The main hall of Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Zheng sat on the throne.

Two people stood below.

Bai Qi and Meng Tian.

"The Xiongnu have invaded Great Qin!"

As soon as Ying Zheng opened his mouth, Bai Qi and Meng Tian were shocked.

Because they didn't even get the message.

The front-line battle report will be delivered to Xianyang about this afternoon.

But Ying Zheng can't wait.

He is going to ~ send troops to attack the Huns now.

Completely exterminate the Huns!

"The widow wants you to lead your troops to fight against the Huns......"

"One should have a lot of food and grass, and the few people can take care of it. "

"There is only one requirement for the widow......"

"On this expedition, the people of the Xiongnu Empire, regardless of men, women and children, were all killed, and no one was left. "

"On this expedition, the widows want to completely destroy the Huns and let the Huns completely disappear from this world. "

Ying Zheng's voice was calm, but his words were full of murder and anger.

The calm appearance can hardly hide the anger in Ying Zheng's heart!

The calm words can hardly hide the murderous intent in Ying Zheng's heart!

Those who commit Great Qin will be punished even if they are far away!

"The minister obeyed. "

Bai Qi and Meng Tian looked resolute and did not hesitate to give up their orders.

"The minister has another question. Bai Qi said.


"The terrain of the Xiongnu Empire is dominated by grasslands and deserts, thousands of miles deep, hundreds of thousands of troops go deep into the grasslands, and the supply of grain and grass is a big problem. "

"Moreover, the grassland is vast, and you can't see the end at a glance, and when you are in it, it is difficult to even tell the direction. "

"It is easy to get lost in the army that invaded the Huns, and it is also easy to get lost in the army that transports grain and grass. "

Bai Qi said.

Hearing this, Meng Tian nodded silently, expressing his great agreement.

Why were the Huns so rampant?

Is it because they know that Da Qin has no way to take them?

The Great Qin army was simply unable to fight deep into the grasslands.

Even if the Great Qin army fought deep into the grassland, then, as long as they fled on horseback, the Great Qin army would not be able to catch up with them.

The Xiongnu army had more cavalry and less infantry.

The Great Qin army was just the opposite, with more infantry and less cavalry.

Fighting on the grassland, the Great Qin army was inherently disadvantaged.

"The widow has a solution to this problem. "

"This ring is a space ring. "

"As the name suggests, there is a certain amount of space inside that can be used to store items. "

"The space of this space ring is enough to store millions of stones, grains and grass!"

Ying Zheng took out a high-level space ring and showed it to the two of them.

"Million stone grain?"

Hearing this, Meng Tian and Bai Qi were taken aback.

It's a fetish!

With this thing, the army will no longer have to transport food when the army goes out on an expedition in the future.

Now, Ying Zheng is like a god in their hearts.

It is normal for Ying Zheng to be able to take out a divine object such as a space ring.

"This is a storage bag, which can also hold millions of stone grain. "

"But unlike the Space Ring, this storage bag can hold living things. "

Ying Zheng took out another storage bag obtained from the system and showed it to the two of them.

"On this expedition, the widow will give each of you a space ring and a storage bag. "

"Space rings, which can be used to store food, water, and weapons. "

"Storage bags can hold materials captured from the Xiongnu, such as cattle, sheep, war horses, and the like. "

Ying Zheng was very thoughtful, and even thought about the issue of seized materials.

The Huns can be killed and destroyed!

But the cattle, sheep and horses of the Huns cannot be wasted.

"As for the problem of getting lost, it's easy to solve. "

"This is the compass, the direction of the pointer, always pointing south. "

"In addition, the widow will send Bai Feng with the army, he can control the birds, reconcede the enemy, and guide the direction. "

Ying Zheng took out another compass from the spatial ring.

The compass was made by the Craftsman Bureau according to the drawings given by Ying Zheng.

The compass is so useful in marching and fighting, with a compass, even if you go deep into the steppe, you will not get lost.

"Great. "

Hearing this, Bai Qi and Meng Tian both felt very happy and excited.

With the space ring and compass......

They felt that this time they would definitely be able to destroy the Xiongnu Empire!

"White ......"

"The widow lends you another weapon......"

As he spoke, Ying Zheng took out the blood spear and handed it to Bai Qi.

"This blood spear was lent to you by the widow. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Bai Qi hurriedly took the blood spear, and his face showed joy.

This blood spear was as red as blood, faintly exuding red blood.

This blood spear suits his taste very well.

Bai Qi is known as a killing god, but this blood spear is full of a terrifying killing force.

Meng Tian next to him was envious.

He could feel the power of the blood spear.

Ying Zheng waved his hand.

Two space rings, two storage bags, flew towards Bai Qi and Meng Tian.

Bai Qi picked up a space ring and put it on his finger, then picked up a storage bag and tied it to his body.

Meng Tian also picked up a space ring and put it on his finger, then picked up a storage bag and tied it to his body.

