"Brush brush brush !!"

Just when the common people from all over the world felt a deep surprise, I saw that the entire sky immediately erupted into bursts of sound.

As the sound of breaking the void sounded, the heads of the vast many sects also came to Daqin Xianyang City at this moment.

"Is this Daqin Xianyang City?"

I saw that one after another of the leaders looked in the direction of the sky with a deep surprise in their eyes.

Perhaps those ordinary cultivators could not see it, but for their group of cultivators, they could clearly see that the huge and extremely large Great Qin Qi Luck Dragon was hovering in the sky above the entire Great Qin Xianyang City.

That was the embodiment of the Great Qin National Movement!

"Is this Great Qin's national fortune so strong?"

Among them, the head of the Shushan faction looked at the direction of "eight zero three" in the sky with a sense of surprise.

"This, this, just with the power contained in the dragon of the Great Qin National Fortune, can completely beat us!"

The head of the Shushan Sect had an incredulity in his eyes.

Not to mention anything else, just with this thing that is happening so far, just by relying on this Daqin National Fortune Dragon that is possessed in the sky, they can really completely and completely beat them.

They are not exaggerating!

They are just telling the truth!

Listening to the words from the head of the Shushan Sect, the eyes of the other current leaders also looked at the dragon of the Great Qin National Fortune possessed in the sky with deep jealousy.

"I'm afraid that the power possessed by this Dragon of National Fortune is no less than that of the Tribulation Realm, right?!"

"I'm afraid it's even more powerful than the Tribulation Realm!"

The head of the Penglai Sect looked at the dragon of Daqin with a heavy look in his eyes, and at the same time, because he himself wanted to send his daughter to Daqin to serve as a proton, this idea became more firm.

Not for anything else, purely because Daqin's strength is placed here.

"I'm afraid it's all stronger than the remnants."

"Even the remnants don't have such a powerful power!"

The sect leaders one after another all looked at the Dragon of National Fortune in the sky above Daqin with a surprised gaze.

Although this dragon of the Great Qin National Fortune sometimes does not represent anything, they really dare not make a move on the dragon of the Great Qin National Fortune.

Once the Dragon of National Fortune made a move, then the power possessed by the Dragon of National Fortune could easily suppress any of their existences.

So what are they doing at this time?

It doesn't make any sense at all!

That's why they have that deep fear.

And at this time they also compare in the inner group.

Once the most powerful remnant and now the most powerful Daqin, who is the real number one between the two of them?

It's hard to say.

But they now have some understanding in their hearts.

"Guys, go inside."

"Go on."

At this moment, the remaining head Bai Shangxian said so calmly.

Facing the Great Qin National Fortune Dragon hovering in the entire sky, he did not have the need to touch the other party at this time.

At this time, he only needs to honestly choose to enter the following.

"No problem."

In the face of Bai Shangxian's words, the current sect leaders nodded slightly to show understanding.

Obviously, they all said that there was no problem with such a thing.

After all, this in itself is not a major problem, so since this is the case, now they choose to go below, which is naturally the best choice.

They didn't dare to fly over Xianyang City under the noses of the dragon of the Great Qin Kingdom. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


As the heads of one sect after another and many elders fell to the ground in Xianyang City, the cultivators who were currently from all corners of the entire world also saw this group of guys.


"That's the head of the Ten Great Gates Sect and the elders!"

At this moment, there was a deep surprise in the eyes of the many cultivators below.


In an instant, at the same time that the group of cultivators just wanted to pour directly into the past, the soldiers led by the officers of the Great Qin Middle School couldn't help but scold.

"Brush brush brush!"

As the words of the officers and soldiers in Daqin fell, the huge murderous aura directly began to erupt in full force.

At the same time that the terrifying huge murderous aura burst out in an all-round way, all the current guys immediately looked at the soldiers in Daqin with that deep fear in their eyes.

"Ahem, ahem..."

"Guys, let's take your time..0.."

"Since the heads of the ten main sects have already come to participate in this wedding, then we still have that opportunity to make contact, there is no need to rush up like this."

The head of a certain sect coughed slightly and said to the elders and many disciples in his sect.

"Makes sense, makes sense."

As those words fell, the many cultivators who were ready to rush over to talk to the leaders and elders of the Ten Great Gates Sect also stopped their steps.

At this moment, the elders and leaders of the Ten Gates Sect walked into Xianyang City so calmly.

While accompanying the elders of the Ten Gates Sect and the head of the sect calmly walking into Xianyang City, everything about what they had in Xianyang City also entered their field of vision.

"This thing, not bad."

"Although it may not be of much use, it can make the life of ordinary people better!"

There was an appreciation in the eyes of a certain sect elder.

"This is not bad!"

"And this, it's not bad."

Soon, one sect leader after another and many elders entered Xianyang City, and at the same time, one thing after another from Xianyang City entered their field of vision.

When they learned the usefulness of those things, they naturally had only one idea now.

That's what this thing is really good! 4.8 "Don't really say, when Daqin was very strong in strength, the other party was quite good at the life of these ordinary people." "

At this moment, one elder after another said as they discussed each other.

In the face of the current words discussed by one elder after another, at this moment, the heads of those Ten Great Sects looked at the smiles that were in the corners of the mouths of those ordinary people with a solemn gaze.

With this scene alone, I have already understood that the lives of the common people in Daqin can be regarded as very good.

"No wonder the Great Qin National Games will be so strong."

The eyes of the heads of one sect after another all had a slight emotion in them.


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