Chapter 0282 - A Trembling from the Great King of the Five Kingdoms!!


The Holy Aunt on the side could only sigh slightly when she listened to Zi Zhi's words.

"Daqin, I hope that Daqin can withstand the pressure from the God Realm at that time."

At this moment, the Holy Aunt could only sigh helplessly in her heart.

She belongs to this generation of descendants of Nuwa, so she can understand more clearly than Zixuan what the descendants of Nuwa really represent.

Perhaps this is a descendant of Nuwa who belongs to the Eight Classics of Zheng'er, but the other party is a thorn in the eye of the god world.

If it weren't for the need for the existence of Nuwa's descendants, I'm afraid that the existence in the God Realm would have solved the descendants of Nuwa long ago.

Now Zixuan, who is a descendant of Nuwa, chooses to join Daqin, which means that Daqin will face pressure from the god world, so I don't know if this so-called Daqin can face the pressure of the god world.

"If that pressure really happens then, then I will take Zixuan away!"

Saint Gu thought secretly in her heart.


"Then on behalf of the people of the future Daqin world, thank you!"

There was that smile on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth, but there was that seriousness on his face and said to Zi.

"Hey, hey..."

"From now on, I will be the medical minister of Daqin27."

At this moment, Zi Yi's heart carried a slight joy.

"Then let's go first!"

"The next Daqin needs to unify the entire world as quickly as possible!"

"Only when Daqin truly and completely dominates the world can the appearance of these rioters be stopped."

Ying Zheng looked at the group of ordinary people who knelt down not far away.

If you really want to stop these refugees, it is very simple.

That is to let Daqin rule the world!

Only by letting Daqin dominate the world, then Daqin can have that powerful enough force to stop the appearance of these refugees!

After all, it would be impossible for him to let so many refugees appear in Daqin at that time, right?!

Not to mention that he is responsible for the common people in the entire Daqin, and then the appearance of these refugees, it means that there is a problem in Daqin.

If there is a problem with Daqin, it means that the strength of he, the Lord of Daqin, will decrease.

How could he possibly allow this to happen?

So what you need to do to win is very simple!

That's domination!

Let the whole people of the world live a good life!

"That's right!"

"Let's go!!"

"Rule the world!"

"Let the whole people of the world live a good life!"

In an instant, when Zi Zhi heard what Yingzheng said, he also spoke with a serious tone.

Obviously, for the current words of winning the government, Zizhi at this moment believes that it is very, very reasonable.


"Then let's go!"

"Leave some people behind and move these refugees to some cities to settle down."

"By the way, knock down the nearest city as well."

Ying Zheng ordered to the generals behind him.


In the face of the order from the winning government, the current generals replied respectfully.


The mighty army thus began to attack into the distance.

As the mighty army attacked into the distance, a company commander who remained in place looked at the refugees at this moment and slowly said, "Follow me." "

Listening to the words of this Great Qin Company Commander, at this moment, the refugees looked at each other.

Finally, one of the leading beings gritted his teeth and nodded.


Although these refugees did not know where the officer of the Great Qin Middle School had taken them, they only needed to know that from now on they could only obey the orders of the general of the Great Qin.

What else could I do?

It's impossible to just keep fleeing, right?

"Tread, tread..."

Under the sound of footsteps, under the leadership of the Daqin company commander, the group of refugees followed them towards the nearest city.

As the Daqin army began to attack continuously, the fall of one national capital after another represented that one country after another began to be occupied by Daqin.

And at this moment, the Five Nations Alliance also began to completely mobilize their army, and the overwhelming army was walking on that plain!

"Do we really not have the hope of that person?"

The Great King from the Wu Kingdom had a hesitation in his eyes.

The kings of the Five Nations Alliance, the so-called Anti-Qin Alliance, chose to personally dispatch.

First, it can also boost the morale of those soldiers, and second, if these troops are defeated, they will not survive.

It is better to choose to set off with the army, which can also improve the morale of the soldiers.

But at this moment, when many great kings from the Five Nations Alliance began to approach those Great Qin troops, many great kings of the current Five Nations Alliance felt a deep hesitation.

In other words, did they really defeat Daqin?

The great king from the Kingdom of Wu was the first to ask about this.

In the face of King Wu's words, King Sun Guo, who was beside him, shook his head slightly: "This battle must be fought even if it can't be won!" "

"Unless you need to watch you and me being killed by Daqin."

"Either choose to fight or choose to wait for death!"

"Which path did you choose?"

King Sun Guo 777 said with a calm tone.

He also knew that the power they had between them would definitely not be able to defeat this so-called Great Qin.

But if they didn't choose to resist, they could only choose to honestly wait to be beaten by Daqin, and finally their country was destroyed.

Can they endure?

Sorry, can't stand it!

Since he couldn't bear it, he could only choose to do his best to resist this so-called Great Qin!

"That's right, unless you are willing to wait so honestly to be killed by Daqin."

"Then it's better to choose to fight to the death."

The current King of the Wei Kingdom said calmly.

"Oh, okay."

Hearing the words of the Great King of the Wei Kingdom, the Great King of the Wu Kingdom on the side could only nod slightly.

King Xu and King Zhao who were beside him chose to listen to their words, but they chose to think deeply on the sidelines at this moment.

Soon, the five-nation coalition army came directly in front of Daqin's army.

"Is there the Daqin army ahead?"

When the kings of the Five Nations Alliance looked at the mighty army in front of them, their eyes were filled with a deep shock.

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