Listening to Zhang Han's words.

Ying Xuan's gaze was slightly condensed.

"Is someone deliberately hiding the relationship between the people on this list and Hu Hai?"

said Zhang Han with a solemn face.


Ying Xuan touched his chin and muttered.

"It's a lot more interesting. Through

Zhang Han's investigation of this news.

Ying Xuan can basically be sure.

The two messages that the salamander gave him should be true.

And the news that Zhang Han found out was also very interesting to Ying Xuan.

Before the crossing.

Ying Xuan only knows.

In the history of Great Qin, after the death of the First Emperor, Hu Hai and Zhao Gaoli Si joined forces to force to death the son Fusu, who was famous for his benevolence and righteousness, and more than ten of his brothers.

As a result, Hu Hai became the second emperor of the Great Qin Empire with the support of Zhao Gao and Li Si.

At that time, before he crossed over, Ying Xuan still had doubts in his heart.

Originally, he thought that Fusu had the support of the 300,000 golden fire cavalry of the Meng family and all the Confucian disciples.

He and Hu Hai, who are supported by Zhao Gao and Li Si, should be comparable in terms of strength, or even surpass.

Even Zhao Gao finally rebelled and tampered with the edict of the first emperor.

Fusu will not commit suicide and die......

After all, Fusu was the most valued son by the First Emperor.

Such a cowardly death is too devoid of cards, right?

Ying Xuan then contacted the news that Zhang Han had investigated.

Ying Xuan thinks.

Maybe Zhao Gao and Hu Hai are the two traitors.

In the early days.

It is in Xianyang City that a hidden force has developed that is not weak.

And this hidden force.

Maybe it was Hu Hai and Fusu in the game process, Hu Hai forced Fusu to kill the last hole card!

Ying Xuan played with the scroll sent by the startled salamander in his hand, and looked at the news on the scroll.

He chuckled softly.

"It seems that in the end, it is not unreasonable for Hu Hai to force Fusu to death and become the second emperor of the Great Qin Empire.

"Compared with my eighteenth brother, my eldest brother Fusu can really be called benevolent and righteous. All the forces are on the surface, and they are only close to the Montessori and Confucianism......"

"And my eighteenth brother not only has the support of Zhao Gao and Li Si, but also secretly co-opts other powerful forces in Xianyang City!"

These words, he just muttered softly.

Zhang Han below didn't hear it clearly.

It's just that when he said these things, Ying Xuan also had murderous intent in his heart against the hidden force that Hu Hai had secretly pulled together.

You know, as the prince of Great Qin.

He was already an enemy of Hu Hai and Zhao Gao.

Since he had already offended Hu Hai before.

Then he must clean up the forces in Hu Hai's hands that may threaten him in time.

Hu Hai can't be allowed to have any possibility to turn against himself.

Not to mention.

Even for the sake of the Great Qin Empire, this Huhai's hidden power can't leave ......

These people colluded with traitors like Zhao Gao, and Ying Xuan didn't believe that their foundation was clean.

Ying Xuan thought so.

The murderous intent in his heart has risen.


he said.

"Zhang Han, this son ordered you to go to the Imperial History Observatory to check the files of the major cases in Xianyang City over the years, and see if you can find clues related to the people on this list.

"As long as you can find some evidence of their crimes over the years, you will take all the members of the Shadow Secret to arrest them, and don't be relentless. "

In addition, I also give you the right to cut the case before the act of the Shadow Secret Guard. If necessary, I will allow you to use strong force in the eradication

of traitors!"

Zhang Han hurriedly clenched his fists.


and Ying Xuan muttered.

"If there are no people in the Imperial History Observatory who are related to the major cases in Xianyang City over the years, don't act rashly for the time being. We are operating in the name of maintaining law and order in Xianyang City. Don't let someone leave us behind and accuse us of the power of supervising the country!" Zhang

Han was about to step back, and listening to Ying Xuan's instructions, he clenched his fists again.

He chuckled.

"Don't worry

, Childe, investigating cases is what our shadow guards are best at, as long as the people on this list have committed crimes, they will definitely not escape from Ascension again this time. "

Zhang Han has always respected Ying Xuan's orders, and at this time, he was about to do it immediately after receiving the task.

And at this very moment.

The startled salamander returned to the outside of Ying Xuan's study.

Seeing Ying Xuan sitting in the study, the startled salamander immediately hugged his fists.

"Seven Princes!

The startled salamander asks to see!" Ying Xuan looked at the startled salamander, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Come in. The

startled salamander entered Ying Xuan's study, and she reported.

"Seventh Prince, I have completed the task you ordered me before.

Ying Xuan nodded and said with a smile.

"Yes, I've already received the news that you beat Hu Hai up. It's just that you beat Hu Hai, which is a bit of a big fuss, and now, the guards of the entire Xianyang City are searching for your traces. The

salamander was silent.


She said.

"Does the Seventh Prince want to hand me over?" Ying

Xuan smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Perhaps because of the previous growth environment of this startled salamander, it was too depressing in the net, and he couldn't even hear the appreciation in his words just now.

But Ying Xuan didn't really want to say anything to the startled salamander.

He said indifferently.

"Well...... Since you have now let my son see your sincerity, then in the future, you will be my Yingxuan's person, and from now on, you can live in my Yingxuan's mansion. The

salamander understood.

Win Xuan Gongzi didn't want to hand himself over, but now he has admitted that he can join the forces he wants to add.

So, she hugged her fists.

"Thank you, childe.

Ying Xuan waved his hand.

"Moreover, since you have given me enough sincerity, then I will not treat you lightly. After

saying this.

Ying Xuan flicked his fingers directly, and in the next second, a set of books on his desk flew straight into the salamander's hand. It was a biography of a person he had just finished.

The startled salamander listened to Ying Xuan's words, and when she saw Ying Xuan's actions, she was still a little stunned.

I didn't understand what Ying Xuan's intention was. You said that you would not treat me lightly, why did you throw a book slip in my hand?

But the next moment, she saw Ying Xuan and motioned for her to open the book.

The salamander was silent for a moment, and then she opened the book.

""Pity the Stars and Invite the Moon"?"

when I first first saw the text on the book.

The startled salamander also thought that Ying Xuan gave her some art of war or an ancient book of sages.

But who expected, when she saw the words on this book, her face showed a rare look of surprise.

The content recorded in this book is not the art of war or the ancient books of sages, but a vivid story, which gradually surfaced in her mind as she read it deeply.

The story is short and brief.


The startled salamander finished reading the story called "Pity the Stars and Invite the Moon".

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