Chapter 0204 _Four Generations of Divine Body Level Generals!!


I saw that under that earth-shattering explosion, the battleship from the Great Qin Heavenly Court was intact in the vision of the entire universe.

"Is this the toughness from Daqin?!"

The eyes of the lords of civilization after civilization carried a deep amazement.

You must know that the powerful force that just erupted from the angelic civilization is something that even they can't bear.

That's right, they still have this compulsion.

Perhaps the strength they have is very strong, but if the strength they have is said to compete with the angelic civilization like this, it can only be said that it is impossible to happen.

The strength possessed by the Angel Civilization can definitely crush them completely.

Therefore, in the face of the power that has just erupted from all the guys in the angel civilization, and even the group of guys in the angel civilization have broken out reserve hidden personnel, the powerful power they have is really not to be underestimated!

But the result?

Still helpless, the existence that Daqin has.

Then this will naturally cause the emotion of the guys after 990.

Because this powerful force that erupted from the current Heavenly Court was so hard to be completely resisted by the warships from the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

This alone can already amaze all the masters of civilizations that have possessed in the entire universe.

"I think the result of this war is likely to belong to the Great Qin Heavenly Court, and it will end with a victorious result."

At present, I saw the lord of a force watching the battle with a silent opening in his eyes.

He saw nothing wrong with what he said!

The strength possessed by the current Great Qin Heavenly Court is definitely not something they can compare, and the power possessed by the Great Qin Heavenly Court is definitely not something that today's angelic civilization can compete with.

That's right, it can only be said that on the surface, the strength of the guys who come from the Angel Civilization is very strong, but the strength of the guys who come from the Great Heavenly Court seems to be even stronger.

Because they can withstand the all-out blow from the angelic civilization, this alone can already represent everything

"Look, if the Great Qin Heavenly Court can really press the angelic civilization to the ground and beat it at that time, then we can directly choose to submit to the Great Heavenly Court."

At this moment, the eyes of the other lord of civilization carried a helplessness.

The strength of the other party is not comparable to them, at this time, instead of choosing to compete with the other party like this, it is better to choose to surrender so honestly, at least as long as they honestly choose to surrender, I believe that they can also survive unharmed at that time.

Therefore, the group of existing guys who were watching had completely lost confidence in the angelic civilization at this moment.

Even some of the lords of civilization are ready to surrender.

At the same time that the lords of civilization who were watching the battle one after another had helplessness in their eyes, the angel kings from the disgusted civilization looked at each other like this.

"It looks like maybe we need to attack those guys."

"After so many years, we still have to fight together!"

The current Hexi said with a calm opening in his eyes.

For the current situation facing their angelic civilization, it can only be said that Hexi at this moment is very, very understandable.

If nothing else, just relying on the power erupted by the Angel Civilization to not be able to compete with the Great Qin Heavenly Court has already said it all.

Then when the power possessed by the angelic civilization could not compete with the Great Qin Heavenly Court, then at this time, the three most powerful beings among the angels naturally needed to start acting.

"No problem, then let's three of us fight side by side again!"

Kesha, the angel queen on the side, said with a heavy opening in her eyes.

"Then, then try it!"

In an instant, Leng Bing at this moment also nodded at this moment.

Yes, maybe it's time to get started.

"You guys keep attacking!"

I saw that Kesha, the Heavenly Blade King, who came from one of the three angel kings, directly spoke to the angels on the battleship and ordered.

And at this moment, the three angelic kings appeared in the starry sky of the universe.

"Bright Trial!"

An unparalleled force of light condenses in the universe.

As that unparalleled force of light condensed in the entire universe, the generals who had possessed the Daqin battleship had a disdainful smile on their lips at this moment.

"Then let's meet these so-called angels in person!"

One after another generals also took off at this moment, flying towards the direction of the cosmic starry sky.

"Boom la la!!"

One after another, the generals began to surround the three kings of the angels, and at this moment, as the commander of the first legion, Wang Yi also appeared directly in front of the current Keisha at this moment.

Because in the current Wang Yi induction, the other two of these three guys are guys who belong to the Yuan Infant realm, and this so-called angel queen is the existence that belongs to the Yuan God realm.

Since this angel queen belongs to the existence of the Yuanshen realm, let him meet this so-called angel queen for a while, and the other two angel queens will be handed over to those generals under him!

"Then let these three so-called angel kings see how strong our Daqin is!"

Wang Yi looked at the guys one after another with that cruelty in his eyes.


In an instant, one after another generals burst out the strength in their bodies at this moment.


For a moment, an unparalleled murderous aura began to permeate this battlefield.

As that unparalleled murderous aura began to permeate this battlefield, the strength of these generals began to explode in full force.

Among them, the generals who appeared on this cosmic river of stars were generals belonging to the First Legion.

The ten generals and Wang Chui, who was the commander of the legion, confronted the Angel Civilization in this way.

As the strength of the ten generals exploded in full force, both the three kings of the angels and the lord of civilization who were watching had a sense of confusion and incredulity in their eyes.

"This, this...!"

"All of them are fourth-generation divine bodies???"

One after another, the lords of civilization and the three angelic kings had a sense of horror in their eyes.

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