Chapter 0109 - The Great Qin Empire that Took Over the Prefecture!!

"I've already explained what should be explained, so I'll leave now."

"The world is left to you."

King Yan Luo said with that smile in his tone.

For the current King of Yan Luo, there is no problem at all in handing over this world to Zheng'er, after all, Winning Zheng is also the Lord of Huaxia who belongs to the Eight Classics of Zheng'er, although it is not the Lord of Huaxia who belongs to their world, but it is also the Lord of Huaxia that belongs to the Eight Classics of Zheng'er.

The Shenzhou Emperor can be used to describe the current victorious government.

Therefore, as the exclusive prefecture of the land of Shenzhou, it is not impossible to give it to this emperor of Shenzhou for management.

In the eyes of the many leaders of those factions that he had behind him, he also looked at the current Yingzheng with that emotion, and even with that surprised gaze.

There are winning governments from other worlds, and they are very, very surprised to be able to fight a world in their world, and the emperors from the Great Qin Empire in other worlds have successfully laid down a great empire in their world, which is very shocking enough for them.

But now what?

Now I'm afraid this is not enough.

Now Win Zheng actually became 177 for the lord of the earth in their world!

This is the prefecture that belongs to the Eight Classics!

The result?

The emperors of the Great Qin Empire from other worlds not only became the emperors of the Divine State of their world, but even became the lords of the prefectures in their current world.

All of this made them feel a deep surprise now, even they felt a sense of incredulity.

Even now they have to exclaim, is this the deterrent brought by the winning government?!

"You can rest assured that this world and the prefecture can be completely handed over to Xuan, and Xu will definitely not live up to your expectations."

I saw that Yingzheng's eyes said with an unprecedented seriousness.

In the face of the words spoken by the current Yingzheng, the figure of the safe Yan King also slowly dissipated in the current Yan King Hall at this moment.

At the same time that the figure from King Yan Luo disappeared in the Yan King Hall at this moment, the current Ying Zheng looked at the Yan Luo King who was currently disappearing into the Yan King Hall, and then looked at the entire Yan King Hall, and there was an unprecedented joy in Ying Zheng's eyes.

"Very good, the whole world belongs to Xu from now on!"

In an instant, I saw that there was an unprecedented joy in Yingzheng's eyes.

For the current winning government, this can really be regarded as a news worth celebrating, after all, this is the prefecture that controls life and death!

The prefecture that masters the cycle of life and death is now in his hands.

"Then let one of my doppelgangers become the lord of the earth."

The current Ying Zheng immediately thought of the best way after looking at the Great Yan King Hall.

First of all, how should the Great Qin Empire deal with the entire prefecture? This is a major problem!

The method of dealing with the government can be said to be very simple.

Instead of canonizing a so-called lord of the prefecture to manage the entire prefecture for him, then why can't he let one of his doppelgangers manage the entire prefecture and do what he says, and when the idea of winning the government appeared, I saw that the current winning government did not hesitate to mobilize the luck of the entire Great Qin Empire.

"Daqin Qi luck, come on!"

As the winning government began to mobilize the qi luck of the entire Daqin Empire, the luck of the Daqin Empire from the current human world also rioted madly at this moment


With the luck of the qi possessed in the entire human world, at the same time as the crazy riot at this moment, those cultivators who had the entire human world looked at the direction of the sky with a confused gaze.

"So what's going on?"

At present, the Dao Nineteenth Uncle of the Maoshan Sect looked at the ten scenes that appeared in his field of vision at this moment with a forced moonlight in his eyes.

He actually saw that the national fortune of the Great Qin Empire had shaken, and the most important thing was that the national fortune of the Great Qin Empire actually poured in the direction of the prefecture, as if there was something in the prefecture that was very worthy of attracting them.

At the same time that the current Ninth Uncle felt such surprise, all the cultivators in the entire world also felt that surprise.

Under the astonished gazes of all the cultivators in the entire world, the national fortunes from the current Great Qin Empire also poured into the prefecture at this moment.


As the national fortune of the Great Qin Empire appeared in the prefecture, an extremely large black Qi Luck True Dragon appeared in the prefecture.

Facing that extremely huge black Qi Luck True Dragon, there was a panic in the eyes of the ghosts that came from the current possession of the underground mansion.

"This, this..."

"This is a dragon!"

In an instant, one ghost after another looked at the Qi Luck True Dragon that spanned the entire prefecture with that deep panic in their eyes.

In the face of the panic of those ghosts, the current extremely huge Qi Luck True Dragon slowly turned into a human form under the gaze of the ghosts of the entire prefecture.


With the formation of this human form, at this moment, I saw that cold shadow wearing a crown, wearing a pitch-black imperial robe, and a black sword around his waist, staring at the entire prefecture so calmly.

"Shunai Yingzheng!"

"From now on, the entire prefecture will belong to the territory of the Great Qin Empire!"

"The Great Qin Empire will take over the entire prefecture from now on, and you will be part of the Great Qin Empire!"

The current Yingzheng said with that serious opening in his eyes.

"And Xu now belongs to the lord of the prefecture!"

As Yingzheng's words fell, the eyes of the ghost geniuses who had one after another in the entire prefecture were so incredulous, and they all looked at each other with that confusion in the eyes of one ghost after another.

Some belonged to the ghosts who had just arrived in the prefecture, when they looked at the figure in the sky and the words that resounded throughout the prefecture.

"The Great Qin Emperor ruled the prefecture?"

Such a thought appeared in the minds of the ghosts who had just arrived in the prefecture.

They have just died, they know what the situation in the whole world belongs to, and the world has been ruled by the Great Qin Empire!

I didn't expect that the prefecture would actually be ruled by the Great Qin Empire!

"Is this the power of the Great Qin Emperor?"

This emotion emerged in the minds of one ghost after another.

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