Bai Qi experimented with the space ring according to the method of use taught to him by Ying Zheng.

He aimed the spatial ring at the Blood Spear.

The blood spear swished, and then vanished.

"Depart today. "

"I wish you all a triumphant!"

As soon as Ying Zheng waved his hand, Bai Qi and Meng Tian withdrew from the main hall.


Bai Qi returned to the Killing God Guard military camp and began to equip food, water, weapons, and more with storage bags and space rings.

Meng Tian also used space rings and storage bags to equip a large amount of food, grass, water, and weapons and equipment.

Although the storage bag was used to hold the spoils of the attack on the Xiongnu......

However, the bag can now also be used to hold food and water.

The army can prioritize the use of food and water in storage bags.

Half a day later.

Bai Qi led 200,000 Killing Divine Guards, and Meng Tian led 10,000 Golden Fire Cavalry, starting from the Lishan camp and heading to Yanmen Pass.

Bai Feng went out with the army and went out together.

Dianqing and Mei Sanniang also went out with the army.

Two days later.

The army reached the city of Yanmen.

In Yanmen City, after a short rest, Bai Qi and Meng Tian led the army out of Yanmen Pass.

It was into the territory of the Huns.

Bai Feng roared in his mouth, and then countless birds flew in, hovering in the sky.

With a wave of Bai Feng's hand, those birds scattered and began to look for traces of the Xiongnu tribe.

Soon, Bai Feng discovered a tribe of the Huns with the help of flying birds.

"Kill them all, not a single one!"

Meng Tian's eyes were cold, and with a wave of his arm, he led the golden fire cavalry and rushed towards the Xiongnu tribe.

Meng Tian led the golden fire cavalry and rushed into the Xiongnu tribe, like a tiger like a flock of sheep, and slaughtered the Xiongnu tribe.

And Bai Qi led the Killing God Guard, outflanking from the side to prevent these Huns from escaping on horseback.

Most of the god-killing guards led by Bai Qi were infantry, and they couldn't catch up with the Hun cavalry at all.

Therefore, the Killing God Guard outflanked from the side in advance and surrounded the Xiongnu tribes.

They wanted to wipe out all the Huns, and not a single Hun would let him escape.

"The enemy is coming!!"

"There's an enemy sneak attack!"

This tribe panicked and hurriedly met the battle, but how could it be the opponent of the Golden Fire Cavalry.

Today's Golden Fire Cavalry will all have the strength of first-class warriors or above.

There are even many people who have been promoted from first-class martial artists to innate martial artists.

Moreover, the trace of the divine power of the Vajra Realm and the supreme rigidity of cultivation they mastered gave them extremely strong defensive power.

The enemy's weapons are very difficult to hurt them.

Moreover, even if some of them were slashed by enemy weapons......

There were also soldiers who used the divine power of the Immortal Realm, causing their injuries to heal instantly.

As a result, they were almost killed.

Moreover, they have all cultivated the Twenty-Four Formation of Dize, and they can cast Dize Twenty-Four in units of one hundred, or they can cast Dize Twenty-Four in units of ten.

The twenty-four great arrays of Dize can greatly improve the overall combat effectiveness of the Golden Fire Cavalry.

The Golden Fire Cavalry launched a frenzied slaughter against the Huns.

In a matter of moments, hundreds of Huns were killed.


Many Huns felt terrified, helpless, and hopeless.

Their Xiongnu were the overlords of this grassland, and they never thought that the Great Qin army would go deep into the grassland and come to attack them.

The cavalry of the tribe immediately all went out to meet the golden fire cavalry.

The Hun cavalry was known for its toughness in the steppe......


These cavalry were no match for the Golden Fire Cavalry.

The cavalry were horrified to find ......

The Golden Fire Cavalry all seemed to be invulnerable, and their weapons slashed at the enemy, and they were unscathed.

They were all dumbfounded!


It's outrageous!

Their weapons were slashed at the Golden Fire Cavalry, and none of them were injured.

How can this battle be fought?

Can't fight at all!

This led to a great decrease in the vigor of the Hun cavalry, and gradually lost their fighting spirit. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They tried to escape, but were surprised to find that there was a large army waiting for them outside.

Bai Qi led the Killing God Guard and killed all the Hun cavalry who wanted to escape.


All the Huns of this tribe felt incomparably desperate and incomparably afraid.

You can't beat it, you can't run away!

Can they just wait to die?

"Don't kill again, we surrender!"

Among the Xiongnu tribes, miserable cries continued to sound.

Many Huns shouted that they wanted to surrender.

But Meng Tian ignored it completely.

Now know the surrender?

What did you do earlier?

When the Xiongnu army invaded Daqin, did you ever think that there would be this day?

For the Hun cavalry, the golden fire cavalry is absolutely crushing.

Although the Hun cavalry was more numerous than the Golden Fire Cavalry, no amount of them would help in the face of absolute power.

Soon, this Xiongnu tribe was completely wiped out.

