Chapter 0144 - The Great Qin Empire that Declared War on the Prefecture!!


"The current combat method is very good."

Yingzheng looked at the current fighting methods of those soldiers and nodded in satisfaction.

If nothing else, just by virtue of these soldiers' current combat methods, they are really good now, and at this moment, they have begun to have mana in their bodies, and they directly turn the mana in their bodies into arrows and shoot towards Qianwan.

Perhaps the arrows condensed by a soldier are not so powerful, but if the millions of soldiers in the entire Guards Legion make common actions, such as the wave of millions of incendiary arrows just now.

Then the power behind this is no joke.

At the very least, the power contained in it can be regarded as a fatal injury for those armies formed by demons and monsters.

At the very least, the flames restrained them.

"Thunder arrow, anti-shooting!"

Zhang Handan's orders continued to fall.

"Brush brush brush!!"

Another soldier began to use the mana in their body, constructed an arrow to put on the bow and arrow, and then launched it.


As all the soldiers in the million-strong army began to use the mana in their bodies into thunder arrows and launched them forward, the thunder arrows gathered by the millions of soldiers directly condensed into thunder in the sky of the entire prefecture.


Thunder began to resound wildly from the entire sky above the prefecture.

As the power of thunder began to converge in the sky, the lightning bolts also slashed fiercely towards the Yin Legion below.


An explosion began to echo continuously in the Yin Legion below, and when the explosion sound began to reverberate wildly in the Yin Legion below, the protective shields constructed by one Yin soldier after another did not play any role in the face of this thunder force.


In an instant, one demon after another began to roar madly under the power of this thunder.

They felt their bodies collapsing madly on this thunder power.

"You damn it!"

At the same time that the demons and ghosts in the Yin Legion were roaring madly, when the demons and monsters in the Yin Legion were deeply damaged by this wave of attack, the loud sound that was remembered in the sky at this moment.


An incomparably strong force erupted in the sky.


As that incomparable power erupted in the sky, a strong and incomparable yin qi also began to pervade the sky.

And that incomparably strong Yin Qi soon enveloped the soldiers of the Yin Legion below.


The soldiers in the Yin Legion one after another, under the shroud of this strong and incomparable heroic qi, soon began to emerge from that thunder force.

"Thank you, King!"

One after another, the Yin soldiers in the Yin Legion began to kneel madly to the sky.

It was clear that the being in the sky was their king.

"You trash!"

"Lost my face!"

The eyes of the Black Mountain old demon who was currently in the sky were so filled with that deep anger.

If nothing else, based on what he knows so far, the Yin Legion under him is directly and completely beaten against the army from the human world, how can he accept this for the Black Mountain old demon who is the most powerful force in the entire prefecture?

He felt like his cheeks were being smacked.

"The great king forgives sins."

In the face of the reprimand from the old demon of the Black Mountain, the soldiers in the Yin Legion one after another instantly felt a burst of panic.

"Burning arrow!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei continued to order.

"Boom la la!!"

One soldier after another continued to condense the mana in their bodies into flames, and formed into the form of an arrow on the bow and arrow.


As one soldier after another constructed the mana in their bodies into the shape of an arrow, Zhang Handan's order fell.

"Brush brush brush!!"

The arrows made of flames were fired at the Yin Legion again.

As for the Montenegrin old demon coming and not attacking?

Excuse me, the current Zhang Han said that the opposite king is coming, could it be that their emperor and the group of guys they have in the Great Qin Empire are all dry food?

The group of guys in their Daqin Empire Cultivation Academy are not decorations!

In addition, Zhang Wei could probably understand what level of strength the emperor of their Great Qin Empire possessed.

At the very least, it is absolutely at the same level as the strength of that Black Mountain old demon.

In that case, why should Zhang Wei be afraid?

He just went straight ahead and went on the offensive.

"Brush brush brush!!"

In the face of that wave of attacks, when they began to attack the Yin Legion under the Black Mountain Old Demon, at this moment, the overwhelming rockets flashed in the sky.

When the overwhelming rockets began to flicker in the sky, the Montenegrin old demon in the sky felt that anger.

"You fucking things!"

"Go and die!"

When the old demon of the Black Mountain looked at those Great Qin troops, there was an unprecedented anger in his eyes.

The other party actually dared to launch an attack just like that?!

This can simply be said to belong to the complete loss of face!

Even this is simply a complete slap in the face!

The Montenegrin goblin said that he absolutely could not accept it.


An incomparably strong force burst out from the Black Mountain Old Demon's body, and swung directly towards the place where Zhang Wei was.

However, in the face of the incomparable power that erupted from the current Black Mountain old demon, the head of the Kunlun Sect from the current world waved his hand so calmly.


The same force of the same level began to easily dissolve the power that erupted from the Black Mountain old demon opposite.

"You guys, this is going to start a complete war with the entire prefecture?!"

At present, the old demon of Montenegro directly stared at Yingzheng and the others with those big eyes.

Facing the words from the old demon of the Black Mountain, Yingzheng said with that calm opening in his eyes: "War with the prefecture? "

"I'm sorry, but Xuan's idea is to completely calm the whole place!"

"It was the Great Qin Empire that declared war on the entire prefecture!"

Ying Zheng's words echoed in the air throughout the battlefield.

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