Chapter 0123 - Grandma Dryad Bombarded into Slag!!

"You are also monsters, can't it be that you just watch me being solved by this group of Daoist priests and monks?!"

When the current dryad grandmother saw that there was actually a group of monsters in this group of dozens of Yuan Infant realms, she shouted loudly at this moment.

"You're all monsters just like me!"

"We should join hands to fight this group of guys!"

At present, I saw the dryad grandmother shouting loudly.

He hoped that the current group of guys would hear what he was saying, and then launch an attack on the group of Daoist priests and monks.

As long as those ten youkai can join hands with him to resist them together, Grandma Dryad has the confidence that one is strong enough to survive.

In the face of the words told by the current dryad grandmother, the monsters led by the fox king at this moment looked at the dryad grandmother with that disdainful gaze.

"Could it be that you don't know that we are in a gang?"

At this moment, the fox king looked at the current dryad grandmother with a look of disdain in his eyes.

"I'm afraid you're not a blood sucking fool, right?"

At this moment, the fox king's eyes had that hint of mockery.

Although both of them belong to youkai, the problem is that none of them really have a tree-type youkai here.

All of them belong to the animal type.

There was no relationship between the two of them at all, plus they themselves belonged to the existence of Daqin's side, how could they possibly help the current dryad grandmother?

Sorry, although they all belong to the youkai and they all belong to the demon race, it does not mean that they have a problem with their heads.

"Let's fix it."

The Tiger King on the side said with a calm opening in his eyes.

"No problem, then this guy with brain problems can be solved!"

The current Fox King nodded slightly.

"Then let's act!"

Then, only in the eyes of the demon king one after another, he looked at the current dryad grandmother with a cruel gaze.

"Five Thunder Zhengfa!"


As one after another Dao Gate Heads began to attack the current Dryad Grandma, the thunder formed when the more than a dozen Gate Heads used these five types of formations together slashed the Dryad Grandma stupidly.

"Pudu sentient beings!"

One after another, the abbots of the Buddha Gate also began to drive the Buddha light in their bodies at this moment.


Wisps of Buddha light that exuded a peaceful aura also began to permeate from the bodies of those Buddhist abbots at this moment, and directly towards the dryad grandmother who was stupid by the thunder.

"Brute Bull Rush!"

"Tiger roar!"

"Enchant all beings!"

The ten demon kings also began to attack that dryad grandmother one after another at this moment.

When those dozens of Yuan Infant Realm existences all began to attack the current Dryad Grandma, the Dryad Grandma at this moment was completely unable to resist.


"You damn it, ah!"

When the Dryad Grandma at this moment faced the current attack after attack, he was directly and completely blinded.

He felt that one powerful force after another was beginning to destroy the tree body in his body.


As the thunder that symbolizes the killing of all evil began to hit the current dryad grandmother fiercely, as the Buddha light of the Napudu sentient beings began to go towards the current dryad grandmother, who knew that the demon kings of Na'a as a monster also attacked the tree demon grandmother at this moment.

That powerful force directly blasted the current dryad grandmother directly into pieces.


In an instant, the seemingly very powerful Dryad Grandma was completely blasted to pieces.

"Oh, rubbish."

After facing the current dryad grandma was completely solved like this, at this moment, the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master looked at the dryad grandmother of Huawei fragments with that disdainful gaze in his eyes.

"Why don't you take a look and see if there's anything like that."

"After all, he himself is a monster that belongs to the tree type, and the other party's vitality must be very strong, and it will not be good if there are really some fragments and resurrected again." It would not be good if there were really some fragments that were resurrected again. "

Yan Chixia looked at the dryad grandmother who had been completely blasted to pieces with wide eyes, and said to those demon kings with a searching gaze.

He really didn't expect that this opponent, who was considered very difficult in his eyes, would be completely solved like this, and the other party had no strength to resist at all, so it was completely bombarded into pieces.

However, after the other party was bombarded to pieces like this, Yan Chixia at this moment felt that she might be able to let the demon kings who were also monsters take a good look at whether the other party had any remnants of their torsos that could survive or something.

"No problem, these monsters that are made into spirits such as trees are very difficult in themselves, and they really need to be carefully examined."

The current demon kings have no surprise at all about Yan Chixia's vigilance, after all, the degree of difficulty of the tree type monsters is famous, plus they themselves belong to the monsters, they can understand very clearly how difficult this type of monster is.

Soon, those demon kings directly bombarded the roots of the tree demon grandmother possessed in the depths of the earth into powder according to the induction of the demon qi.

When the last root of the dryad grandmother was turned into ashes and scattered between heaven and earth, at this moment, Yan Chixia also began to dig out the ashes of the ghost imprisoned by the dryad grandmother.

"These guys will be handed over to His Majesty to solve it."

The current Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master looked at the body of this group of ghosts, some guys did not have some grievances, and then frowned slightly, and then spoke, these guys did not have resentment on their bodies, which means that they did not do anything particularly excessive, plus they were coerced by the girdle just now, they are not the kind of unreasonable existence.

Let their Majesty solve it.

See if you want to take them to reincarnate this group of guys after restoring the prefecture of this world, or directly bring them to their world for reincarnation.

"Thank you, Governors!"

At the same time, when the ghosts were brought out one after another, they heard the words spoken by the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master, and all the guys had that deep emotion in their eyes.

In this way, the dryad grandmother, who is one of the bosses in the Qiannu Ghost World, was completely solved.

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