Chapter 0289 - The Establishment of Great Qin!!


With the moment when Zhou Tianzi was so severely beaten by the lord of Great Qin, Huan Zheng, the last national fortune of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty was completely dissipated at this moment.

As the national fortunes of the Great Zhou Dynasty began to explode so directly, all the beings in the entire world began to look in the direction of the Great Zhou Dynasty at this moment, of course, now it belongs to the territory of the Great Qin.

"This, is the strength of this so-called Great Qin so strong?"

Many of the guys who possessed one cultivation sect after another began to look at Daqin at this moment.

If nothing else, the current scene alone is enough to make them feel incredible.

You must know that the Zhou Dynasty is the co-lord of the world in the world!

The result now?

The current co-lord of the world has actually changed one like this.

For the current group of guys, they still feel a little bit incredible.

"The co-lord of the world has changed."

The eyes of the guys after the guys were so silent.

"In other words, this shouldn't get in our way, right?"

A leader of the Shushan Sect from the Shushan Sect slowly spoke.

Listening to the words from the head of the Shushan Sect, many other elders shook their heads slightly: "The other party is a human dynasty, and we belong to the cultivation sect!" "

"Our future goals all belong to cultivating immortals."

"Daqin can't interfere with us."

At this moment, the head of the Shushan Sect replied so slowly, saying that for the Great Qin of the world?

Although it is said that a new co-lord of the world has been born, what about the co-lord of the world for these immortal cultivators?

Anyway, they can't interfere with them, they are taking the path that belongs to the path of becoming immortals!

They will not collide with the secular dynasty at all.

So at this moment, the head from the Shushan Sect shook his head slightly.

"Well, just a little surprised."

"I didn't expect that the Zhou Dynasty was actually so gone, and the new co-lord of the world was actually selected so quickly."

"It's kind of incredible!"

The eyes of an elder of the current Shushan Sect were filled with a deep emotion.

He used to be an ordinary common man under the rule of the Zhou Dynasty, and then chose to enter the Shu Mountains to cultivate immortals.

Most importantly, he was also selected, and finally with his own efforts and talents, he went all the way to the position of the current Shushan Sect elder.

Of course, he did not forget his days as an ordinary human being, when he was still living under the rule of the Zhou Dynasty.

Now the Zhou Dynasty has collapsed, and in its place belongs to an existence called Daqin.

Of course, although he still misses the former Zhou Dynasty in his heart, it does not mean that he will interfere with the current Daqin.

The power of the dynasty does not belong to some ordinary power!

They really didn't dare to interfere with the power of the dynasty just like that.

Because the power of national fortune possessed by the dynasty is really not an existence that they can easily contend with.

"Prepare for the situation where there may be fewer disciples in the sect in the future."

The head of the Shushan Sect said lightly.

At present, if the whole world is in a chaotic era, or if it is in the era of chaotic wars of princes, then there must be many, many ordinary people who cannot survive and will eventually choose to join these cultivation sects of theirs.

But today's entire world has completely ushered in unification!

No matter how blind the whole world is, you can see that this is a good place to go.

Therefore, it is very likely that those ordinary people will not choose to join their cultivation sect.

In this regard, we can only say that we must be prepared to reduce the number of disciples of the sect

"That's no problem, it's been so many years."

"Although there will be many ordinary people today who will not join our sect, this is just a late thing."

"You can wait."

The eyes of the elders one after another were so indifferent.

Although it is said that the number of disciples of their sect will be reduced next, it does not mean that their sect will be completely destroyed!

Since their sect will not appear to perish, then they don't care, anyway, it will develop as usual.

At a time when the current Shushan Sect was already so prepared to deal with the situation that the next disciples would be reduced, and at this moment, the Lord of Great Qin, Huan Zheng, also looked at the Great Zhou Tianzi who was easily blasted by him.

"From now on, Daqin is established!"

In an instant, the words from Winning Zheng completely spread throughout the world, and with the words of Winning Zheng spread throughout all the areas occupied by Daqin, those ordinary people under Daqin's rule looked at each other.

Although they said that they had already prepared.

From now on, they need to become ordinary people in Daqin, but after all, they are still a little bit uncomfortable with the change of identity.

Once they belonged to the common people under the rule of the Zhou Dynasty, or the common people who belonged to the direct rule of one princely state after another, but now their direct country has directly become this so-called Great Qin.

The change of identity has made the people one after another a little uncomfortable, but even if the changes around them are no longer adaptable, the current people still kneel down one by one.

"Plop plop..."

As one after another of the common people knelt down to the place where the government was won, the words of the current victory once again spread to all the areas occupied by Daqin.

"The Lord of Great Qin wins the government!"

Once again, the words of the current victory spread throughout all the areas occupied by Daqin.

And all the common people in the entire world understood what the name of their Lord of Daqin was, and the name of their Lord of Daqin was Win Zheng.

"Your Majesty, Saint Ann!"

In an instant, all the common people in the entire world began to bow their heads in respect of the direction of seeing the winning government.


As the entire people in the world began to kowtow to Yingzheng, the power of luck began to flow to the place where Yingzheng was.

"From now on, this place will be called Xianyang City!"

"The imperial capital currently owned by Daqin!"

Ying Zheng's words fell slowly.

As Yingzheng's words fell, all the luck in the entire world also began to converge in the sky above Xianyang City into a black dragon of national fortune that belonged to Daqin alone!

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