Chapter 0151 - Explore the Lingxiao Treasure Hall!!

"Then let me see what this legendary Lingxiao Treasure Hall looks like!"

Outside the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, Ying Zheng looked at this such a huge and incomparable palace, and finally walked slowly towards the inside of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall with a firm step.

"Tread, tread..."

As the slight footsteps fell, Yingzheng's figure also began to slowly walk towards the Lingxiao Treasure Hall at this moment.

When he walked towards the Lingxiao Treasure Hall with the figure of Winning Zheng, the appearance that Ling Xue Treasure Hall had at this moment also completely entered the field of vision of Winning Zheng.

Mighty and magnificent, this adjective is not enough to describe the appearance inside the Lingxiao Treasure Hall at this moment.

The current Yingzheng looked at the inner appearance of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, and the current Yingzheng only had two words to describe the current Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

"Great building."

Huan Zheng took a deep look at this empty Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

That's right, in the face of this Lingxiao Treasure Hall, there are only these five words in the mind of the current winner who can be used to describe it.

Great building.

"Tread, tread..."

Ying Zheng did not hesitate to slowly walk towards the legendary position of the Heavenly Emperor.

The empty sound began to echo inside the Lingxiao Treasure Shop.

As the empty voice began to echo throughout the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, the figure of Yingzheng at this moment also appeared in front of the position of the Heavenly Emperor.

"Is this where the legendary Jade Emperor is sitting?"

After Ying Zheng looked at the golden position that was currently appearing in front of him, Ying Zheng's eyes had a sigh of emotion.

He actually appeared in front of the position of the legendary Jade Emperor.

"Then let me experience what it is like to sit where the legendary Jade Emperor is sitting."

Ying Zheng looked at the current position, and after some thought, he sat down without hesitation.


I saw that Yingzheng began to turn around, and then sat directly on the throne of the current Jade Emperor.


The moment Ying Zheng sat on the throne, which symbolized supreme power, the entire Heavenly Court emitted a roar.


With that roar from the entire Heavenly Court, a current memory of the entire Heavenly Court entered the mind of the current winner.

At this moment, Yingzheng sat on the throne that symbolized the Heavenly Emperor and received the content transmitted from the entire Heavenly Court, and then completely plunged his consciousness into his mind.


"Is that why it's everything?"

The current Yingzheng opened his eyes with that complexity on his face, and he exhaled deeply.

"It turns out that the Jade Emperor of this world and all the immortal Buddhas that the entire world has actually left this world for this reason."

The current Yingzheng sat above the throne of the Emperor that day and began to sort out the content in his mind before he found that the gods of heaven and earth in this world did not belong to the initiative to leave this world.

It is purely because this world was once the same as many worlds, a world ruled by the heavenly court and the gods.

But suddenly one day, an unknown strong person appeared outside the world, and a battle broke out directly outside that world, and the aftermath of the battle naturally echoed into this world.

Although it was said that the enemy outside the world ended the battle, the aftermath of the battle made all the gods of heaven and earth in this world feel a pressure.

Even some weak Immortal Buddha were severely damaged by the aftermath of that battle, you must know that it was just the aftermath of the battle!

They were not yet outside that world, but the aftermath of just a battle directly hit them hard.

Subsequently, the Jade Emperor of the Heavenly Court of this world, the Buddha Rulai of the Western Heavenly Spirit Mountain, and the King of Yan Luo in the prefecture decided to move out of this world.

Although the unknown powerhouses that suddenly appeared outside the world have left, for those immortal gods in this world, none of them are sure when those powerhouses will appear again and another battle will break out outside the world?

If the battle really breaks out again, what if there is a terrifying aftermath at that time?

In order to avoid this, they chose to move out of this world!

Since there are those strong people fighting outside the world, it means that in addition to their world, there must be many worlds in the endless chaos...

So they left the current world without hesitation.

King Yan Luo in the prefecture walked in a hurry, so he left a fragment of life and death, and the group of guys in the West Heavenly Spirit Mountain directly moved all the Buddhism, causing him to really not find any trace of Buddha and Buddhism when the Great Qin Empire swept through this world.

As for the Heavenly Court?

That was the same, except for the building of the Heavenly Court, which could not be taken away, all the value in the entire Heavenly Court was taken away by the gods of the Heavenly Court.

Then this scene was naturally recorded by the Heavenly Court.

Due to the hurry of all the immortal Buddhas in the entire world, the group of guys in the entire world did not know that their lives had left this world, and finally led to the complete severance of the inheritance of this world, and then the most powerful existence could only break through to the peak realm of the Yuan God.

Further up?

Then there is really no way, because when all the immortal Buddhas in the entire world left, they packed everything and took it away, and they didn't have that way to break through at all.

And at this moment, when the winning government learned of the current situation, even the winning government at this moment was so deeply emotioned.

"I didn't expect that there would be strong people fighting outside the world."

"Look at 5.5, the heavens and realms are not safe!"

Yingzheng's eyes carried that unprecedented seriousness.

His current worries are the same as the worries of all the Immortal Buddhas in this world, there are some strong people who have broken out battles outside this world, so what if some strong people break out in battles outside that world?

All the immortal gods of this world once chose to leave this world, but Win Zheng would not leave this world just like that.

He had just knocked this world down, how could he choose to leave?

"Then let the Great Qin Empire manage this entire world instead of the former immortal gods, with a seriousness in Ying Zheng's eyes."

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