"Have you heard?"

"The lord of Daqin in the mundane world marries the descendants of Nuwa!"

"And the other party has already invited the masters of the ten major sects of the entire cultivation world!"

"Even the slightly famous sects were invited."

"And Daqin clearly stated that as long as you don't make trouble, then you can go to this wedding of the current lord of Daqin."

At this moment, two cultivators in a certain wilderness began to discuss with each other.

"Shall we go to the wedding of the Lord of Great Qin?"

At this moment, one of the cultivators couldn't help but speak to the one beside him.

"Even if it's not to go to the wedding of the Lord of Daqin, it is a very good decision to get to know the head of the Ten Gates Sect and the elders."

"You know, in this wedding, anyone who has a name and surname in the cultivation world will participate."

"It's also a good idea to expand your network."

One of the cultivators holding a sword had that deep excitement in his eyes.

Facing the words of the cultivator holding the sword, the other cultivator 957 holding the sword had a deep thought in his eyes: "Then go to the wedding of the Lord of Daqin this month!" "

"It's also a good decision to learn more about the world."

"By the way, let's see how powerful there are in the entire human world."

"Let's see how powerful the strength of the cultivators in the entire human realm really is!"

At this moment, the current cultivator holding the combat knife naturally nodded slightly.

Not to mention that the current wedding of the Lord of Great Qin completely belongs to the prosperity of the entire world, just by virtue of the fact that one after another famous and surnamed cultivators have gone to participate in the wedding of the Lord of Great Qin, this is already a grand ceremony belonging to cultivators.

So anyway, regarding the wedding of the Lord of Daqin, they thought it might be good to participate in it to expand their horizons.

"Then go!"


As the words of the two current cultivators fell, they directly began to control their magic weapons and flew towards Xianyang City.

And just when the commanders and generals of the ten great legions began to go to one door after another to inform, a situation similar to this was happening in the entire human world.

All the guys in the entire human world turned their attention to the Great Qin Xianyang City.

Let's not talk about this wedding of the lord of Daqin, you must know that Daqin has the title of the first powerful force in the entire human world, and the entire human world is dominated by Daqin.

Although it is a saying that everyone knows, how strong is Daqin's strength?

I'm afraid that there really is no one in the entire human world who can understand it.

Now it is the wedding that the Lord of Daqin and all the high-level people of the entire Daqin will attend, and this is a grand ceremony.

Those who are curious about Daqin will go to this wedding to see how powerful Daqin's strength is.

Not to mention that Daqin invited all the famous and surnamed sect masters in the entire human world this time, as long as they were a little famous in the entire human world, they were all invited.

Then for that group of cultivators, this can be regarded as a grand festival belonging to the cultivation version.

So how could they miss it at this time?!

Just when all the cultivators in the entire human realm began to act.

Some people also began to pay their attention to the wife that the Lord of Great Qin was about to marry this time.

"Have you heard?"

"The existence that the Lord of Daqin needs to marry is the descendant of Nuwa!"

"You heard it right, it's the legendary descendant of Nuwa!"

At this moment, a certain cultivator who received the news said with that incredible opening in his eyes.

"Descendants of Nuwa?"

"Isn't this a legendary existence?"

(AIEB) A certain being who did not have a particularly deep understanding said with a puzzled tone. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Facing the doubts in the eyes of this guy at present, the one who currently learned the news said with a hint of affirmative tone.

"That's right!"

"It's the legendary descendant of Nuwa!"

"It's the Nuwa who created people!"

"The existence that the current Lord of Daqin needs to marry is the descendant of Nuwa!"

"I just learned about this descendant of Nuwa in the legend."

"Thinking that the Lord of Daqin actually wants to marry the descendants of Nuwa!"

"It's kind of incredible to think about."

A blue-robed being said with a hint of emotion in his eyes.

Facing a cultivator in blue clothes at this moment, another cultivator also had that incredible look in his eyes: "Yes, who would have thought that the existence that the Lord of Daqin needed to marry actually belonged to the descendants of Nuwa!" "

"It's not unusual for the Lord of Daqin to marry his wife."

"After all, although Daqin's strength is very strong, after all, Daqin should only belong to a country."

"Since it is a state, the emperor, who is the head of the country, will definitely marry his wife."

"But I didn't expect that the wife married by this Lord of Great Qin would actually explode so much."

"The other party is actually a descendant of Nuwa."

"It's incredible!"

At present, a white-robed cultivator shook his head slightly, his eyes still carrying that incredulity.

Obviously, the news that Ying Zheng needed to marry the descendants of Nuwa next caused a very big wave in the entire human world.

What is Nuwa's existence?

That's a legendary-level human being!

That's Our Lady of the Terrans!

The result now?

The Lord of Great Qin actually wanted to marry the descendants of the Terran.

The main of Daqin married the descendants of Nuwa, how could this not shock the group of guys in the entire human world at present?

Since the group of guys in the entire human world was so shocked, they naturally needed to take action.

"Everyone, meet in Daqin Xianyang City!"

"I'm waiting for you there!"

As those words fell, one cultivator after another flew towards the direction of Daqin Xianyang City at this moment.

All the cultivation sects in the entire human world had a particularly big fluctuation because of this wedding of Daqin's independent reign.

Some people want to participate in this wedding in order to observe the strength of Daqin, some people are because they want to come to participate in the wedding of the government, and some people come to participate in this wedding because of the title of descendants of Nuwa.

In this way, nearly six or seven percent of the cultivators in the entire human realm came to Daqin Xianyang City!


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