Chapter 0149 - The Great Qin Empire that Unifies the Prefecture!!

"It seems that His Majesty found some treasure in that Yanluo Hall."

The leaders from the Kunlun Sect and the group of guys in his living place all had a deep envy in their eyes.

They also saw the treasure light that echoed in the air over the entire prefecture, and the most important thing was that the source of that treasure light came from the current Yan Luo Hall.

And now, in the entire Yan Luo Hall, there are only their majesties and those Daqin soldiers.

Therefore, regarding what is currently happening in the Yan Luo Hall, although they have not seen it with their own eyes, the guys from the current one can probably understand what is happening in the Yan Luo Hall.

Faced with what was happening in the Yan Luo Hall now, they only had one thought in their minds now.

That's envy!

That's right, for the guys from the current one after another, in the face of the scene that Yan Luodian has, they are now envious in addition to envy.

How could it be possible to rob their Majesty's treasure like that?

That's sorry, they thought about the force that broke out just now, and the scene that directly suppressed the old demon of Montenegro really scared them a lot.

They felt that instead of 767 choosing to rob their majesty's treasure like this, it was better to honestly treat this matter as if it had not happened, at least they felt much better in their hearts.

In this way, the group of demons and monsters that had in the entire prefecture faced the attack of the soldiers from Daqin, either chose to submit or were directly beaten to ashes by the soldiers of Daqin.

The entire prefecture was completely incorporated into the rule of Daqin at the fastest speed.

At this moment, while Daqin had already completely incorporated the entire prefecture into the scope of his rule, the current Victory Zheng began to look at this book of life and death in his hands.

"This is the legendary thing that masters life and death!"

"Sure enough, with the power of life and death contained in this alone, there is really that powerful force that can erase a person's life."

Ying Zheng looked at the strong power of life and death contained in this book of life and death in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Although the current power he has is also quite strong, this powerful power he has is completely different in front of the current life and death book.

The power he possesses is experienced in destruction and various angles, but regarding the current life and death book that specializes in controlling life and death, the situation between the two sides is really different.

"Then in this way, those two prefectures can be well operated."

At the same time, the current winning government's eyebrows are slightly raised.

If nothing else, just rely on the power contained in the current life and death book.

This has made the winning government see another side at the moment.

That is, with the current book of life and death, the Great Qin Empire can completely make the two worlds of the prefecture achieve perfect operation.

The two worlds believed that with this book of life and death in his hands, it would be able to operate more perfectly, and at the very least, it could begin to have a more precise regulation of the lives of those ordinary people in that world.

At the very least, the cycle of life and death, reincarnation, reincarnation appears clearer and more regular.

"But ah, in the zombie world, I'm afraid that the book of life and death was taken away by that Yan Luo King, right?"

Ying Zheng instantly figured out something.

Why did he not perceive the existence of any life and death book in that world, but on the contrary, he had such a gain in this world?

At this moment, Ying Zheng sighed slightly.

"Has the Heavenly Immortal Buddha of this world truly disappeared completely?"

The current Yingzheng looked at the ruins of the prefecture he was in at the moment, and then looked at the life and death book of this crippled state in his hand at this moment.

Yingzheng had an earth-shattering idea in his mind.

"That prefecture is already like this, what about the heavenly court of this world?"

In an instant, Yingzheng couldn't help but have an earth-shattering thought in his mind.

He wants to go to the Heavenly Court to take a look!

He wanted to see what the situation in the Heavenly Court had become!

Maybe it might be a little scary, after all, it belongs to the Heavenly Court!

But the current Win Zheng looked at the prefecture that had been reduced to a state of ruins, if it weren't for his Great Qin Empire hitting the entire prefecture, I'm afraid that the entire prefecture is still ruled by those demons and monsters, then at this time the prefecture has fallen into this situation, so what about the Heavenly Court?

Perhaps the Heavenly Court also ended up in the current situation?

At this moment, this idea came to Yingzheng's mind.

"After handling the affairs of the prefecture, you can go to the Heavenly Court to take a look!"

Ying Zheng looked at the appearance of the prefecture he was currently in, and immediately decided on his next move.

After he had settled the affairs of the prefecture, he would go to the Heavenly Court to take a look.


With the victory of the moment retiring from his cloudy sky template, he once again returned to the appearance he should have as the emperor of the world.

It is still the eyes that despise the world, and the body that exudes infinite domineering power above and below.

"Tread, tread..."

I saw Yingzheng calmly begin to walk outside.

"See Your Majesty!"

The soldiers of the Praetorian Guard, led by Zhang Handan, immediately saluted Huan Zheng respectfully.

"Well, stand down."

Ying Zheng said lightly.

"Let's go, prepare to take over the entire prefecture!"

"It's time for the Great Qin Empire to bring this entire prefecture under the rule of Great Qin."

The current Ying Zheng also said slightly.

Along with the dispatch of the winning government, there are also the actions of the powerhouses in the Great Qin Cultivation Academy one after another, and the most important thing is from the mighty army that the Great Qin has.

All the demons and monsters in the entire prefecture suffered a devastating blow, and one after another territory was completely taken over by the Great Qin Empire.

The demons and demons possessed in the prefecture were also continuously eliminated at this moment.

When the last demon king who occupied one side was solved, the entire prefecture was completely out of the control of the monsters, and the entire prefecture had direct jurisdiction over the Great Qin Empire!

Daqin unified the prefecture!

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