Chapter 0243 - That's God's Battle!!


As the battle between Thor and the large group of generals broke out in full force, the faces of the group of mutants in the mutant legion below changed one by one in an instant.

They looked at their instructor Thor and the targets they needed to fight this time, those who were present in the Great Qin army.

At this moment, after the mutants in the mutant legion looked at the powerful force that erupted between the two of them, all the guys had that deep fear in their eyes, and even that incredible breath.

They can't imagine that they can burst out such a powerful force, is this belonging to humans?

They don't look like the other party belongs to a human being.

In the face of the mutants in the mutant legion felt so confused, the soldiers from the many Daqin possessions at this moment also began to attack the mutants in those mutant legions.

After all, their generals have already begun to attack the so-called Thor god, so at this time, they can't just do nothing and watch the battle between the general and the enemy leader end and then start it, right?

If they really dare to do so, then I am afraid that they will face the punishment of military law at that time.

Because they are not at all the normal appearance that belongs to a soldier.

"Go and die!"

"Kill God and Kill!!"

One after another, the Great Qin soldiers did not hesitate to blatantly strike at the mutants in those mutant legions.


An incomparably powerful force began to erupt among the many Daqin soldiers.

As that powerful force began to erupt madly from the bodies of many Daqin soldiers, the mutants in the current mutant legion instantly sensed an unprecedented crisis.

"Danger #\!"

In an instant, the eyes of many mutants changed in an instant.

All the mutants looked at the soldiers in the current Great Qin with that incredible gaze.

"Big Spitfire!"

A fire mutant did not hesitate to aim the power of the flames in his body at the killing slash that erupted from the Daqin soldiers.

Although he didn't know if he could solve the powerful power that these Daqin soldiers had erupted at present, he only needed to know that all he needed now was to fully burst out the power in his body.

"Power of Thunder!"

A mutant who had mastered the power of thunder also began to burst out the power in his body.

Since the current thunder god Thor has begun to summon endless thunder power, at this moment, this mutant who has mastered the power of thunder can completely use the dark clouds in the current sky to attract a thunder.


One after another, the power of the dark blue thunder directly began to blast towards many Daqin soldiers.

As one mutant after another began to attack the Daqin soldiers, the god-killing slashes possessed by the Daqin soldiers also completely fell into the group of those mutants at this moment.


An unprecedented force erupted among that group of mutants.

As that unprecedented force began to erupt among many mutant groups, one mutant after another could only helplessly hate the northwest in the face of the killing gods that broke out by those Daqin soldiers.


One mutant after another couldn't help but let out one exclamation after another.

As one mutant after another couldn't help but let out one exclamation after another, the soldiers in the current many Daqin constantly attacked this group of mutants

"Overlord Slash!"

"Kill God Strike!"

One attack after another began to be erupted by many Daqin soldiers.

As one attack after another began to erupt by the soldiers of Daqin, one mutant after another began to face the powerful power that erupted from the soldiers in Daqin at this moment.


A powerful force began to erupt in full force.

As that powerful force erupted in full force, one mutant after another began to be completely killed by the force that erupted from the soldiers in Daqin.

"Plop plop..."

One body after another fell to the ground.

"Poof, poof..."

As the corpse fell to the ground and lost its breath, the blood contained in the corpse began to flow continuously.

Bright red blood began to flow through this desert.

As the bright red blood began to flow in this desert, the death of one mutant after another began to stimulate those who were still alive.

"This, this..."


"They are all devils!"

One mutant after another exclaimed.

All mutants had that deep fear in their eyes.

In the face of the power that erupted from the soldiers in the current Great Qin, one mutant after another said that this was really not an existence that they could compete with, and they were completely unable to defeat the soldiers in the current Great Qin.

"I want to live!"

A certain mutant let out that exclamation, and then fled madly beyond the battlefield without hesitation.

He didn't want to fight with the soldiers in Daqin on the battlefield, because if he continued to fight with the soldiers in Daqin, then he seriously suspected that he would lose his life like those guys.

In order to survive, he has to flee the battlefield!


He was a mutant with wings, and when he began to spread his wings and fly madly outside the battlefield, a certain Daqin soldier could always swing his sword directly at the one who was about to flee the battlefield.

"Boom boom..."

A strong sword qi began to erupt from within that sword.


With the powerful sword qi that erupted in that sword, the current mutant also began to fall from the sky to the ground and lose his breath.

Even his body was split in half at this moment.


"Kill all these mutants!"

In an instant, one after another Great Qin Zhong soldiers directly waved the butcher knives in their hands against these mutants.

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