"Good News ......"

"Good News ......"

At the gate of the city, countless people got out of the way, and the rider rushed into the city like a whirlwind!

Hundreds of people in the city quickly gave way to this ride!

Watch as the rider moves swiftly towards the palace.

The people who heard the sound and saw this scene along the way were all boiling!

This voice, this scene is no stranger to them!

During this time, there is constantly good news coming!

They knew that this was the good news of the war within the Zhao Realm!

I don't know what this good news is!

Countless people excitedly began to discuss.

"Haha, I don't know what kind of good news this is!"

"It must be the good news of my Qin and Zhao's war, but I don't know where my Qin army has attacked?"

"The last time I heard that it was the veteran general of Zhao State, Lian Po's army, was broken by the young legendary fierce general of my Qin State, I don't know what it is this time!"

"I heard some generals in Xianyang City discuss, saying that there is only one army left in Jinyang City Li Mu in Zhao State, could it be that my Qin army broke through them?"

"Haha, if that's the case, then I'm afraid that my Qin State will completely destroy the Zhao State, right?"

"Yes, if this is the case, then Zhao Guoding will be destroyed!"

"Tsk, my Qin State has been fighting with Zhao for so many years, but I didn't expect Zhao State to be destroyed by my Qin army in such a short time!"

"Okay, the Zhao Kingdom is finally going to fall!"

"Eh, I heard some people say that it is said that the destruction of Zhao this time is the attention of the legendary fierce general of my Qin army!"

"Is it? This young general is really terrifying! I have never heard of his name before!"

"In the next also, this general's talent is extraordinary, I heard that Handan was also broken by him, and Zhao Guolian's veteran army was also broken by him! I really want to enter the general's mansion to visit this general, and I hope to have the opportunity to become his doorman!"

"I also have this idea below, but it's a pity that I don't have any skills in the next, eh, I'm afraid the general can't look down on the next!"


Countless discussions sounded from all over Xianyang City, and countless Xianyang people were quite excited in their hearts!

They may not feel so much about the destruction of other kingdoms, but Zhao State, as an old opponent of Qin State, doesn't know how many years of war with Qin State, that is, many old people in Xianyang City have fought against Zhao Jun!

Now that the State of Zhao has been destroyed by the State of Qin, can they not be excited?

And when hundreds of people in Xianyang City were talking!

The figure of the cavalryman had already arrived in front of the palace gate, and then dismounted and galloped all the way straight to the palace hall.

"Good News ......"

"Good News ......"

The soldier's voice was heard all the way from the palace gate to the main hall of the palace.

At this time, in the main hall!

The monarchs and ministers of the Qin State are deliberating!

During this period of time, King Qin's expression was radiant, and the front-line war even spread good news, and he couldn't help but be unhappy, that is, he had never been so happy since he became King of Qin.

Many ministers were also in a very good mood during this time, they were one with the Qin State, and the Qin State was going well, so they were naturally happy.

"Good News ......"

Soon the hall heard a loud sound of good news in the distance.


King Qin stood up directly, looked at the rushing figure with great joy and laughed,

"There is good news again, could it be that the Zhao Kingdom has been completely destroyed?"

Countless ministers also turned their heads to look at the figures outside the main hall and discussed.

"Only Jinyang is left unbroken! As soon as Jinyang is broken, the Zhao State will be completely destroyed!"

"I guess it's good news from Jinyang!"

"Yes, it must be the fall of the Zhao Kingdom!"


Countless ministers said excitedly.

Soon, that incomparably swift figure suddenly came to the top of the main hall!

Countless excited and expectant eyes looked at him in unison.

The soldier breathed a sigh of relief, and then bowed to the King of Qin with an excited face: "Report to the king, Jinyang has been broken, and the Zhao State has been completely destroyed!"

The soldier's loud voice echoed in the hall, making everyone who heard it instantly excited.

"Hahaha...... The state of Zhao was finally destroyed by our Qin state! The state of Zhao was destroyed!"

King Qin stood at the head and laughed heartily, his mood boiling with excitement!

Destroy a country! The Kingdom of Zhao has finally been destroyed in the hands of the Lone King!

The Lone King has finally swept away my Great Qin's way out of the east!

From now on, my Qin army will go east and there will be no obstacles!

King Qin's heart is extremely happy, he can destroy a country in his hands, or a powerful country like Zhao, this kind of feat is that no one in the past generations can do it!

Countless ministers also listened and talked to each other excitedly.

"The Zhao State is dead, and all the Zhao land belongs to my Qin State, and the strength of my Qin State will definitely increase greatly!"

"Yes, as soon as the Zhao State is destroyed, the one who can stop my Qin State will probably be the two kingdoms of Qi and Chu!"

"I, Qin and Zhao, have been fighting for nearly a hundred years, and Zhao has finally fallen!"

"This plan to destroy Zhao is really powerful!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that young general to be so terrifying!"


Countless ministers talked excitedly for a while, and then they all turned to look at the King of Qin led by him, and saluted in unison,

"Congratulations to my king, open up the territory for my Great Qin, and compare the merits of the previous kings!"

"Congratulations to my king, open up the territory for my Great Qin, and compare the merits of the previous kings!"


"Haha, it is my Great Qin General Yang Chen who opened up the territory for my Great Qin!"

"The lonely king is waiting for his class to return to the dynasty in Xianyang!"

King Qin laughed.

As the king of Qin, how could he not care about merit, and now that he had completed such feats in his hands and been praised by his courtiers, how could he not be happy.

While the monarch was speaking, the messenger handed over the note of the good news.

The eunuch quickly took it and handed it to the King of Qin.

King Qin opened with excitement and looked at the situation of this battle.

Under this look, King Qin couldn't help but praise again,

"Okay, General Yang took Jinyang without a fight, avoiding the casualties of my Qin soldiers, no wonder it ended so quickly this time!"

Many ministers also nodded their heads after learning about the war.

Especially for the soldiers who were disarmed and returned to their hometowns this time, as long as a few years later, all the cities that the Qin State would get would be stable, and these Zhao soldiers could be conscripted into the army by them and build a strong army.

The news above the court soon spread to Xianyang City, and there were many exciting discussions in Xianyang City.

Moreover, the news of the complete destruction of the Zhao State also reached the courts of the other five countries for the first time!

When the five kingdoms of Yan, Han, Chu, Wei, and Qi all learned the news of Zhao's complete demise, all the kingdoms were silent!

Although they knew that after the fall of Handan, Zhao Jiang would not exist, but being destroyed so quickly was a great surprise to them!

All of a sudden, the princes and countries were all trembling with fear!

I even thought that Qin had destroyed Zhao!

Will the wolf-like Qin army stop there?

If Daqin Tieqi comes out again, then who should be next?

All of a sudden, an undercurrent flowed between countries!

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