Chapter 0142 - Breaking into the Human Army of the Prefecture!!

"Your Majesty, I think we may be able to drive directly to the Yan King Hall!"

"Although the two worlds may be different, and even the prefectures of the two worlds may be different, I think the prefectures between this world and our world should be similar."

"The most suitable place must be the Yan King Hall, which belongs to the Eight Classics of Zheng'er."

"So we just need to go to the Yan King Hall and occupy the entire Hades Hall, and finally Guan Quan will know the real situation of this world."

The current Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master said with a serious opening in his eyes.

He really felt that instead of being so prepared to run around the entire prefecture headlessly, it was better to directly start attacking the core of the entire prefecture.

Listening to the words from the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master at this moment, the current Yingzheng nodded calmly.

"It makes sense."

At this moment, Yingzheng can be regarded as highly agreeing with the words spoken by the current Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master.

Because the words spoken by the other party can completely belong to the summary to the point.

At the very least, the current situation 26 is here.

Instead of them just running back and forth throughout the entire prefecture, then it was better to directly enter the Yan King Hall like this.

"Wang Yi and Li Xin, the two of you will lead the legions under his command to bring the entire prefecture and other areas under the rule of the Great Qin Empire."

"As for the rest."

"The Praetorian Guard and the Zombie Legion follow Xu to Yan Luo Hall at this moment!"


With the current wave of the winning government, the mighty army began to set off completely.


One after another, the generals replied respectfully.

At the same time that one after another generals replied so respectfully, the mighty army also began to attack the entire prefecture.

When the mighty army launched an attack on the entire prefecture, Yingzheng at this moment began to lead his Praetorian Guard Legion and the zombie legion at this moment, plus the teachers of the cultivation academy one after another, towards the direction of the current Yan Luo Temple.


Under that order, surrounded by those 2 million troops, one cultivator after another also moved forward with that emotion like the Yan Luo Hall at this moment.

An army of 4 million from the Great Qin Empire began to attack throughout the prefecture.


"It's not good!"

"The emperor from the world sent troops to fight in!"

At the same time, at this moment, a little ghost with that panicked face directly began to shout at his great king in panic.


"What's so alarming?!"

At present, the Black Mountain old demon was listening to the words told by the little devil under his hand, and at this moment, the Black Mountain old demon had that calm in his eyes.

In the current Black Mountain old demon, no existence can make him have any mood swings just like that.

That's right, in the current Montenegrin goblin looks like this.

There is no being that can make him have mood swings.

"Wait, what did you just say?"

Suddenly, the old demon of Montenegro looked at the little devil in front of him with that surprised look in his eyes.

"You just said that the emperor of the world led an army into the prefecture?"

At the same time, the eyes of the Black Mountain old demon carried that incredulity.

In the face of the incredulity in the eyes of the old demon from Montenegro, the current little ghost's eyes are filled with an affirmation.

"Yes, King!"

"The emperor from the world has entered the prefecture!"

"And that mighty army has already laid down a lot of territory, especially the full army of 2 million is attacking in the direction of our current Yan Luo Temple."

I saw that the little ghost told him like this, and all the information he understood came out, and when the little ghost's words fell, the eyes of the Black Mountain old demon had an unprecedented seriousness.

"It seems that the group of guys in the world are going to completely sweep away all of our prefecture!"

In an instant, the Black Mountain old demon understood what the situation was.

There is no doubt that all of this is the masterpiece of one sect after another that belongs to the world.

As for the emperor of the world, he would just break into his prefecture?

Sorry, in the current Montenegrin old demon it seems that the other party does not have the guts at all.

You must know that they belong to the prefecture that controls life and death!

Even if the entire prefecture has been mastered by these demons and monsters at present, at least the current impression of their prefecture in the world belongs to the place where life and death are mastered.

How could the emperor of the world have the audacity to launch an attack on their prefecture?

It must be the result of the convergence of one sect after another belonging to the world.

They brought the emperor of the world with them!

At this moment, the Montenegrin goblin looks like this.

"Damn guys!"

"I didn't bother you on weekdays, but now you actually want to come and kill us!"

The eyes of the current Montenegrin old demon carried that anger.

Obviously, at this moment, the old demon of Montenegro looked so that he had no intention of provoking those sects in the past.

They can almost be regarded as well water and river water.

They don't provoke those sects in the 563 people, and the guys in the human sects won't come and clean them up.

The unspoken rules have almost been agreed between the two of them.

But what about the results now?

Those sects from the human world actually united to attack their prefecture!

How can this not make the Montenegrin goblin angry?!

"Even if you really unite like this, the strength you have can't defeat us at all!"

"I'll let you see the price of offending us later!"

At this moment, the eyes of the Black Mountain old demon carried that unprecedented anger

"Start mobilizing all the demons and monsters we have in our territory!"

"Prepare to fight with some human army!"

"Let those damn guys understand that they have pulled the army of the human world over, and we also have our own army in Hades!"

At this moment, the old demon of Montenegro had a hint of unhappiness in his eyes.

"Obey and obey."

The current imp replied with a tremor in his eyes.

"Tread, tread..."

With the fall of the footsteps, I saw that the figure of the little ghost notified by the front desk completely disappeared in place.

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