However, He Chao didn't bother to explain the principle to them

He planned to let his subordinates build a concrete wall directly

After all, facts speak louder than words

At that time, Yingzheng and they saw the power of cement

Naturally, they will believe what He Chao said. ,

Thinking of this, He Chao waved his hand directly and said calmly:

"Well, since you don't believe it

I'll have my men build a concrete wall out now, and I'll let you test it when the time comes!"

When Meng Tian heard that He Chao was going to start building the wall now, he immediately shook his head and said:

"It's too late to start building the wall, when will it have to wait?"

Meng Tian had been ordered to go to Shangjun to supervise the construction of the Great Wall

I know that the construction of the city wall will take a long time, and it will not be completed in a while.

Ying Zheng was also a little surprised, if He Chao started to build the city wall now,

The walls may not be built today.

He Chao chuckled, stretched out a finger and said:

"Don't be so troublesome, my cement can quickly solidify with sand and gravel

In an hour at most, the concrete wall can be built!".


It only takes an hour to build?

When Meng Tian and Ying Zheng heard this, their eyes widened instantly!

It can be condensed in an hour, and it is still left to them to test

The effect of this cement completely subverts their imagination!

He Chao saw the frightened expressions on the faces of the two, and a touch of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The cement he fired was stronger than the cement in his previous life because of the systematic bonus

Blocking the impact of thousands of troops is not easy?

I don't bother to continue to talk to them

He clapped his hands directly and ordered dozens of subordinates:

"Brethren, there are those who do not believe in the effectiveness of our cement

The owner of this village orders you to build a concrete wall immediately!"

"Yes, Lord!".

The dozens of subordinates at the scene are all skilled craftsmen who build houses in the cottage

For such a simple job as building a wall, it is natural to have your hands on it.

After hearing He Chao's order, he immediately dispersed and acted quickly.


"Jingle bell!".

For a time, dozens of He Chao's subordinates

Some are mixing cement

Some are transporting sand and gravel

Others are building walls, so it can be said that they are very busy.

Meng Tian and Ying Zheng were a little surprised when they saw this scene

He Chao's cottage is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are all kinds of talents.

Looking at the formation that He Chao asked his subordinates to put on,

Ying Zheng and Meng Tian became more curious about the cement city wall in He Chao's mouth.

And He Chao's face still has a confident expression

From time to time, I also give some pointers to the craftsmen on the scene.

In the next hour,

He Chao's subordinates at a speed visible to the naked eye

In full view,

A wall made of concrete was actually erected.

What amazed Yingzheng the most was that

After the city wall was built, it stood still

And it also began to condense at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The whole wall looks dark

It's like wearing a set of black armor, standing solemnly in the sunlight.

Seeing this shocking scene, Ying Zheng was directly stunned!

Dozens of He Chao's subordinates,

A wall was built in one hour!

Such a fast speed is completely beyond the imagination of Ying Zheng and Meng Tian!

And it's amazing that this cement can be condensed in an hour!

For a while, the two of them were amazed, and they were all shocked!

He Chao on the side saw the frightened looks on the faces of the two of them, and said proudly:

"Well, I said I could build the walls in an hour, and you still don't believe me. "

Ying Zheng swallowed his saliva vigorously, calmed down, and subconsciously nodded

"Yes, you do have something in this cement

But is he really as hard as you say?"

He Chao patted his chest and said

"As I said a long time ago, let you test it, and see for yourselves. "

Ying Zheng and Meng Tian nodded, and walked towards the cement wall suspiciously.

When the two of them walked in front of the concrete wall,

Only to find that the wall looked a little thin, not as thick as they thought.

Meng Tian had doubts on his face

Subconsciously patted the wall with his hand, and tried to pick the cement wall with his hand.

However, no matter how he buckled, the concrete wall was unscathed, and there was no mark at all.

It can be said that it can be condensed into this hardness in an hour, which can be said to be quite good.

Immediately, Meng Tian nodded and said in appreciation

"Well, it's quite hard. "

Ying Zheng also patted the wall, and his eyes couldn't help flashing with approval

However, for He Chao's statement just now that this cement wall can withstand the impact of thousands of troops

He was still a little skeptical.

After all, the power brought by thousands of troops is so majestic

He didn't believe that this concrete wall could withstand it!

"Son-in-law, your concrete wall feels a little thin

If someone with a high level of force comes in, maybe a single punch can knock him down. "

"Isn't it too exaggerated to say that it can withstand the onslaught of thousands of troops?"

Meng Tian nodded when he heard this, and then subconsciously glanced at the city wall.

Ying Zheng said well, with his force,

If you're looking for a sledgehammer,

He might be able to knock down such a thin wall!

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