"Then are we going to bring back that other Nuwa descendant?"

At this moment, Zixuan said with that thoughtful look in her eyes.

Although Zixuan doesn't know what that one Nuwa descendant belongs to, it doesn't prevent the current Zixuan from being curious about that other Nuwa queen and even having that unprecedented expectation.

After all, there is only one descendant of Nuwa in the whole world, and that Zixuan still feels a little lonely.

Well, now, it turns out that she is not the only descendant of Nuwa in the whole world!

It turns out that in the whole world, in addition to her, there is also the existence of a descendant of Nuwa.

At that time, Zixuan will naturally have a deep curiosity and a deep expectation for it.

Facing the words from Zixuan, Minister of Medicine, the current Ying Zheng nodded slightly: "No problem, when the existence with the bloodline of Nuwa is detected by Daqin." "

"Then let her join Daqin, let her be your companion!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng smiled and said.

In the face of the words from Ying Zheng, the current Zixuan replied with that joy in her eyes: "Thank you, Your Majesty." "

At this moment, the Holy Aunt nodded with that helpless gaze, and even with that trace of heaviness.

So what about the Holy Aunt at this time?

At this time, the Holy Aunt could only choose another descendant of Nuwa to join the current Daqin.

After all, it is impossible to directly let the other party be exposed all the time, right?

Of course, if the existence with the bloodline descendants of Nuwa really joined Daqin like this, then I am afraid that it means that all the descendants of Nuwa in the entire world belong to Daqin.

Although it is said so, for the descendant who has the bloodline of Nuwa, this can also be regarded as an opportunity.

An opportunity to reunite with each other.

'Then retreat'."

"From today onwards, Daqin will be the lord of all the Terrans in the human world!"

"If that sect after sect dares to have any thoughts about Daqin, or even that existence in one cultivation sect after another dares to have thoughts about the common people under Daqin's rule, then don't blame Daqin for waging war against it!"

At this moment, there was an unprecedented seriousness in Ying Zheng's face.

Although he had already learned what kind of world this world belonged to, he also understood that the current Great Qin could not completely solve those cultivation sects in the entire human world just like that.

But it doesn't mean that those cultivation sects in the world can ignore the strength from Daqin!

If those cultivation sects in the world dared to ignore Daqin, then Ying Zheng felt that maybe they Daqin could make the other party understand what it was to be strong!

Their Daqin's strength can completely sit on the number one powerful force in today's world, if anyone dares to question it?

Then prepare to face the army of Daqin!


In an instant, after hearing the words from Ying Zheng, the civil and military officials one after another had a sense of respect in their eyes.

"Tread, tread..."

As the footsteps fell, the figures of the civil and military officials also began to gradually leave the Xianyang Palace at this moment.

With the news about the complete establishment of the kingdom from Daqin, and about the announcement of Daqin in the court, it also began to spread throughout the world with the news of the Daqin Empire.

When all the cultivation sects in the entire world learned of the declaration that Daqin had.

The eyes of the many leaders of that cultivation sect after another were so serious as never before.

The head of the Penglai Sect looked in the direction of Daqin Xianyang City with that deep thoughtful gaze.

"Daqin!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"There are currently two Tribulation Realms and more than a dozen Mahayana Realms, and even the existence of countless remaining realms?"

"Then Daqin's strength can completely sit on the number one force in the world!"

"Even Changliu Mountain can't compare with Daqin!"

The head of the Penglai Sect had that deep shock in his eyes.

If they were not particularly clear about the strength that the entire Daqin possessed before, after all, the speed that Daqin possessed in the entire world was too fast.

When they didn't react at all, the entire Daqin had already conquered the entire world.

What reaction are expected from them at this time?

But when they reacted, Daqin had already completely occupied the whole world, and it was estimated that the emperor from Daqin had also warned all the cultivation sects in the entire world so clearly.

If they dare to make a move against the common people in Daqin, then they will face the army from Daqin at that time.

They will face the war launched by Daqin directly.

"'Maybe you can choose to go to Daqin.'

"At the very least, this newborn Daqin should face a lot of pressure at that time, then choose to reconcile with Daqing at this time, then at least the Penglai faction will definitely not have any losses."

The current Penglai Sect The current head of the Penglai Sect has a deep firmness in his eyes.

"Man Tian has also grown up, then maybe he can bring her to Daqin!"

At this moment, the eyes of the head of the Penglai Sect carried that deep firmness in this moment.

He also knew that there was such a term called proton in many countries on earth.

Although it seems that there is an act of directly sending his own people to the other party as prisoners, at least this can be recognized by the other party (Li Zhao).

And the other party will not be too targeted at the existence they sent over, after all, the other party will not be too targeted at them.

Therefore, when he learned of such a situation, this idea instantly appeared in the mind of the head of the Penglai Sect at this moment.

He might be able to send his daughter to Daqin.

"Then it's so decided!"

In an instant, after some thought, the head of the Penglai Sect at this moment had completely decided what he needed to do next.

It is to send his daughter to Daqin!

At this moment, when the head of the Penglai Sect began to act, several other sects in the entire human world also began to discuss Daqin.


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