Chapter 187-Mysterious Shadows (fourth more seeking subscription)

"The son!

Standing next to him, Xiao Li was shocked, and quickly stood in front of Yingzi, looking around with vigilance to prevent anyone from attacking.

Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, who were not far away, looked at each other, and quickly launched a rigorous search in the vicinity.

Zhang Luo led the iron cavalry quickly to the depth of the mouse, Zhang Luo knelt down on the spot in panic, and said: "The son of forgiveness, it is the poor protection of his subordinates, and the son is frightened!"

"Lead the men and horses to see if there are any clues left."

Winner also glanced at the corpse on the ground calmly, and immediately ordered.


Zhang Luo nodded hurriedly, and then led the iron cavalry, surrounding the carpet-like search, and you must not miss any details.

The person in front of Ying Ziyi was killed, which made Zhang Luo feel unusually angry.

If Winner also died, he couldn't imagine what the consequences would be for him.

"Check it out for me! Be sure to find out this damn murderer for me!

Zhang Luo immediately gave the order to participate in it personally, and no trace on the ground should be missed.

"My lord, my lord!"

Beside the body of the civilian man, several entourages who accompanied him began to cry.

Upon seeing this.

Winner couldn't help but shook his head.Who is it that wants to kill the civilian man?

This question has been surrounding the heart of Ying Ziyi, making him puzzled.

Moreover, the person who shot is definitely very strong.

At the very least, it is definitely above the innate.

And has a strong ability to conceal, and it is very difficult for so many people here to be aware of the situation.

Today's winner has not completely withdrawn from the innate realm. His five senses are sharp to the extreme, but he still has not captured the other party's breath the moment before the opponent shot.

That is to say, the other party is a professional killer.

When everyone kills, they will expose a moment of murder.

However, the killer can be controlled.

Therefore, Winner didn't feel any murderous aura, and saw a silver needle pierced the civilian man's head.

A trick that seems simple, but it is actually very difficult.

If you don't have a trained killer, you can't do this.

Thought of this.

The fan can also shorten the scope of a part, since it can lead to a killer to kill the civilian man?

Is that the enemy of the other party?

Or is it another reason?

If it's an enemy, it doesn't make sense.

Why did this assassin wait until the civilian man came before him?

You know, there are three thousand iron knights here, along with two masters from the Yin and Yang family. If you want to kill this civilian man, you can do it halfway.

However, the killer waited until the civilian man came to the front of the winner, and then chose to kill the civilian man under this obviously very difficult situation.

Is the killer too confident? Only by deliberately choosing to kill the civilian man in a situation that is very unfavorable to him, can he show his ability?

Do not!

Absolutely impossible!

If there is a killer with this mentality, the grass will grow three feet tall.

Killers are a group of very clever people. In addition to being clever, they are also very decisive. They can judge the situation in an instant and choose what is good for him to kill each other.

But now, what happened in front of Winner, violated the iron law of the killer.

There is only one answer that can explain why the killer chose this time period to do it.

That is the killer was asked.

In other words, when the person who gave the order must ask the killer to kill the civilian man, it was when he was talking to Winko.

Only in this way can explain why the killer would take a huge risk and do it at this moment!

The problem is back to the original place.

"Who is it, want to kill him?"

Winner also lost his eyes in thought, thinking carefully.

But in any case, he is always difficult to find the final answer.

This matter revealed a weirdness everywhere, and the winner had already smelled something not simple. It seemed that someone was going to target him and had already launched a plan for him.

"The son!

Zhang Luo rushed to the front of the winner, and said respectfully.

"How's it going?"

Winner also took a deep breath, calmed his heart, and asked.

Hearing this, Zhang Luo sighed, shook his head and said truthfully: "Returning to the son, his subordinates have neglected their duties and searched all the places here, but they have never been able to find any traces. This murderer seems to have disappeared out of thin air. Not even a trace of it was left."

Seeking flowers...

"Is that so."

Regarding this matter, it was also in Ying Ziyi's expectation that he dared to kill the civilian man in front of so many people. This kind of courage and strength will not leave a trace, but it is normal.

Not far away, Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming gradually approached the fan.

The breeze glided by, and there was a burst of fragrance in the air. Two distinctly different fragrances were mixed together, and a brand-new fragrance was fused together.

Winner also took a deep breath, put aside all the doubts in his head, looked at Dai Shiming, and slowly asked "How?"

"No one was found.

Dai Shiming shook his head, electric hair, and said truthfully.

"I see.

The winner also nodded, raised his head, and looked at the blue sky without saying a word for a long time.

Immediately, Winner also looked at the crying people on the ground and asked: "Do you know if there have been any major incidents in Xianyang recently?"

A few painful people noticed that the winner was also speaking, and they immediately converged a few points, but still with grief that could not be concealed. Incident. It’s just that the adult found your subordinate on the night three days after you left Xianyang, and went out of the city with your subordinates and others. We did not expect that the adult would be killed in such a rush.

"A peace?"

Winner also narrowed his eyes slightly, but he clearly remembered what the civil servant said was not the case.

That is to say, the peace in Xianyang is superficial. Therefore, those who follow are not qualified to know the so-called major event.

Is it sealed?

What is it that would make people seal the information so that it is not spread in Xianyang!

Vaguely, the Winner also felt that the affairs of the civil servants must have something to do with what happened in Xianyang.

"get together!"

Winning Zi also flashed his eyes, called Zhang Luo, and said: "Everyone, get ready to go, hurry up. This time we have to go back to Xianyang at full speed, and don't take a break in the middle!

"Yes, son!"

Zhang Luo nodded quickly, and then issued an order to the iron cavalry and others, and everyone was ready to go. Xi,

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