Chapter 0101: Suppression from Xianyang Palace!!

Just when the Great Qin Empire occupies 2/3 of the entire world's territory, the luck of the Great Qin Empire is also increasing rapidly at this moment.

In the face of the rapidly increasing fortune of the Great Qin Empire, Ying Zheng, who was currently on the battlefield of Europa, suddenly felt that his strength had become stronger.

"Yo he, I didn't expect them to move so fast."

When Yingzheng sensed it for a while, he immediately found that the national fortune from the Great Qin Empire was in the Mizhou Continent and the entire Southeast Asia and even the Australian belt, as well as the Tsarist Empire.

This means that the current three-way army sent by his Great Qin Empire has captured one area after another, and that area after area has become the territory of the Great Qin Empire, which is why the national fortune of their Great Qin Empire will be strengthened.

"Then I'm sorry, then this time you don't want to leave alive."

The current Ying Zheng looked at the instructor at this moment with a cruel smile, originally the strength of his true dragon doppelganger could only fight with that pope, but now it was different.

The increase is not only the national fortune belonging to the Great Qin Empire, but also his strength!

His strength changes according to the overall strength of the Great Qin Empire, and if the overall strength of the Great Qin Empire is very strong, then his strength will naturally be matched accordingly.

But if the power of the Great Qin Empire is not so strong, then the strength that he, the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, possesses is naturally not very strong.

So how to judge whether an empire is strong or not?

Although judging the strength of an empire is diversified, one thing is very certain.

That is, the territory of a country belongs to the most basic, as long as the territory of this country is very large, no matter how weak the overall strength of this country is, the national fortune of this country will not be bad under this huge territorial factor.

After all, in that vast land, what is matched is the common people who belong to one after another.

Even if some countries have a very vast territory but a very small population, then perhaps the national fortune of this country is not very good, but under the influence of that vast land, the national fortune of this country will not be bad.

As for the present-day Great Qin Empire?

The current Daqin Empire has incorporated 2/3 of the entire world's territory into the rule of the Daqin Empire, and those ordinary people who are included in the territory ruled by the Daqin Empire today may not recognize them as ordinary people belonging to the Daqin Empire, but who let the place where they are currently in is already the territory of the Daqin Empire?

No matter how they didn't recognize them as the common people who belonged to the Great Qin Empire, they would still have some luck.

In the end, these lucks naturally led to the improvement of the national fortune of the Great Qin Empire, and the improvement of the national fortune of the Great Qin Empire would naturally cause the strength of this Lord of Great Qin to win the government.

"What's going on?"

"Why has his strength become stronger?"

The pope opposite Yingzheng looked at the victory at this moment with that incredible gaze in his eyes.

In his current induction, the current strength of winning politics has actually been improved at this moment.

Although this improvement is not particularly much, but in general, the strength of Winzheng has been improved.

You must know that in their level of existence, sometimes a trace of strength improvement can determine the victory or defeat of the battle, not to mention that the strength improved by winning the government at this moment is not too little strictly speaking.

To know that the result of the battle between them just now belongs to them, they are all tied with each other, and as a result, the strength of winning the government has actually increased at this moment, then this situation is not necessarily the case.

The current pope's eyes carried an unprecedented seriousness.

"Great Light Technique!"

For a moment, the current pope's eyes carried an unprecedented seriousness.

Knowing that this pope at this time and moment can understand very clearly, he must not take it lightly, if he takes a wrong step at this time, then the result he will face will be absolutely very heavy.


An unprecedented force of light erupted madly from the current Pope's body.

In the face of that unprecedented power of light, the current look in the eyes of the pope opposite Yingzheng was with that disdain, and he did not put this pope in his heart before his strength was improved, let alone him after his strength was improved at this moment.

The current government does not take this pope at this moment to heart at all

"Then let you see the power from the Great Qin Empire!"

At the same time, there is an unprecedented seriousness in the eyes of the current winner, although he does not take the pope very seriously, it does not mean that he will despise the other party.

The lion fight is also using all his strength, so even if the government at this moment looks down on this pope, the power that should be used still needs to be there.


In an instant, the winning government from this moment was to mobilize the power of the entire Great Qin Empire at this moment.

What is needed to mobilize the current victory is the power that belongs to all aspects of the entire Great Qin Empire, from the territory of the Great Qin Empire and from all the symbols owned by the Great Qin Empire, and even those ordinary people above the Great Qin Empire.


As Winzheng began to mobilize the current force, an unprecedented aura also began to permeate Winzheng's body.

A magnificent will began to revive in the body of the current winning government, and as that magnificent will was revived in the winning body, the current unprecedented 4.8 force also began to burst out.

It was a palace, and what kind of palace was that palace?

Those Daqin soldiers who were currently on the battlefield just looked at the palace phantom that appeared in the sky, and couldn't help but slightly read out the words on the palace plaque: "Xianyang Palace." "

That's right, the force mobilized by the winning government is the Xianyang Palace, the symbol of the current Great Qin Empire.

After all, Xianyang Palace belongs to the most central place of the imperial city of the Great Qin Empire, and the Xianyang Palace represents the symbol of the supremacy of the imperial power of the Great Qin Empire.

At this moment, in the face of the national power of the Great Qin Empire mobilized by the current winning government, then naturally the phantom of Xianyang Palace burst out.


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