Chapter 0168 - Zombie Legion Heading Out to Resident Evil!!

"That's natural, the only drawback of these zombies is that they are afraid of things that are just to the yang, but in addition to being afraid of the sun to the sun, these zombies can be said to be the very hungry existence of all the military commanders in Daqin."

Wang Yi, who was on the side, explained with a slight smile.

Don't look at these zombies, they are very afraid of things that have just reached the sun, but it does not mean that the commanders of the ten major legions owned by Daqin will give up these zombies.

Perhaps these zombies are an army of their own, but at least they also need to have a good relationship with the generals in these zombie legions, and if the guys in these zombie legions want to fight with them, then the relationship they have made in advance is particularly important.

Therefore, these zombies are very popular with the commanders of the current top ten legions.

Well, now the zombie army finally has their captain!

The identity of the other party belongs to the famous Baiqi!

"Something that has just reached the sun?"

Bai Qi said with a slight curiosity in his eyes: "Then what are these things that have just reached the sun?" "

Bai Qi said with that hint of inquiry in his eyes.

In the face of Bai Qi's inquiry, the current Wang Yi replied honestly and respectfully: "As for this thing that has just reached the sun, to put it bluntly, it is the so-called thunder, fire and lightning and the like. "

"They are born with an unparalleled force of nature, because they represent all the light and justice that the whole world has."

"But if they are really close to the zombies in our zombie army, then I am afraid that there is really no one who can fight hard in our zombie army."

I saw the current Wang Yi replied slightly.

"Good, good."

Faced with this Wang Yi's explanation, Bai Qi's eyes carried that satisfaction.

Obviously, for the soldiers in these zombie legions at present, Bai Qi can be regarded as very satisfied, because he believes that the soldiers in these zombie legions can definitely shine under him, so that the Qin guys in the zombie legion can definitely become the strongest army in this university situation, if nothing else, Bai Qi has that absolute confidence!

"Then ask Wu Anjun to come with me, and I will take you to meet those Daqin generals who appeared after you, their abilities are also quite good."

The current Wang Yi said with a slight smile.

"No problem, then let me take a look at the generals of Daqin after I die."

I saw Bai Qi at this moment nodded slightly.

Obviously, there is no problem with the current whiteness at all.

In this way, under the current leadership of Wang Chui, Bai Qi began to wander slightly throughout the barracks.

"See Your Majesty!"

In an instant, Bai Qi said respectfully to Yingzheng.

Facing Bai Qi from this moment, the current Yingzheng replied with that smile in the corner of his mouth: "Bai Qi, from today onwards, in addition to being the commander of the Daqin Zombie Legion, you still belong to the Wu An Jun of Daqin, and the current winning Zheng tone said with that serious opening. "

It is Daqin who is sorry for Bai Qi, so in the face of the current situation that Bai Qi can be resurrected and continue to be efficient for his Daqin, the current government is not a stingy existence.

From today onwards, the identity of the other party is the commander of the zombie army, and in addition to the commander of the zombie army, the other party is still Wu Anjun belonging to the Great Qin Empire!

"Obey, Your Majesty."

The current Bai Qi nodded slightly.

Facing Bai Qi, who nodded slightly at this moment, the current Yingzheng slowly spoke: "Wu Anjun, since you have now become the commander of the zombie army. "

"It just so happens that there is a world here that is perfect for the zombie army to go to."

"Next, you will lead the soldiers in the zombie army to occupy that world."

"Go and take all that world and turn it into a big taxi."

At this moment, Yingzheng said slowly.

"No problem."

As for the current discourse of winning the government, the current white rise has no opinion at all.

"The next world you need to go to is the zombie world, and the zombies in that zombie world are no different from zombies."

"Of course, although it may seem like there is no difference, in fact, they are quite different."

"The most basic point is that those zombies are all man-made, and even some zombies are controlled by those forces called umbrella groups."

"Next, Wu Anjun, all you need to do is to lead the zombie legion of the Great Qin Empire to defeat the entire world."

"As for those survivors, save them all for the time being."

"Oh, by the way, if you touch those Kunlun Nu, kill them all."

"Daqin doesn't need the existence of Kunlunnu."

There was that seriousness in Yingzheng's eyes.

For those whites, winning politics is perfectly acceptable.

At the very least, the people in the northwest region they have in the land of Shenzhou have a little white blood, so winning the government has no idea of rejecting those whites.

But for those Kunlun Nu it is different.

Kunlun Nu can be said to be very disgusting.

A group of people who do not know the existence of production, and even strictly speaking, they are not human beings.

In this regard, in the past life, the winning government had seen it personally studied by a professor from their so-called free country.

Although those Kunlun Nu are said to belong to humans on the surface, they actually belong to a human being who is not fully developed.

Strictly speaking, Kunlun Nu is not human.

Since those Kunlun Nu are not human beings, and the habits of those Kunlun Nu are very bad, the idea of winning the government is also very simple.

Let them become the nourishment of the zombie army!

Listening to Yingzheng's words, the current Bai Qi nodded slightly.


At this moment, Bai Qi nodded slightly to show understanding.

"Okay, then the next thing needs to be paid attention to by Wu Anjun."

Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

Soon, the soldiers in the zombie army led by Bai Qi began to go to the current world of Resident Evil.

When the soldiers led by Bai Qi appeared in the Resident Evil world, the umbrella company from the Resident Evil world immediately discovered the traces of Bai Qi and others.

No way, such a huge number of troops really can't be covered by anyone, and Bai Qi didn't think about covering up.

"Are these the so-called zombies?"

Bai Qi looked at the so-called zombies with a curious gaze.

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