Chapter 0237 - Mutant Legion!!

"Very good!"

"Although the strength of these guys is not as good as the soldiers of Asgard, they have gradually acquired the ability to fight with the soldiers of Asgard, and Thor couldn't help but nod after looking at the appearance trained by the mutants one after another."

Although the current strength of these mutants is not particularly strong, the power caused by these mutants has begun to gradually compete with the soldiers of Asgard.

You must know that the soldiers of Asgard are not any ordinary goods.

None of Asgard's soldiers were simple beings.

It can even be said that all the soldiers of Asgard have experienced the baptism of true blood and fire, and many Asgard soldiers have fought in the universe.

In the current Thor God of Thor, although the current strength of these mutants may not be comparable to the soldiers of Asgard, they can have the ability to fight with the soldiers of Asgard27, which means that they can have the power to fight with the group of guys in the group.

Although it may be a defeat in the end, at least it has begun to have the strength to gradually fight.

"I am very satisfied with your results!"

At this moment, when Thor looked at the mutants one after another, Thor had that seriousness in his eyes.

The current mutants one after another looked at Thor at this moment, and all the guys had the same seriousness in their eyes.

After training for so long, they also had a rough idea of what was going on.

To put it bluntly, there are some cosmic-level civilizations from the universe who are preparing to attack their earth, and the current instructor belongs to the so-called thunder god Thor in Norse mythology, of course, the real identity of the other party belongs to the great prince of Asgard who has outside their earth.

Of course, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that Asgard, where the opponent is, is defeated.

That unknown cosmic-level civilization directly occupied Asgard at this moment.

The most important thing is that the other party may not be long before it attacks the entire earth.

That's what they can worry about.

So face the situation that we can have at the moment.

These mutants from this moment naturally understand what they need to do now.

All they need to do now is to burst out all the power in their bodies and defend the earth!

That's what they borrowed to say they needed to do!

In this regard, one mutant after another is tempted to say that they do not want to defend the earth just like that.

After all, the situation is here, how powerful is the current strength of Thor Thor, this group of mutants has been able to deeply comprehend, but even Thor, the God of Thunder, who has such a strong strength, cannot help the so-called Daqin.

Do they really have that force that is strong enough to compete with Daqin?

Unfortunately, official orders from all over the world, as well as the powerful force possessed by Thor, the god of thunder, suppressed them.

In the end, this group of mutants can only choose to follow their current orders.

"Are you guys ready to fight Daqin?!"

The current Thor looked at the mutant soldiers one after another.

In the face of the words from Thor, the god of thunder, there was a firmness in the eyes of one mutant soldier after another: "Ready!" "

One mutant after another replied so loudly.

"Very good, since you guys are ready!"

"What you lack now is the tempering of a true battle of life and death."

"I hope you won't let me down then!"

"Whether the entire earth can survive depends on whether you have the force that is strong enough to compete with Daqin!"

Thor, the god of thunder, shouted with that unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

Facing the seriousness that came from Thor's eyes, there was silence in the eyes of one mutant soldier after another at this moment.

"Do we need to fight a cosmic-level civilization next?"

"Can we really win?"

Those mutants couldn't help but say slightly in their hearts.

They sensed this powerful strength they had, maybe their current strength has increased very strongly, but they can't even beat their instructor, so can they solve the Daqin that can beat their instructor to the ground?

The current mutant soldiers felt a pang of doubt.

"Kill kill kill!!"

Compared to some sane mutants when they are worried in their hearts, there are always some sick people who are sensing the power in his body that can be regarded as an explosion, and he only has one thought in his mind, now he is absolutely invincible in the world!

Facing that so-called Daqin?

I'm sorry, he has enough power to solve what so-called Daqin!

Listening to the shouts of one soldier after another, Thor could only nod slightly.

At the same time that Thor nodded slightly, Nick Fury, who is currently the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., slowly stood up: "In other words, does this group of people really have a 567 force to solve Daqin?" "

Nick Fury looked at the group of mutants with that deep hesitation in his eyes.

Facing the deep hesitation in Nick Fury's eyes, the current Thor slowly spoke: "This is already the most powerful force on the entire earth!" "

Thor's eyes looked at the mutants.

"You know, the technology on Earth is not comparable to our Asgard, so it is almost impossible to develop into a point where you can fight more with the big play at once."

"You can only rely on individual strength."

"At present, the most powerful single body power on the entire earth seems to be only these mutants."

"So, they are now the most powerful force on the entire planet, Liao."

At this moment, Thor at this moment explained with that calm tone.

Listening to the words from Thor, the god of thunder, there was a deep helplessness in the eyes of Nick Fury next to him.

"Oh, okay."

Then Nick Fury could only nod helplessly when he looked at those mutants.

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