Chapter 0120 - Establishing a State on the Ruins!!

"Be bold!"

"Don't hurry up and put your sword down yet!"

In an instant, facing Yan Chixia who was holding the Xuanyuan sword, the current generals immediately said to Yan Chixia with that stern gaze in their eyes, and at the same time, one after another generals also pulled out the swords on their waists fiercely.

"Brush brush brush!"

As one general after another began to draw the sword from their waist, one general after another also aimed the sword in their hands at Yan Chixia at this moment.

In an instant, the situation on the scene directly changed earth-shatteringly.

And at this moment, when the situation at the scene changed earth-shatteringly, at this moment, Yingzheng's eyes looked at the current Yan Chixia with that slight smile

"Your name is Yan Chixia?"

The current Yingzheng said with that inquiring tone.

Faced with the words spoken by Yingzheng, Yan Chixia's eyes replied with that affirmation: "That's right, don't change your name or your surname in the downside!" "

"I am Yan Chixia!"

At present, I saw Yan Chixia's eyes with that serious reply.


"What exactly is the origin of these guys?"

Although Yan Chixia's eyes were said to have that calmness, but at this moment, when he looked at the current boss and abbot one after another, Yan Chixia's heart was definitely not as calm as he seemed, what did he see?

He saw that the current Taoist leaders and those Buddhist abbots all belonged to the Yuan Infant realm!

That's right, the other party's strength all belongs to the Yuan Infant realm of the Eight Classics!

Even Yan Chixia was still among the group of people who sensed a wave of demon qi.

That is to say, in this group, all of them belong to the side of the Cause Realm, and there are some Reason Realm demon king-level existences.

How could this not make the current Yan Chixia feel so incredible?

The current Yan Chixia really felt that incredible.

Now Yan Chixia only wants to know one thing, that is, what does the other party's origin belong to?!

When did such a huge force pop up in this world?

Facing the look that Yan Chixia could have at this moment, although Yan Chixia seemed to be very, very calm on the surface, in front of Ying Zheng, he completely saw the deep surprise contained in Yan Chixia's heart.


"You can rest assured, we are not some kind of demon or monster."

"I think you also saw those armies outside."

"I think that million-strong army should be able to prove Xuan's identity, right?"

The current Ying Zheng smiled and looked at Yan Chixia at this moment.

For Yan Chixia such an existence, then Yingzheng's view is that if he can recruit the other party into his Great Qin Empire, then recruit the other party as much as possible.

Let's not talk about the strength of the other party, just by virtue of what the other party can describe in the original plot, because I can't get used to the practice of those corrupt officials, I finally chose to give up my official body, and finally chose to wander the world to kill demons and get rid of demons.

With this alone, we can see the justice contained in Yan Chixia's heart.

It just so happens that today's Great Qin Empire needs this kind of existence with justice in its heart!

Then add to the current Yan Chixia's own strength, which also belongs to the Yuan Infant realm of the Eight Classics.

That's right, the current winning government can completely see that the current Yan Chixia's own strength belongs to the Yuan Infant realm of the Eight Classics.

An existence with justice in his heart to benefit the people, and the strength of the other party is still so strong, so how can Yingzheng be full of malice towards Yan Chixia at this time?

At the very least, the current winning government still belongs to Yan Chixia with a trace of goodwill.

At this moment, Yan Chixia was facing the kindness exuded by the current winning government, and Yan Chixia's eyes were filled with that doubt.

It's very simple, because Yan Chixia doesn't know who Yingzheng really is!

When Yan Chixia didn't know who Yingzheng belonged to at all, how could he easily contact the goodwill exuded by Yingzheng at this time?

If he really belongs to the kind of person who is very casual, I am afraid that he has already died.

He can make a name for himself in today's current situation, it is not his strength, although his strength itself is very strong, but there is still his vigilance...

When the strength of a strong person is very strong, he is also vigilant, and that pair of ten thousand should definitely belong to the flood.


Suddenly, Yan Chixia at this moment noticed the self-proclaimed possession of Yingzheng.

That's a title that only an emperor can have!

"So, this is a real rebel army?"

At present, Yan Chixia looked at the current moment with a deep silence in her heart, and then looked at the murderous army that she had outside the Lanruo Temple.

"I think I need to know where you're coming from and what you're for."

I saw Yan Chixia said with that serious opening in her eyes.

Facing the serious words that came from the current Yan Chixia and the calm face of Yan Chixia at this moment, the current winner smiled slightly.

"Isn't what Xu is showing obvious?"

"The purpose of Xu is simple, Xu is to overthrow the current country!"

"I want to build a country that belongs to Xu on the ruins of this country!"

At present, Yingzheng's eyes carry an unprecedented seriousness.

That's what he's for!

He came to destroy the country, he wanted to re-establish a state on the territory of this ruined country!

It's that simple, and WinZheng has no idea of guiding at all.

"As for what is Xin doing now?"

"If you say that Xu is now leading the army to wander around, do you believe it?"

Huan Zheng smiled and looked at Yan Chixia at the moment.

In the face of the words from Yingzheng, Yan Chixia's eyes are currently with that kind of emotion, and even with that expression that you are teasing me.

Leading an army of millions to wander around?

He Yan Chixia didn't believe it!

However, for the main purpose of winning the government this time, the current Yan Chixia fell into silence for a while.

Because the victory just made it clear that it was necessary to overthrow the current country!

The other party is going to rebel!

However, he still felt the silence of the current official of this imperial court, and even a little overwhelmed.

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