Chapter 0112 - Temptation from Eternal Life!!

"Except for some soldiers who stayed behind to garrison this world, the others returned to the Great Qin Empire with Xuan."

The current Yingzheng said with a slight smile in his eyes.

As far as the winning government from this moment is concerned, their Great Qin Empire has unified the entire world, and when their Great Qin Empire unifies this whole world, it is time for their Great Qin Empire to start returning to the homeland of their Great Qin Empire to completely unify that world.

Overall, after their Great Qin Empire unified this world, it was time for them to start returning to their native world.


Listening to the words coming from this moment, the eyes of the current generals one after another replied with that seriousness.

For the group of generals from the current Great Qin Empire, they are also very, very happy.

After all, this war has indeed been fought for a long time, and they have finally finished this war completely!

And most importantly, they also won!

They laid down a world 26 realm for the Great Qin Empire!

From now on, the Great Qin Empire is already an empire with one world!

"I didn't expect our Great Qin Empire to be so huge."

Wang Yi said with a deep emotion in his eyes.

For the former Wang Yi, he thought that their Great Qin Kingdom's ability to dominate the six countries was already a very magnificent era!

But now what?

Under the leadership of their majesties, their Great Qin Empire has expanded their territory to another world!

The most important thing is that their Great Qin Empire has laid down an entire world!

It's a whole world!

Facing a scene of such a world in the face of today's Great Qin Empire, how could Wang Yi not be amazed at this moment?

"Haha, I'm afraid this is still the first step in the rise of our Daqin Empire."

"In the future, our Great Qin Empire will definitely create more than this feat."

At present, Li Xin's eyes on the side said with that joy.

For the current Li Xin, their Great Qin Empire has currently unified this world, and in Li Xin's opinion, this is definitely the first step!

Their Great Qin Empire will rule one world after another in the future!

And this world is just the beginning!

"Haha, that's right, this is just the beginning."

Wang Yi on the side also nodded slightly and smiled.

"The class teacher returns to the dynasty!"

At the same time that one after another generals below began to discuss carefully, Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the dragon chair, had that calm order in his eyes.

In this way, in addition to the remaining 500,000 troops stationed in every corner of the world, the remaining 500,000 troops and 100,000 zombie legions returned to the current territory of the Great Qin Empire.

"Have you heard?"

"Our Great Qin Empire has unified all of that world in another world!"

"The territory of our Great Qin Empire has expanded to another world, and our Great Qin Empire has already laid down a world."

When the army led by Yingzheng returned, the news about what the current Great Qin Empire had made in another world at this moment was naturally passed on like this.

After all, the entire army of 500,000 people is a participant in this war.

Therefore, when the 500,000 troops returned to the mainland of the Great Qin Empire, they naturally began to pass on this news.


"Is our Great Qin Empire already so powerful?"

At the same time, when the ordinary people who did not know what happened listened to the words of those who knew the current situation, there was a deep surprise in their eyes at this moment.

Although they knew that their Great Qin Empire had gone on a campaign, they even belonged to other worlds to fight.

But I really didn't know that their Great Qin Empire actually laid down a world!

"Then is our majesty the Lord of the World?"

When the common man at this moment listened to the words he was currently saying, he said with a slightly thoughtful tone in his current eyes.

"Lord of the World?"

"It seems to be ha, too."

"Since we have all laid down a world, then our majesty naturally belongs to the lord of the world!"

In an instant, that firm voice began to sound.

In this way, the entire Xianyang City was completely shaken.

Their majesty actually became the lord of the world!

That is the Lord of the World who belongs to the Eight Classics!

How can this not surprise the current ordinary people?

While the common people who had in the entire Xianyang City were celebrating that their majesty had laid down a world, the focus of those officials in the current Great Qin Empire was different.

"There is reincarnation in another world?"

"Even if a person really dies, the soul can enter the hell house and reincarnate."

"The lord of the prefecture in that current world is a doppelganger belonging to His Majesty?"

When those officials 570 from the Great Qin Empire learned the current news, their eyes were filled with that deep shock.

The lord of the prefecture, the most important thing is that even if they die, they can be reincarnated.

That is to say, even if they really die one day in the future, they can be reincarnated in that world, and then as the lord of the earth, they will belong to their majesty.

That is to say, once they are reincarnated, they can immediately awaken this memory of their current body.

Isn't this eternal life in a way?!

When all the officials in the current Great Qin Empire were faced with the temptation of eternal life, none of the officials could endure it.


One official after another had that deep excitement in their eyes.

That's eternal life!

Who doesn't want eternal life?

When the opportunity for eternal life was presented to them, all the officials made up their minds in their hearts.

"Be sure to serve Your Majesty!"

"Absolutely nothing can be done against Your Majesty!"

In an instant, the eyes of the officials who owned one after another in the entire Xianyang City carried that deep firmness.

They want to be loyal to the Great Qin Empire forever!

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