Chapter 0266 - Unifying the Marvel Universe!!

"Damn it!"

Just when Bai got up to help win the government, the current second elder of the Celestial God Group also directly chose to leave the current Marvel Universe at this moment.

While facing the second eldest of the Celestial God Group chose to leave the Marvel Universe without hesitation, the current boss of the Celestial God Ancestor has to face the attack of Win Zheng and Bai Qi.

"Boom la la!!"

At this moment, the figures of Thanos and the ghost mage also appeared directly next to the current winner.

In this way, four guys surrounded the boss of the Heavenly God Group at this moment.

When those four guys surrounded the boss of the Celestial God Group at the moment, the boss of the Celestial God Race looked at the four guys around him with that heavy gaze.

The boss of the Celestial God Group just looked at the four guys who surrounded him, and his eyes were so heavy as never before

"My life is long!"

At present, the eyes of the boss of the Celestial God Race were so heavy that they had never been before.

If nothing else, just by virtue of the situation he is facing now, no matter how stupid he is at this time, he can tell through the current situation that his life is not long in coming.

Just one winning government can already make him feel very difficult to deal with, and now there is another white rising.

So how can the other party deal with it?

Well, now, when Bai Qi and Yingzheng were so ready to attack him, the ancient mage and Thanos surrounded him.

In other words, he now needs to face four guys!

Even if this guy's strength is not as good as him, but the strength of two of these four guys is fully explosive, even he will feel a threat.

Not to mention that there are two Thanos and Ancient One Mages whose strength is only one level worse than him.

So when these four guys surrounded him like this, he naturally felt an unprecedented heaviness.

"Damn the second brother, he actually ran away like this!"

The current boss of the Celestial God Group carries that anger.

He really couldn't accept that the second eldest in their current Heavenly God Group had actually run away like this.

After the third eldest in their Heavenly God Group was solved like this, the second eldest actually chose to run away like this, and now let him, the eldest one-eyed, face all the strong people in Daqin.

How could this be acceptable to him?

Facing the arrival of the current Bai Qi and Thanos plus the ancient mage, there was that smile on the corner of Yingzheng's mouth.

"Let's fight again now!"

As Yingzheng's words fell, the power in his body also burst out at this moment: "Suppression! "

The phantom that still represents the Lingxiao Treasure Hall began to unfold behind the winning government.


At the same time that the shadow accompanying the Lingxiao Treasure Hall began to unfold behind Ying Zheng, that powerful and incomparable force also began to erupt in Ying Zheng's body.

"God Killing One Blow!!"

I saw Bai Qi continue to burst out the murderous aura in his body, and then waved away fiercely at the boss of the Heavenly God Group who was looking at him.

"Boom la la!!"

In an instant when that unparalleled murderous aura erupted towards the boss of the Heavenly God Group.

The current Thanos and Ancient One Mage also chose to do it without hesitation.

"Go and die!!"

That powerful force began to erupt from the bodies of Thanos and the ancient mage.

While that powerful force erupted from the bodies of Thanos and the Ancient One Mage, the current Ancient One Mage and Destroyer also erupted towards the opposite Celestial God Group Boss without hesitation.


That powerful and incomparable force began to erupt madly, and at the same time that the powerful and incomparable force began to erupt wildly, and the boss of the Celestial God Group at this moment could only helplessly hate the northwest in the face of this explosive force.


"You fucking fucking guys!"

At the same time, the current boss of the Celestial God Race could only curse at this moment.

There was an unparalleled anger in the depths of his eyes.

"Boom boom..."

At the same time that he carried that unparalleled anger in the depths of his eyes, a mighty and incomparable force directly blasted him fiercely.


As the boss of the Celestial God Group began to explode like this, all the masters of civilization in the entire universe shrank their pupils slightly.

"The entire universe will belong to Daqin!"

At this moment, all the lords of civilizations in the entire universe were like this, and when all the lords of civilizations in the entire universe carried that unparalleled heaviness, they all felt a complex fate for the next fate.

All they needed to do next was submit to Daqin.

This is more or less a very difficult result for them.

But sorry, fate is so!

That's all they can do!

With the moment when the current boss of the Celestial God Group began to be fully exploded, there was also a smile on the corner of the current Victory Zheng's mouth.

"Very good!"

"Very good!"

At this moment, Yingzheng's eyes also showed that slight satisfaction.

"Since the current Heavenly God Group has been completely solved, then it is time for Daqin to start expanding to the entire universe!"

"Listen to the order of Xuan and launch an attack on the entire universe!"

"I want the entire universe to become the world of Daqin!"

In an instant, there was an unparalleled firmness in the eyes that came from Yingzheng.

It's also time for Daqin to start unifying the entire supergod universe.


In an instant, the eyes of many guys in the Great Qin had a sense of excitement and seriousness in their eyes.

"Kill kill kill!!"

That rushing 2.0 shout began to echo among the twelve legions of Daqin.

In this way, Daqin began to launch a general offensive battle against the entire Marvel Universe.

In the face of the attack launched by Daqin, the current lords of civilization after civilization chose to surrender without hesitation when facing the arrival of Daqin's fleet.

Because they all deeply understood the truth that it was a wrong decision to compete with Daqin.

Only surrender, only submission to Daqin was the only way out they had.

In this way, under the attack of the Daqin battleship, the entire universe was completely reduced to the world of Daqin.

Daqin unified the entire Marvel Universe!

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