Chapter 237 Arrangement (first more seeking subscription)

Intuition tells Winner that this blood-stained dress must have an unusual meaning.

Even, this dress is closely related to the assassination of Fusu!

The blood has been incorporated into the clothes, and the original color of the clothes is no longer known.

"My son, is this dress weird?"

Wang Li couldn't help asking.

"do not know.

Winner shook his head. He is only guessing that this dress is unusual, but there is no substantive evidence to prove it.

a long time.

Winner also put his gaze back on the pile of colorful gems, and soon all the gems were put back into the wooden box.

Looking at the hole on the ground, Winson also ordered: "Return this hole to its original appearance."

"My son, don't worry, there is no one living here anymore. Even if you don't fill it in, no one will notice it, let alone disturb others.

Wang Li thought that winning the son was also to prevent others from discovering it, so he reminded him.

"Do not!

Unexpectedly, Winner also shook his head, his eyes gleamed with brilliance, and said, "Do you know that there are gems here, what does it mean?"

"Subordinates don't know.

Wang Li lowered his head and said respectfully 23.

"There are gems here, which proves that this is a place where treasures are hidden. As for the significance of the existence of this cave, I am not sure, but I can be sure that this cave was definitely excavated by someone among the killers. And these gems , It is also an item he collected alone."

Winner explained with bright eyes.

After a pause, the corner of Ying Zi's mouth slightly curled up, and said: "Since the gem has not been taken away, then, it also proves that this person will come back here! Since he deliberately hid the box here, then How could he leave it alone? And it's still a team of invaluable gems. Such a precious item will definitely make him come back and take it away in a desperate way.

"My son, the subordinates still have questions."

Wang Li hesitated and said.

"But it doesn't matter.

The winner also spoke bluntly.

Hearing this, Wang Li took a deep breath and said, "My son, even if it is something hidden by someone in this group of assassins, it may not necessarily be dead. Moreover, even if he is not dead, why has he been so long? Didn't come back to take this thing? Such a precious thing, he should be very urgent!"

"Why didn't he come back? Maybe it's because he couldn't come back within this period of time, and this blood-stained dress is the key.

The winner also said slowly.


Wang Li looked at the clothes in Ying Ziyi's hand, and for a while, he was puzzled. Then his eyes lit up and said, "My son, you mean that he is very likely to be injured. So, for a while, he feels like he is suffering. The frightened mouse did not dare to return here at all."

"You guessed it right. Of course, all of this is just a guess. To know the result, just send a few people here to stare at all times, and there will only be answers at that time."

Winner also smiled.

"The son is absolutely right!"

Wang Li showed a respectful look on his face, and he had to admire Ying Ziyi's mind in his heart.

He never thought that just a piece of clothing and gems could make Winner think about so many situations.

At this moment, Wang Li had a trace of admiration for the winner.

The longer the contact, the more clearly Wang Li could feel it.

The winner is also unfathomable!

"let's go."

Winner also glanced at the hole, put the blood-stained clothes into the wooden box, and took them out of the room with the pile of gems.

The Dasi Ming three followed closely behind.

But Wang Li gave orders to a few soldiers, and then followed Yingzi and left the yard.

Walking out of the yard, a group of soldiers stood tall and heroic, watching the surroundings all the time.

If it comes to vigilance, they are still very qualified!

"Everyone gathers!"

Wang Li shouted at a group of soldiers.

I saw that all the soldiers obeyed Wang Li's instructions and quickly gathered in front of Wang Li, forming a neat line.

Wang Li lowered his head and said to Yingzi: "My son, the personnel have been assembled. You can choose the close personnel to stay here as a secret whistle."

Winner also nodded, glanced at a group of well-trained soldiers, nodded nearly ten people out, and said, "Only eight of you, come with me!"

"Yes, son!"

The eight soldiers looked respectful and walked with the steps of the winner.

Winner also came to a position about fifty meters east of the yard, and said to the Leon soldier among them: "You two are standing here, you only need to observe the direction of the west. The two of them alternate day and night, and need time. Pay attention to the people coming and going to the west. If you see someone coming, keep your eyes on the yard. As soon as someone enters the yard, you should immediately arrest him! Do you understand?"


The two soldiers immediately nodded with their heads upright, full of confidence.

Later, Yingzi also led the other six people to the west, north, and south. Two people were placed in each position.

If you are alone, you can never observe it all the time for 24 hours.

So another person needs to be handed over.

The Winner also chose only eight people, because once the number of people increased, the chance of being discovered would also increase.

Therefore, he has to control the number of participants.

Eight people are good enough for this kind of thing.

As for whether the escaped killer can be caught in the end, that is not something that these eight people can do.

Only 803 of the eight of them is close to the strength of third-rate warriors, and even ordinary third-rate warriors can't fight against them. When you encounter a killer, you are definitely killed.

As for leaving them to observe here, it is just a secret whistle.

The real main force, the winner also has a candidate.

"Xiao Li, you need to stay here for a few days and observe here carefully. If there is a fight, capture the opponent as soon as possible. But remember, don't hurt the opponent's life, I need to ask him if there are important things!"

Winner also looked at Xiao Li and spoke frankly.

That's right!

Xiao Li was the rear hand he arranged. Even if a killer appeared, according to the strength of Xiao Li's first-class warrior, it should not be a very difficult thing to leave the opponent.

Unless the person you meet is a first-class warrior or a congenital!

But this possibility is not great.


Xiao Li nodded respectfully without any objection.

In this way, the layout of the yard surrounding this strike has been completely completed.

Just wait quietly for the return of the fish that slipped through the net.

The winner is also 20% sure that this person will return to the yard.

The confidence of 20% is already very low, but Winner also has the idea of ​​temptation, and doesn't care about arranging Xiao Li to wait here.

Even if you haven't waited for the appearance of this killer, the loss will not be much.

It's nothing more than a few people, and for the winner, it's completely painless.

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