Chapter 0173: Surrender or Destruction?!!!

"Let them come and see our power!"

At present, when the captain who intercepted the Daqin fleet had just had that serious word in his eyes, at this moment, he sensed that a terrifying force was condensing in the universe.

"What's the situation?"

Facing the doubt contained in the eyes of the current captain, one after another guys at this moment also looked into the depths of the universe.

"This, this..."

In an instant, when they saw the powerful attack that filled the entire universe galaxy, all the guys were completely silent.

They saw that the fleet made of wood, which they had just completely looked down on, was now unleashing an incomparably powerful force towards them.

They may have a problem with their heads, but they have absolutely no problem with their vision.

Because if they had a problem with their vision, how could they possibly live to this point?

None of the existences that have survived to the present in the present universe today are simple goods.

At the very least, the most basic eyesight is still there, because if you don't even have the most basic eyesight, then maybe it is very likely that it will really be completely destroyed by a powerful force in the universe, which is not impossible.

So eyesight is very important in the entire universe.

And at present, after they saw the huge attack launched by the Daqin side against them, they instantly understood that they had kicked the iron plate, and even this was not an ordinary iron plate, this special meow was a titanium alloy iron plate.

"Hurry up and run around!"

"One who can survive is one!"

"Hurry up and escape!"

In an instant, as the supreme commander of the current fleet, he roared loudly without hesitation.

As for escaping, will it be a little faceless?

Sorry, the problem now is that if you don't run away quickly, you may not be able to survive by then.

In the face of life and face, they chose life without hesitation.


The battleships began to sail frantically in all directions.

However, in the face of the current battleships frantically fleeing, the attack from Daqin also completely fell at this moment.


A powerful force erupted on that battleship after battleship.

It's just that in the face of this powerful force, the group of guys currently on this unknown small force battleship are completely unable to resist or even resist this force.


A scream continued to sound on the battleship one after another.

As soon as that scream sounded, one explosion after another began to completely erupt throughout the universe.

"Boom boom..."

Explosions like fireworks are like crazy in the universe.

In the face of that night's explosion like fireworks, the eyes of all the guys who had it in the current Daqin all looked at the forces that were solved by them with that trace of disdain.

"Oh, rubbish."

One of the Great Qin generals said with a hint of deep disdain in his eyes.

If the other party's strength is very strong, then forget it, at least the other party has the qualifications to provoke them. But the problem is that the other party does not have that strong strength at all, but dares to provoke them like this, which is simply unknown to many generals of the current Daqin.

Therefore, under the situation that the force that had just provoked them was completely destroyed, no Great Qin general belonged to that kind.

At least none of the generals are proud.

This scene is just that whoever eliminated such a weak existence is proud, is it still worthy of being called the general of Daqin?


Today's Daqin generals have only one opinion, and that is disdain.

Where did such a force pop up with a little problem in the head?

Faced with the situation that the civilization that dared to intercept the Daqin warship was completely solved, Yingzheng at this moment said with that calm tone and faintly said: "The whole army attack!" "

"Lay down some planets in this universe and use it as Daqin's territory in this world."

"Then expand outward!"

For a moment, I saw that the current winner ordered with a calm opening in his eyes.


In the face of the order from the winning government, the current generals one after another respectfully expressed their understanding.


One warship after another continues to sail throughout the universe.

Just when the Daqin soldiers had just solved the force that dared to provoke them, the angelic civilization fleet in the universe instantly sensed a powerful force that erupted in the universe.

"Someone broke out there!"

"Let's go see what's going on!"

At the same time, Angel Yan, the captain of the current Wing Angel fleet, ordered with a frown.


The angel commanders of the wings immediately nodded respectfully after listening to the orders given by their captains.

"The whole army attacked!"

Who knew that one order after another fell, and I saw that the angel warship that symbolized justice in the current supergod universe sailed towards the place where the battle had just broken out in Daqin.


Under the violent explosions, everyone on the entire planet looked in the direction of the sky with a wave of fear at this moment.

"Now I give you a choice, surrender or destruction?!"

In the face of that calm word, the surviving group of people who are currently on this planet replied with that fear in their eyes: "We are willing to surrender!" "

One by one, there was a deep fear in the words.

All the places on their planet that have military power have been directly destroyed by the cosmic civilization, and in the face of the words from the other side, it can only be said that none of the people on this planet belong to the rejection.

Who wants to die if they can live?

For the words from Daqin, all the survivors on this planet naturally chose to surrender.


Facing the current voice from the entire planet, the Great Qin General who was currently on the battleship naturally nodded with satisfaction.

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