Chapter 0211 - Unifying the Supergod Universe!!

"What you said is very good, the king is defeated, Daqin wins, and your angelic civilization loses."

Yingzheng smiled and looked at the Angel King Keisha at this moment.

"It's great that you have this current idea."

For the current idea of the angel king Kesha, Yingzhengna is very recognized, after all, the four words of success and defeat already represent all the explanations, and the angel king Keisha can have the current explanation, then Yingzheng also admires the lord of this angelic civilization at this moment.

"What about you?"

"As a betrayer, have you ever thought about your consequences?"

Ying Zheng looked at the Apocalypse King Leng Bing on the side with that calm gaze, of course, Ying Zheng preferred to call her Demon Queen Ganna.

Of course, no matter what he called the other party, in short, the other party betrayed him!

In the face of such betrayers, the current attitude of winning the government has always been one of killing without amnesty.

After all, betraying this thing is too disgusting.

And at this moment, after hearing Yingzheng's words, Leng Bing had that smile on the corner of his mouth: "What kind of betrayal?" "

"I myself belong to the Angel Queen Leng Bing, and I am the King of the Apocalypse myself!"

"I'm just going back to who I used to be."

The current Apocalypse King Leng Bing said so calmly.

After listening to the words of the Apocalypse King Leng Bing at this moment, the eyes of the other two angel kings who were beside him had that deep sense of relief.

For the Apocalypse King Leng Bing, their attitude towards it is really to treat it as a sister.

Among their angelic three kings, Keisha can be said to belong to the eldest sister, Hexi belongs to the second sister, that Leng Bing is undoubtedly the third sister who belongs to the three of them for the fact that Leng Bing became the demon queen, although they don't say anything on the surface, and even kill it, but deep down in their hearts, why don't they feel that helplessness?

For a rebellious guy, they still really feel a very helpless feeling.

Well, before dying, this sister of theirs finally understood.

This is also a blessing in misfortune.

"As for you, okay."

"Although I don't know much about you, I also know that you belong to the most important existence in the angelic civilization, and without you, there would be no current angelic civilization."

At this moment, Yingzheng looked at Hexi calmly and said lightly.

For this guy, Yingzheng can still understand who the other party is.

It can be said that without Hexi, there would be no today's angelic civilization.

All three guys belong to truly capable beings.

Unfortunately, what he needs to win government is not this existence, what he needs is an existence that can truly do his job faithfully.

Otherwise, no matter how capable the other party is, the question is what effect does it have for him?

There is no such existence as a loyal to him, he does not need to.

So in the face of the current three angelic kings, after Yingzheng looked at the other party, some of the curiosity he had in his heart was completely full.

"Drag it on, kill it."

Ying Zheng said calmly.


In an instant, Zhang Han, who saw this moment, immediately stepped forward and dragged this Angel King King down with him.

"It's time for this world to be completely reduced to the world of Daqin."

"The whole army attacked!"

"The fastest speed will occupy the entire universe!"

"I want the entire universe to plant the black dragon flag that belongs to Daqin!"

Ying Zheng shouted loudly with that seriousness in his eyes.


The soldiers on that battleship had a serious look in their eyes.

As for the battlefield they are on today?

Sorry, on the battlefield they are on today, the group of guys from the Angel Civilization have plummeted in the combat power of the current Angel Civilization after the three angel kings were captured.

In the face of the attack from the Great Qin Heavenly Court, they naturally could not compete with each other.

In this way, the angelic civilization that was once the dew lord level in the universe was completely solved.

When the lords of the many forces who were watching around watched as the angelic civilization had been completely solved, all the guys shouted loudly without hesitation: "We are willing to join Daqin!" "

"Please also ask Daqin to accept us!"

One after another, the lords of power directly began to spread their words to the side of the battleship of the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

The angel civilization has been completely defeated, and the most important thing is that after the Great Qin Tianping solved the angel one, there was almost no so-called casualties here in the Great Qin Heavenly Court...

At that time, what they need to do is definitely not to contend with Daqin just like that, what they need to do is to honestly choose to surrender, what they need to do now is to give up their resistance, and must not just go to fight Daqin.


In an instant, the lords of civilization on one battleship after another chose to surrender to Daqin without hesitation.

In the face of the surrender of the lord of civilization on the general battleship, the current winner naturally nodded: "Go and accept their surrender." "

"Take over the civilization behind them!"

"Take control of the entire universe as fast as you can!"

There was a calmness in Ying Zheng's eyes.

For the group of guys outside to surrender, Win Zheng did not have any ideas.

Since they chose to surrender, then he chose to accept their surrender.

After all, in this way, he could also control all of them in the fastest time with the soldiers he had in Daqin.

"The whole army goes!"

One warship after another began to break away from the Great Qin fleet, and then began to move at full speed towards the place where one civilization after another was, and just like that, the 4.3 Great Song planted all the civilizations that the entire house had one after another with the Great Qin Dragon Flag.

When the Great Qin Dragon Banner completely flew over all civilizations, Great Qin completely unified the entire supergod universe.

After Daqin unified the entire supergod universe, Yingzheng at this moment began to lead some fleets to return to the world where Daqin Heavenly Court was at this moment.

On the other side, in the Resident Evil world, Bai Qi, the commander of the zombie army, began to lead the soldiers in the zombie army to kill.

Those zombies in the entire Resident Evil world have become the nourishment of the zombies in the zombie army.

The strength of the zombies in the zombie army is constantly increasing due to the speed visible to the naked eye.

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