Chapter 175 Soul Eater Cover (fourth more seeking subscription)

"and many more!

Yan Dan's pupils shrank, and he realized that the woman Ying Zi also was holding in his hands. This was the Snow Girl who was one of the leaders of his Mo family. With a murderous face, he shouted, "Tell me your purpose!"

"My goal? I have achieved it. You still care about your own life, Uncle Yan Dan."

Winner also said with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, slowly.


Yan Dan's complexion changed. Few people knew about his identity as Yan Dan.

Ying Zheng's son unexpectedly knew about this.

This made Yan Dan feel suspicious.

"who are you?"

Yan Dan looked at Winning Ziyi solemnly. He already knew that the other party was not easy, and he didn't dare to look down upon it.

"Who am I? Haven't I already told you? What's more, everyone in the Mo family is in danger now, Uncle Yan Dan, don't you go to rescue your Mo family compatriots, and choose to fight with me alone? Maybe Under Wei Zhuang’s attack, everyone inside was dead."

Winner also said with a smile.

Yan Dan's face was heavy, he couldn't wait for himself to be a clone now.

"Brother Yan, don't worry, you can leave it to me."

Xiaoyaozi noticed Yan Dan's mood swings and said.

"Mr. Xiaoyao, his strength is very strong, I can feel it."

Yan Dan said seriously.

Hearing this, Xiaoyaozi stroked his beard and smiled: "I can naturally feel his strength, but it is also extremely unstable. Don't worry. I will delay him for a while until you finish the matter over there. It can still be done.

"Then I'll leave it to you, please be careful.

Yan Dan nodded decisively, glanced at the winner, and quickly led a large number of Mohist disciples away to the central control room of Mohist government office.

"Xiaoyaozi, will your Taoist school be destroyed too?"

Winner also looked at Xiaoyaozi calmly, and said calmly.

Behind Xiaoyaozi, many disciples of Taoist Ninzong were still standing.

"The son is joking. Since this world is no longer a livelihood, why not completely overthrow this world and return the people of the world a better living environment."

Xiaoyaozi shook his head and explained very profoundly.

"Speaking of rebellion is so refreshing and refined, I think your face is thick enough.

Fan also sneered, and said bluntly.

"Whatever you say, anyway, it is impossible for you to leave the Mojia Institution City today. Unless you put down the people in your hand, otherwise you want to escape from my eyes. This is absolutely impossible."

Xiaoyaozi didn't care, and said calmly.

"Then try!

Yingzi also glanced at the exquisite face of Snow Girl in his arms, leaned over a little, and slowly put Snow Girl on the ground. Holding an ordinary bronze sword in his hand, under the eyes, it can still vaguely reflect a little light, which is very sharp.


Xiaoyaozi instructed the Renzong disciple behind him.

"Yes, head!"

A group of Taoist disciples surrounded the winner and arranged them in a wonderful formation.

This is the Taoist Seven Profound Channeling Array.

It is composed of seven people, of which Xiaoyaozi controls the most important position, and the remaining six people, led by Xiaoyaozi, continuously send out seven or seventy-nine changes, which makes people unpredictable.

Except for "Xiaoyaozi, the rest are only second-rate warriors, which is good information."

There was a smile on the corner of Yingzi's mouth. Since he was a second-rate warrior, it would be easy to handle.

It is difficult for him to break the battle alone.


His current strength is not only dependent on personal strength.

The power of suffering from insects is also his greatest support.

"If it's not a critical moment, I really don't want to exchange this one-time bug."

Winner couldn't help shook his head, thinking so.

He wants to exchange it for, Soul Eater!

Enemies of the second-rate warrior level, if they are parasitized by the Soul Eater, within three breaths, there will be absolutely no life and complete death.

A very powerful coverworm.

But the winner has never been exchanged so far.

Because this kind of worm is a one-time item, so Winner is also reluctant to use his blood to exchange for this one-time item.

And under this situation, if the Winner did not exchange the Soul Eater cover, it was very likely that Xiaoyaozi and others would stay in the Mo family completely.

"Exchange Soul Eater Gu, the number is 6."

The fan also read silently in his heart.

"The redemption was successful. The amount of HP spent this time was 6000 points, and 6 Soul Eater caps were successfully redeemed.

"The current host's blood volume is 30221 points.

Six thousand points of HP were spent all at once, and if it were put in the past, the winner would definitely have to feel distressed a few times.

Ask for flowers...

But now, the winner, who has a huge amount of blood, doesn't care.

With a huge amount of bitter heart, wanting blood volume is already a very simple matter.

So, even if the current blood volume is exhausted, the winner will definitely not feel distressed.

With bitter heart, it is equivalent to having a steady supply of blood.

"Pawn formation, take offense as defense, always pay attention!"

"Popular formation, secretly observe, looking for the best time."

"The soldiers, the phalanx, and the Luozhen, the trinity, cross attack!"

Xiaoyaozi instructed the six Taoist disciples, and the position where he stood was right in front of the winner, and the most important place of the formation.

"The position where you're standing!

This position will dominate the flow of the entire formation, and it is also the most important position.

If you want to break through the formation, you must defeat Xiaoyaozi, otherwise, although the strength of the winning Ziyi is now innate, it is difficult to kill the second-rate martial artist.

After all, Xiaoyaozi was watching and waiting for the best time to attack.

Once the winner also reveals his flaws, Xiaoyaozi's most violent move will be waiting for him.

This is the magical effect of the formation. If you want to resist, you must not focus on a certain person, so you will most likely be attacked by other people in the formation, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Xiaoyaozi and other seven people, each with a serious face, quietly watching the besieged winner, the seven people seemed to form a whole, exuding a majestic aura of oppression.

"It's a pity, I'm not alone! Your plan is going to fail.

Winning son also looked at the look of the seven who were ready to go, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, disapproving, and muttered in his heart: "Call out the soul eaters."

I saw that in the palm of Ying Ziyi, six Gu worms that were too small to be caught with the naked eye appeared.

The soul eats away, killing people thousands of miles away is invisible, and can enter the human body silently. Unless the internal force is extremely deep, one can die within three breaths. Even if a person with a deep inner strength is accidentally covered in the body by the Soul Eater, it will not be able to return to the sky. Within a day, there is no doubt that he will die. The cover worm only has a one-time attack, the parasites die, and the cover worm is dead. Xi,

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