The people of the tribe, men, women and children, were all slaughtered, and none of them were spared!

0 begging for flowers

In this war, the harvest is quite rich.

Not only did they harvest many war horses, but they also harvested a lot of sheep, as well as various sheepskins and animal skins. []

Meng Tian put the sheep in a storage bag.

And those war horses are equipped on the soldiers of the Killing God Guard.

Fighting in this steppe, it is very disadvantageous to have no war horses.

Although the soldiers of the Killing God Guard have not been specially trained in horsemanship............


Horseback riding, they still will!

Followed by.

Bai Qi and Meng Tian led the army to the next tribe.

With Bai Feng here, it is not a problem to find the Xiongnu tribe.

When they find a tribe, they destroy a tribe.

That's it......

After finding a tribe.

Meng Tian led the Golden Fire Cavalry to charge and kill, and Bai Qi led the Killing God Guard to outflank him.

On the first day, Bai Feng led the Qin Dynasty army to find the six Xiongnu tribes.

The army of the Qin Dynasty wiped out all six tribes.

The next day, Bai Feng led the army of the Qin Dynasty to find five Xiongnu tribes!

The army of the Qin Dynasty wiped out these five Xiongnu tribes!

On the third day, Bai Feng led the army of the Qin Dynasty to find the four Xiongnu tribes!

The army of the Qin Dynasty exterminated all four Xiongnu tribes.

In just three days, the army of the Qin Dynasty wiped out fifteen Xiongnu tribes!

Meng Tian and Bai Qi reaped a lot of loot.

In the past three days, Bai Qi has led many people who have owned war horses.

Killing God Guard, basically half of them became cavalry.

In three days, more than 400,000 Huns were wiped out by the Qin Dynasty's army!

The whole steppe was plunged into a terrible shadow.

It didn't take long......

This news spread to the ancient city of Bei and to the ears of the Xiongnu Shan Yu Touman.

Touman was furious!

The Xiongnu dominated this steppe for many years.


Within three days, hundreds of thousands of Huns were wiped out in the steppe they dominated.

How does this not make him angry and shocked?

In addition to anger and shock, there was also a trace of fear in his heart.

The Xiongnu tribes are very strong, and it is not easy to destroy them.

How did those enemies manage to wipe out all the fifteen tribes in three days?


Touman immediately issued an order, ordering all the Xiongnu tribes to assemble in the northern ancient city.

As long as they are united, even if the other party is strong, they are not afraid.

Soon, the various tribes received orders from Touman.

Then, tribes began to migrate to the ancient city in the north.

The Xiongnu tribes were mainly nomadic and rarely built cities.

The northern ancient city is a rare city in the territory of the Xiongnu.


One by one, the Xiongnu tribes entered the ancient city of the north.

After that, the Xiongnu royal court began to issue weapons to the Xiongnu in the northern ancient city.

For a time, in the northern ancient city, all the staff were soldiers!


There are 400,000 cavalry, 200,000 infantry, and 100,000 logistics supply soldiers in the northern ancient city!

A total of 700,000 Hun soldiers gathered in the ancient city of the north!

It can be said that all the Huns, except for women and children who could not go to war, went to war.

Even, some young and strong women joined the army.

They had only one purpose, and that was to deal with the attacks of the Golden Fire Cavalry and the Godslayer.

They planned to raise the strength of the Xiongnu and start a final decisive battle with the Qin Dynasty.

Waited for a few days.

They finally waited for the Divine Killer and the Golden Fire Cavalry.

Bai Qi led 200,000 killing gods, and Meng Tian led 10,000 golden fire cavalry............

Soldiers are under the ancient city of the north.

"This ancient city in the north is not easy to attack!"

Meng Tian looked at the ancient city wall of the north that was more than ten meters high, and sighed.

Siege warfare is not the strong point of cavalry.

It can be said that it is very difficult, almost impossible, for a cavalry to capture a city.

"I've handed over this ancient northern city to me. "

In the process of exterminating the tribe before, it has always been the Golden Fire Cavalry as the main force, and the Killing God Guard is only assisting on the side.

This time.

Bai Qi is ready to show his skills.

Bai Qi kills the god of death, not in vain.

He kills people, and even he is afraid of himself.


Bai Qi rode a war horse and came out of the crowd.

Bai Qi took the blood spear out of the spatial ring.

Bai Qi plans to test the power of the blood spear.

As a weapon of the Black Dragon Heaven, the Blood Spear itself possesses terrifying power.

This weapon can be called an artifact.

The use of the blood spear needs to be urged by divine power.

Bai Qi threw the blood spear in the air, and then poured his Vajra Realm divine power into the blood spear.


Blood spear, blood is prosperous!

Crimson blood, expanding!

In a moment.

The crimson blood is shrouded in this world.


It looks like the sky is dyed red!

Turned a dark red!

See it!

Xiongnu Shan Yu Touman was extremely shocked and shocked.

The leaders of the Huns were also very shocked and shocked.

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