Chapter 0106 - Appearing in the Prefecture!!

Just when the armies from the three major empires were fighting with the army led by the current Zhang Handan, in the sea area west of the Europa continent, the army led by Wang Ban came to the current Europa continent at this moment.

"Is this the most powerful zone in this world?"

Wang Bian's eyes looked at the Europa Continent in his field of vision with that curiosity.

According to what Wang Ben knew, when his Great Qin Empire did not descend on this world, the Europa Continent belonged to this world's well-deserved world center.

It is precisely because of this that when the current Wang Ban is now on the so-called Europa continent, which is known as the center of the world, Wang Kuan still has a little emotion.

"Even if you once belonged to the center of the world, now you are about to be conquered by the Great Qin Empire!"

At the same time, I saw that Wang Ban said with that serious self-talk in his eyes.

"The whole army obeys the order!"


"Take down the Europa continent!"

With Wang Bian's order, the soldiers one after another looked at the Europa Continent at this moment with that bloodthirsty gaze in their eyes.

"Kill kill kill!"

Nahao's mighty army thus began to attack the entire continent of Europa.


The overwhelming army launched an attack on the entire continent centered on the west of the continent.

At the same time that the current Daqin army led by Wang Ban launched an attack on the entire Europa continent, the Russian Empire has been completely solved by the army currently led by Wang Chui.

Of course, there must be the role of the five demon kings in this.

If there were no five demon kings, with the current 100,000 army plus the 10,000 zombie legion, at most it was only 110,000 troops, where could these 110,000 troops have the ability to completely wipe out the entire Russian Empire?

Perhaps, after all, they have an army of 10,000 zombies here, but they are not so fast.

But when they had the assistance of the five demon kings, this speed was fast, at least the army led by Wang Yi today directly penetrated the entire Russian Empire.

After the Russian Empire was penetrated by the current Wang Yi, the army led by Wang also came to the current continent of Europa.

"Launch an attack on the entire Europa continent!"

With Wang Yi's order, the mighty army began to charge towards the Europa Continent.


The overwhelming army continued to advance towards the entire Europa Continent, and in this way, with the unification of the three major empires of the Europa Continent, the three-way army from the Great Qin Empire also entered the entire Europa Continent from all angles.

At the same time that the current three-way army is entering the entire Europa continent, the figure of the winning government as the lord of Daqin has come to the current prefecture.

That's right, Win Zheng came to the prefecture.

After all, as the current emperor of the Great Qin Empire, as the emperor of the world, it will not even be long before he becomes the lord of the world, so about the existence of the prefecture, Ying Zheng needs to have a good understanding.

Because this world will become the world of the Great Qin Empire in the future, then Yingzheng will definitely not allow some forces that are not under his control in the world he controls.

Behind Yingzheng, he followed one after another Daomen masters.

"Difu, I didn't expect that we would appear in Difu so openly one day."

The eyes of those Daomen who were currently coming from this moment had that deep emotion in their eyes.

Regarding the prefecture, they must be very clear, and even the number of times they have contact with the prefecture is not a few.

But after all, they are also living people who belong to the Eight Classics of Zheng'er, and the prefecture is where the dead are, so they really rarely arrive in the prefecture in ordinary times.

But now, they have appeared in the underworld in the body of human beings.

As the leaders led by Win Zheng appeared in the prefecture, the black and white impermanence and even the bullhead horse face currently in the prefecture and the ghosts in the entire prefecture had no intention of blocking it at all

"We, King Yan Luo, are waiting for you inside."

At present, Black and White Impermanence acted as a receptionist and said slightly to Yingzheng at this moment.

As for those Daomen in charge?

Sorry, it was directly ignored by the black and white impermanence at the moment, and the only person who needs to entertain in the black and white impermanence at the moment is the person who wins the government.

Facing these two black and white impermanence in myths and legends at this moment, Yingzheng's eyes have a trace of calm, but there is a trace of emotion in his heart.

"I didn't expect that I would actually see the legendary black and white impermanence now."

"It's amazing."

Ying Zheng sighed slightly in his heart.

This is black and white impermanence!

The mythological degree of black and white impermanence on the land of Shenzhou can be said to be very high, because the other party represents death, because as long as these two appear, it means that there are living people dying.

So the world is full of awe for black and white impermanence, and now he has seen these two black and white impermanence, and black and white impermanence acts as a receptionist.

How can this not make Ying Zheng feel a trace of emotion?

Just when Ying Zheng fell into a burst of emotion, his current figure was brought to the core area of the prefecture by black and white impermanence, and at this moment, they also appeared outside the current Yan Luo Hall.

"Is this Yan Luo Temple?"

The heads of the Daomen looked at the hall they were in with a sense of amazement in their eyes.

There is a saying in the folk that is very good, Yan Wang let you 5.5 three more death, who dares to keep you to five more?

The Yan King here refers to the Yan Luo King, and the place they are in now is the hall that belongs to the Yan Luo King, which even if these Dao Sect Leaders, they may not be able to enter on weekdays.

So at this moment, these Daomen are also amazingly surprised now.

Facing the surprise possessed by the heads of the Dao Sect one after another, Ying Zheng's gaze only looked at the figure on the main throne in the Yan Luo Hall.

"You are King Yan Luo?"

The current Yingzheng said with that calm opening in his eyes.

Facing the words from Yingzheng, the figure sitting on the main throne also smiled and said: "That's right, under it is the King of Yan Luo!" "

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