Chapter 0226 - The Controlled Eternal Spear!!


With that powerful and incomparable burst of power, the Eternal Spear currently thrown by God King Odin was once again tightly held by Bai Qi, and at this moment, Bai Qi also took advantage of the current opportunity to directly instill the murderous aura in his body into the Eternal Spear.


Faced with the scarlet murderous aura in his body began to pour continuously towards the Eternal Spear.

A faint blood-colored aura began to emerge from the surface of the current Eternal Spear.

However, that looming blood-colored aura soon began to be completely covered by the white light of the Eternal Spear once again.

But at this moment, there was that smile in the corner of Baiqi's mouth.

"Very good, it seems that the control of this Eternal Spear already belongs to me, and Bai Qi looked at the Eternal Spear that he was holding in his hand at the moment, and Bai Qi's eyes said with a calm confidence in his heart."

Of course, Bai Qi did not make a statement at this moment.

After all, no one knows what kind of attitude God King Odin will have if he reveals that he can control the Eternal Spear.

In order to avoid the God King Odin showing a different attitude like this, then the current Bai Qi naturally will not reveal the news just like that.

"Brush brush brush."

Once again, the Eternal Spear was taken back by Odin.

And Yingzheng, who was currently in the battleship of the Emperor, looked at Bai Qi with that old and interested gaze.


"It looks like this Odin will be out of luck by then."

The current Yingzheng's eyes looked at Bai Qi at this moment with that interest.

Perhaps God King Odin has not yet noticed it, but Yingzheng has already sensed and continuously eroded through the murderous aura used in his body about God King Odin's control over this eternal gun, perhaps God King Odin cannot detect it.

After all, Bai Qi did not really completely seize control of the God King Odin's Eternal Gun, but Bai Qi directly eroded the Eternal Spear through the unique killing vapor used in his body.

To put it bluntly, it's like belonging to a remote-controlled bomb.

Who knew it would explode when it wasn't detected?

Only when it is discovered, then you know the danger posed by this remote control bomb, and then you can free your hand to solve this remote control bomb.

Unfortunately, the current God King Odin did not discover the murderous aura he had in the Eternal Gun, which meant that the God King Odin did not know that the Eternal Gun in his hand had been planted with a time bomb.

It was almost that Eternal Spear completely exploded.

Once the Eternal Spear is completely out of control, that God King Ogong will definitely not be able to react for a while.

You must know that the strong people in their time can sometimes change drastically in an instant.

So what Bai Qi needs to do now is to completely detonate that remote control bomb later.

And just as Yingzheng, who was in the battleship of the Emperor, felt a sense of interest in the current Bai Qi, Bai Qi began to hold the Qin sword and said to the God King Odin opposite him: "You have been fighting so many times, then let me attack this time!" "

"Let you see the power from Daqin."

At the same time, the current white eyes looked at the God King Odin opposite him at this moment with that calmness.

"Then come, let me see how powerful the power you have really is!"

At the moment, God King Odin didn't care.

Just now, when he launched one attack after another against Bai Qi, he could already roughly know that Bai Qi's strength belonged to the same level as him.

Since the strength they had between them belonged to the same level, was he afraid of the attack from Bai Qi at this time?

I'm sorry, God King Odin is not afraid at all!

So in the face of Bai Qi's next attack, the current God King Odin did not care

"Kill God Strike!"

At the same time, Bai Qi at this moment did not hesitate to gather the murderous aura in his body on the sword in his hand, and then saw Bai Qi fiercely slashing at the god king Odin opposite him.


When that blood-red God Killing blow erupted against God King Odin, God King Odin at this moment sensed that sense of danger in this God Killing blow that erupted from Bai Qi...

"It looks like it's time to use a little real skill!"

God King Odin did not hesitate to fully burst out the power in his body.

He didn't dare to drag it out.

After all, in the face of the same level of strong people dare to drag out, then it will be a matter of life!

Odin still cherishes his life.

"Eternal Spear, go and shoot down the attack on the opposite side!"

I saw that the God King Odin at this moment did not hesitate to condense the power in his body on the Eternal Spear, and then slashed towards the God Killer who was coming towards him, just at the moment Bai Qi's explosive God Killing blow erupted towards God King Odin, at this moment, Bai Qi also rushed towards Odin without hesitation holding the Qin sword at this moment.


With a breaking sound, Bai Qi's figure instantly disappeared in that area, and at the same time that Bai Qi's figure disappeared in that area, when Bai Qi's figure appeared again, Bai Qi had already appeared opposite the current god king Odin.

"Go and die!"

Bai Qi stabbed Odin fiercely.

Just when Odin had just solved the killing blow that erupted from Bai Qi, he immediately faced Bai Qi who suddenly appeared in front of him.

In this regard, God King Odin subconsciously opened 1.1 and stabbed the Eternal Spear in his hand at the white qi opposite him.


As the Eternal Spear stabbed towards Bai Qi fiercely, the current Bai Qi also did not hesitate to mobilize all the power that the Eternal Spear had at this moment.


As the murderous aura in the Eternal Spear erupted at this moment, all the power contained in the Eternal Spear was fully taken over by the white murderous aura.

When the power contained in the current Eternal Spear was directly taken over by Bai Qi's murderous aura, the Eternal Spear from Odin's stabbing also hit Bai Qi's chest fiercely.

And the Qin sword that Bai Qi was holding did not hesitate to stab into Odin's heart.

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