Chapter 0241 - Submission of Ancient Mage!!

"You are Koichi."

At present, Yingzheng looked at the existence who was currently appearing in front of him with that calm gaze in his eyes.

In the face of Yingzheng's words, Gu Yi Mage replied lightly: "Yes, from the emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court. "

The current Gu Yi said so calmly.

In the face of the reply from Gu Yi, Yingzheng did not feel anything strange.

After all, according to what he knew, this guy Gu Yi had mastered the Time Gem.

The other party estimated from which timeline he should have learned the news of Daqin, so the other party could know his true identity, and the current winning government did not feel any strange.

"Say, what do you think about meeting me all of a sudden?"

"What is your origin?"

Sitting above the imperial throne, Sheng Zheng said so lightly.

What he needs to do is very simple for the current winning government.

That was what he wanted to know what the current Gu Yi came to him for?

And what is it to do just appear in front of him?

When Yingzheng's words fell, Bai Qi, who was in the hall of the Imperial Battleship, slowly pulled out the sword hanging from his waist at this moment.

As long as Gu Yi said something that shouldn't be said, then he wouldn't mind giving Gu Yi a sword.

As for whether he has this ability?

Don't doubt the power of Baiqi.

In the face of Bai Qi's actions, Gu Yi naturally noticed that after all, he was also a strong man who belonged to the Mahayana realm of the Eight Sutras.

But Furuichi chose to ignore it.

"The purpose of my coming here is simple, that is, to choose to join you, the Emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court."

The current Gu Yi took a deep look at Win Zheng.

Yes, his idea is very, very simple, and all he needs to do now is choose to join the current master.


"You need to know why."

The current winner said so calmly.

That's his reason, and now he just wants to know why.

Why did Gu Yihui choose to turn to him like that?

What happened during this time, or what did the other party really do?

He would not allow a Daqin who did not accept the existence under his control to turn to him like this.

As soon as he saw his Daqin, he accepted the surrender of one guy after another, but they belonged to the existence that could be controlled by Win Zheng.

The two vice deans from the monastic academy and the teachers one after another, although the name of the ceremony belonged to imparting knowledge about monastic cultivation for all the commoners possessed by Daqin.

In a way, the identity they have between them is similar to the offerings in those fantasy novels.

Once something happened to Daqin, then the offerings in those cultivation academies needed to solve those things.

Perhaps the strength in the military is no less than that of the monastic academy, but is it possible that everything needs to trouble many generals in the military?

There is no need for that at all.

Therefore, the monastic college was naturally born.

Don't look at the very powerful power contained in the monastic academy, but the group of guys in the monastic academy belong to the existence that can be directly controlled by the victorious government.

And what about this current Ancient One Mage?

He doesn't have to, he really can't be controlled by the winner.

So there is a reason to win.

In the face of the words from the current victory, the ancient mage at this moment had already expected it.

"Because I observed that timeline after timeline through the time gem, no matter which timeline, the entire earth and even all the planets in the entire universe and all civilizations float above the black dragon flag of Daqin."

"That is, no matter what I do, no matter what changes in the entire universe."

"But the end result is the same."

"That is, the entire universe will be ruled by your Daqin."

"Since the entire universe will be ruled by your Daqin, then at this time, I chose to fight with you like this, and finally ended up with a dead result."

"Then it's better to just choose to join Daqin, and in the end you can make a little more change, just make as many changes as possible."

"At the very least, the earth will not be completely destroyed in a certain timeline."

The current Ancient One Mage said so calmly...

In the face of the words from the ancient mage, Ying Zheng was finally able to understand why this guy chose to join his Great Qin Heavenly Court like this.

It was purely because of what the other party knew from the Time Gem.

"It seems that you have a deeper understanding of the power that Daqin possesses."

"You made the right choice."

Ying Zheng replied with a calm look in his eyes.

No matter what this guy turned to his Daqin for, the other party's behavior really belonged to the obvious.

Faced with the surrender of such a powerful existence, Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the ancient mage at this moment, and fell into a moment of thought.

In the face of this action and behavior that Yingzheng currently has, the ghost mage currently standing in the hall chose to ignore it.

Under the nervous gaze on the side, the current winner slowly replied: "Yes!" "

"Daqin can accept your surrender, and since you have accepted the surrender from Daqin, it means that if something happens to Daqin in the future, all you need to do is choose to solve the crisis that may exist."

Ying Zheng said calmly.

In the face of the words from Win Zheng, the current Ancient One Mage had no opinion at all.

"No problem, I agree to join the 2.3 Great Qin Heavenly Court."

At this moment, the current Ancient One Mage replied with that calm word.

As for the ancient mage at this moment, he knew from the endless timeline how powerful the power that came from the great music was.

Then how could he possibly go to compete with Daqin just like this at this time?

I'm sorry, it's impossible for the Ancient One Mage to compete with Daqin.

Instead of confronting Daqin like this, and finally ending up with a death result, then why can't you choose to submit to Daqin?

So at this moment, the ancient mage came.

He came with submission.

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