Chapter 0146 - Ying Zheng Strikes to Suppress the Black Mountain Old Demon!!


A violent explosion also began to erupt throughout the sky.

In the face of the violent explosion that began to erupt throughout the sky, the current Black Mountain old demon also began to fight back.

"You damn it!"

The Black Mountain old demon's eyes carried that unprecedented anger.

If nothing else, just by virtue of the situation of this group of guys attacking him at the moment, he has already detected the pain in the attack launched by this group of guys.

"Give me death!"

With the Black Mountain old demon shouting loudly, I saw a terrifying suction force begin to frantically permeate the Black Mountain old demon's body.

In the face of that terrifying suction force, the group of guys currently owned by the Great Qin Empire can resist the current suction force very well.

"Hehe, do you really think that we belong to those beings who have no power of chickens?!"

At present, the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master's eyes carried that deep disdain.

"Golden Light Spell!"

With a loud shout, an unparalleled golden light burst out wildly throughout the entire prefecture.

As that unparalleled golden light burst out wildly throughout the entire prefecture, the unjust souls that were above the body of the Black Mountain old demon were also liberated at this moment.



One after another of the unjust souls above the body of the Black Mountain old demon began to tear and roar madly.

As one after another unjust souls roared madly, the eyes of the current guys finally began to carry that deep relief.

They finally got rid of the Montenegrin goblin!


With the black mountain old demon body possessing one after another unjust souls out of the control of the black mountain old demon, the heroic qi and resentment exuded by the black mountain old demon at this moment were also purified at this moment.


The current Black Mountain old demon couldn't help but let out a scream.

However, in the face of the scream of the current Black Mountain old demon, no guy on the battlefield will have pity for the screams of the Black Mountain old demon at this moment.

"Go and die!"

"Heaven and Earth Infinity!"

"Qiankun a sword!"

In an instant, I saw that the current Yan Chixia also began to control his Xuanyuan sword to slash at the Black Mountain old demon at this moment.


That terrifying slash began to permeate the Xuanyuan Sword in Yan Chixia's hand, and then it hit the body of the Black Mountain old demon fiercely.

That's right, the current Black Mountain old demon was completely revealed in his essence when he was fighting with this group of guys from the Great Qin Empire at the moment.

No way, he doesn't want me to reveal his essence.

His body is too big, that mountain is suspended in the entire sky, that Jane belongs to a living target!

But if the Black Mountain old demon does not show his true body, then the power he will exert at that time will only be at most six or seven percent of the body.

Although it was not impossible, among the powerhouses who belonged to the same level as him, there were dozens of Yuan Infant realm existences that surrounded him tightly.

At this time, if he only had six or seven percent of his strength left, he was afraid that he would be beaten alive.

So even if he knows that he will become a live target if he shows the body, he can only choose to be a live target.


A powerful force erupted from the physical strength of the Black Mountain old demon.

"You fucking fucking fellows!"

"Damn damn!!"

The eyes of the current Montenegrin old demon carried that unparalleled heaviness and pain.

Now he seemed to sense that he might not be able to live.

"You forced me!"

The current Montenegrin old demon has that deep despair in his heart.

He felt that if at this time, the only one he could make this group of guys in the Great Qin Empire pay, it seemed that there was only the last way to go.

That's self-detonation!

That's right, the Montenegrin old demon had a thought of self-detonation in his heart.

No way, under the attack of the powerhouses in that Great Qin one after another, the Black Mountain old demon has no ability to fight back at all!

You can't just live and be beaten to death, right?

Instead of being beaten to death like that!

Then it's better to make this group of guys pay the price before being beaten to death again!


A strong and incomparable force began to condense in the body of the Black Mountain old demon, and in the face of this strong and incomparable force, at the same time as it began to condense madly in the body of the Black Mountain old demon, the face of the head of the Kunlun Sect changed greatly in an instant...

"It's not good, he's going to blow himself up!"

As the words of the head of the Kunlun Sect fell, the current guys one after another noticed the strange appearance of the old demon of the Black Mountain.

"I rely on, this guy can't afford to play!"

Yan Chixia's eyes carried that earth-shattering change.

If this guy with the Yuan God realm really blew himself up like this, at least the group of guys around the Black Mountain old demon were all spared.

Although it will not die, at least it will be injured and so on.

But there is no need for that!

So at this moment, the faces of the guys after another changed greatly in an instant.

At this moment, while one guy after another was preparing to start fleeing the area where the current Black Mountain old demon was, the winning government at this moment also blatantly shot at this moment.


In an instant, the national fortune belonging to the Great Qin Empire owned by the current winning political life party was also frantically condensed at this moment.

Along with the national fortunes of the Great Qin Empire frantically condensed at this moment, at this moment, a Xianyang Palace soon began to condense in the sky above the current prefecture.


As that Xianyang Palace appeared above the prefecture, all the guys in the entire prefecture looked at the sky above the entire prefecture, and at this moment, the 5.3 soldiers of both sides in the center of the battlefield looked at the Xianyang Palace condensed in the sky.


The Xianyang Palace, which was condensed by the luck of the Great Qin, was also so fiercely suppressed towards the Black Mountain old demon at this moment.

"Boom boom..."

The Xianyang Palace, which was condensed by the luck of the Great Qin, was fiercely suppressed towards the Black Mountain Old Demon at a thunderous speed.

At the same time that the Xianyang Palace, which was condensed by the luck of the Great Qin, fiercely suppressed the Black Mountain Old Demon, the power that the current Black Mountain Old Demon had in his body was also condensed to the extreme at this moment, and then began to pour madly towards this week.


An unparalleled explosion reverberated wildly throughout the mansion.

All the beings in the entire prefecture felt this crazy explosion

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