

In their hands! The sword made of fine steel can easily harvest the lives of Yuezhi people every time it is swung!


"It is comfortable to fight with His Highness!"

"I have killed five people from the Yuezhi family, and I can comfort my ancestors when I go back!"

"There are only ten, but I have already killed ten of them!"


The soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty were so angry and heroic that they began to compete with each other for victory.

Even the personal guards of the Yuezhi King were frightened by this terrifying momentum and retreated repeatedly.

"King, run quickly!"

‘If you don't run, it will be too late!’

‘As long as we go back, we still have hope! '

The captain of the personal guard team who came up said nervously.

"I still want to run, but it’s too late!"

"The old Yuezhi dog has come to accept his fate!"

"Don't you want to challenge me to a duel?"

"The prince has already arrived at dawn as promised, where are you!"

"Why did you suddenly become a coward?"

Fusu laughed loudly, mocking the Yuezhi King who was running away with his head in his arms. The red rabbit horse that sat down seemed to feel the master's passion, and accelerated its speed again, like lightning.

A few hundred steps away, in the distance The speed visible to the naked eye is shrinking rapidly.

"Yuezhi old dog, you come to fight!"

"As long as you can take one of my moves, I will spare your life!"

"I'll let you go and talk to Toumanmaodun and exchange experiences!"

"Believe them, they will be extremely surprised when you join!"

Fusu looked at the Daqin cavalry who were chasing the Yuezhi people with all their might, and his face was full of smiles.

He knew that he had won this battle.

As long as he captured the Yuezhi King, it would be a complete victory.

As for whether to kill or keep, it all depends on how you feel.

However, considering that there are too many counties in Daqin, Touman and Maodun are a bit busy with the tour, so you can consider asking the Yuezhi King to join.

By the way, also Tuobasu from Donghu is also a good candidate.

It can fully let the people of Qin Dynasty appreciate the different styles of the three major tribes in the grassland.

"Capture the old Yuezhi dog alive!"

‘Destroy the Great Yueshi!’

‘Great Qin wins! '

The officers and soldiers of Da Qin burst out with unlimited fighting spirit, and their eyes were even more murderous.

With Fusu killing so many foreigners, they have fully experienced the test of blood and fire.

Both physical and mental qualities have been greatly improved.

Become the elite among the elite who are truly far superior to the prairie people!

That evil spirit is unparalleled!

The Yueshi cavalry were completely intimidated by the imposing momentum of Great Qin's elite.

Everyone's face was pale, their whole bodies felt cold, and they could hardly hold the weapons in their hands.

"I surrender, I surrender, grandpa, spare my life!"

"Let me go please!"

One by one, the Great Yueshi cavalry fell from their horses in a panic, and knelt on the ground, begging the elites of Great Qin for mercy!

For these people, the Great Qin cavalry simply ignored them.

They had lost their fighting spirit and could no longer fight. Become a qualified warrior.

Moreover, the Qin Dynasty is so big that many projects require too many coolies. The two or three hundred thousand Xiongnu young men before were simply not enough.

Although these Da Yueshi people are not as good as The Xiongnu, after all, had some strength, so it was good to use them as coolies.

Looking at Fusu who was getting closer and closer, and the Yuezhi cavalry who knelt down to beg for mercy and managed to survive. The Yuezhi King's face suddenly showed a trace of a sad smile.

Following After the Xiongnu, will the Yuezhi also be exterminated?

Fortunately, I was still laughing at the Donghu people before.

In the end, they were defeated even worse than the Donghu.

The Yuezhi King was filled with horror and shock.

Gritting his teeth, the Yuezhi King directly took out the The sword he carries with him. If he is cruel, he will kill himself here!

He has heard about the special encounter of Touman and Maodun.

It is really a life worse than death!

However, how could Fusu let the Yuezhi King The suicide was successful!

A silver rainbow flew past like lightning, and the gentian silver spear in Fusu's hand directly knocked away King Yuezhi's bronze sword.

The huge force shattered the bronze sword and also He took the Yuezhi King off his horse.

Then, he saw an extremely tall and familiar figure appearing in front of him.

The Yuezhi King closed his eyes in despair.

Wouldn't he even let himself die?

The Great Qin Demon, It's really cruel!

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