Chapter 0259 - Great Qin Heavenly Court Conquering the Universe!!

With the blessing of Thanos in the Great Qin Heavenly Court, the fleet of the entire Great Qin Heavenly Court plus Thanos' fleet was completely merged into one.

An even more powerful fleet was born throughout the universe.

Faced with the birth of that more powerful fleet in the entire universe, all the civilizations possessed in the entire universe began to choose to surrender in the face of this more powerful skill.

Without him, naturally because the power of many civilizations in the entire universe is completely unable to compete with this more powerful Daqin fleet, when all civilizations in the entire universe cannot compete with this Daqin fleet, one civilization after another began to be conquered by Daqin, and one empire after another can only choose to surrender helplessly in the face of today's Daqin Heavenly Court fleet.

Because they currently have no choice but to surrender.

In this way, at present, the Great Qin Heavenly Court has occupied 70% of the entire universe.

After 70% of the entire universe had been captured by Daqin, the Celestial God Group, which was the most powerful in the entire Yu 523 Universe, also began to look at Daqin at this moment.

"What exactly do these beings belong to?!"

At this moment, the eyes of the group of guys from the Celestial God Group had an unprecedented seriousness.

"They are even stronger than the former God King Odin!"

"Even this current Great Qin Heavenly Court is even more excessive than Asgard!"

"Once Asgard, he just wanted to become the overlord of the entire universe, and now this so-called Great Qin Heavenly Court wants to become the master of the entire universe!"

At this moment, the current boss from the Celestial God Group said critically with that serious tone.

"I think it's time for us to stop the current expansion of Daqin!"

"We even have to crush this so-called Daqin at present!"

In the Celestial God Group, the second oldest being spoke with an angry tone.

As for the third in the Heavenly God Group, he said with a calm tone: "Then let's do it together!" "

"The strength of the three of us is at the top level in the entire universe!"

"They can't compete with us at the moment."

"Go solve them!"

At this moment, the three most powerful guys from the entire universe spoke so calmly.

Their strength belongs to the most powerful existence in the entire Marvel universe, and then they form the famous Celestial God Group.

When Odin, the former god king, led the conquest of the entire universe in Asgard, the third member of the Celestial God Group sensed the ambition from Ogong.

So the former Celestial God Group fought with God King Odin, and then God King Odin stopped his idea of expanding.

Although God King Odin cannot become the real hegemon in the entire universe just like that, the status that God King Odin can have in the entire universe is indeed the hegemon level of the Eight Classics, after all, the strength that Asgard has is so clearly placed here, and all the existence in the entire universe is recognized from the status that Asgard can have, and it is precisely because all civilizations in the entire universe recognize the status of Asgard.

Therefore, when Daqin directly destroyed Asgard, all the guys in the entire universe will feel a deep sense of gravity, because it is a hegemon-level existence belonging to the Eight Classics, but it was directly solved by the so-called Daqin, then this is enough to prove the strength of Daqin's strength (chbil horizontal!).

Well, now, the strength that Daqin possesses is far beyond their imagination, and now Daqin is about to fight the entire universe down!

Just when the entire Great Qin was about to knock down the entire universe, the Heavenly God Group was ready to dispatch, they wanted to completely stop this ambition of the Great Qin, and the entire universe absolutely did not allow one civilization to rule!

If the entire universe is really so directly and completely unified, then the civilization that unifies the entire universe will definitely not put their Heavenly God Group in its eyes, then this is absolutely not allowed for the members of the Heavenly God Group!

In this way, after 70% of the territory in the entire universe began to be ruled by Daqin, the Heavenly God Group was dispatched in an instant.


I saw that the current members of the Heavenly God Group disappeared in an instant.

After the members of the Celestial God Group disappeared in place, the ancient mage inside the Emperor battleship slowly spoke, "See Your Majesty." "

"Maybe we can stop the attack now, we need to resist the next Tenjin group now."

At this moment, the current Ancient One Mage spoke so slowly.

Facing the words spoken by the ancient mage, the current Yingzheng's eyes instantly carried a sense of seriousness.

Even at this moment, after Thanos heard the words spoken by the ancient mage, he slowly said with that serious gaze: "Is the Celestial God Group dispatched?" "

"Yes, the three guys of the Heavenly God Group have already launched an attack in the direction of today's Daqin."

"Instead of choosing to take down the entire universe in an all-round way, I think what we need to do at this time is to stop the attack for the time being and face the members from the Celestial God Group first!"

At this moment, the ancient mage at this moment slowly spoke.

In the face of the words from the ancient mage, the current Yingzheng replied with that unquestionable tone: "Since the group of guys from the Heavenly God Group want to prevent the unification of Daqin!" "

"Then let the Heavenly God Group take a look at the power from Daqin!"

"Ready for battle!"

"I want to see how powerful the strength of the group of guys from the Heavenly God Group is!"

At the same time, Yingzheng said with that unquestionable tone in his eyes.

It's just a group of heavenly gods, could it be that the other party can prevent him from unifying the entire universe?

I'm sorry, he would never allow such a thing to happen!

Then let him see how powerful the power of the Celestial God Group really is!

No one can stop Daqin from unifying the universe!

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