"Report to the general, no evidence of rebellion found. "

The Golden Fire Cavalry also finished searching at this time, and a captain looked solemn and reported to Meng Tian.

After hearing this, Meng Tian's face was solemn, and he thought to himself: "How is this possible?


Zhang Wei and Meng Tian, both of them cast their gazes on Su Cheng, waiting for each other's reply.

If there is really no evidence of rebellion, even if you are a national teacher, you will inevitably be punished, right?

After hearing the words of the shadow guard and the golden fire cavalry at this time, the whole person's expression became more and more proud, and he seemed to have seen the tragic appearance of Su Cheng's punishment.

You know, framing a prince for rebellion is a huge crime!

A trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, revealing a fierce momentum, and a grim expression hung at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, he is like a poisonous snake, and he can bite at any time.

"Hehe, Master Guoshi, did you hit your face?"

"I am loyal to the great king, how can I rebel?"

"You have red lips and white teeth, framing the prince for rebellion, this is a great crime!"

"I will ask the king to punish you!"

Concubine looked arrogant, her tone was full of ridicule, and she couldn't wait to say to Su Cheng with her nostrils.

His gaze looked at Su Cheng as if he were looking at a dead man.


"Didn't you find evidence?"

Su Cheng's face had a playful smile, and the whole person still looked calm, as if he didn't pay attention to the threat of Concubine at all.


Two sharp rays of essence burst out from his eyes, shooting towards Qiu Yi, and the whole person was covered in a murderous atmosphere, and said domineeringly: "I said you rebelled, you are rebelling!

This sentence directly made Qiu Yi stunned, and then he looked shocked, the whole person's mouth was wide open, enough to stuff an egg, and his face was even more incredulous.

He even plucked his ears as if he had misheard.

He looked at Su Cheng like a madman.

This bastard, too daring, right?

This is the slander of the red fruit!

What's more, there were still Zhang Wei and General Meng Tian on the scene, and he dared to say such a bold thing?


What's the situation?

The national teacher really has no evidence, and is slandering the concubine?

Zhang Wei and Meng Tian were stunned, and the two looked shocked, and a huge wave of shock was set off in their hearts.

I saw this time.

Su Cheng's body suddenly erupted with a terrifying momentum, and his eyes carried a murderous intent.

He threw a punch at a dead man, with a terrifying force in his fist.


Before the dead man could react to what was going on, he was directly punched through the chest.

A large blood hole appeared in his chest, which looked extremely cruel and bloody, making the scalp numb.

He lowered his head and looked at his chest, with unprecedented horror in his eyes, his pupils gradually dilated, and then he screamed, and his body smashed straight to the ground.

This sudden scene directly short-circuited everyone's brains.

They never imagined that the national master would dare to kill the dead soldier in public.

This is equivalent to a mortal feud!




That's how Sioux City feels now.

"General Zhang Han, General Meng Tian, is even more abusing his power by causing trouble in the DPRK and forming a party for personal gain. "

"What is the use of keeping such a courtier?"

"Don't follow me and kill him?"

Su Cheng burst into a snort, the whole person revealed an undisguised murderous intent, his eyes had a cold light, just a glance, it was terrifying.

Not bad.

This is exactly the strategy that Su Cheng and Ying Zheng secretly talked about last night!

First, above the court, he framed the concubine for rebellion, and then introduced it into the home, annihilating all its forces in one fell swoop.

In this way, on the one hand, Qiu Yi has no defense, and can quickly kill him, and on the other hand, he can annihilate all the forces he raises.

I have to say that this plan is very bold!

In order for the smooth progress of the plan, even Zhang Han and Meng Tian were kept in the dark.


Zhang Wei and Meng Tian gasped, and the two looked at each other, seeing shock in each other's eyes, and their faces had a trace of realization.

The two of them were able to sit in this seat, and their minds were naturally quick.

In an instant, they figured out that framing the concubines for rebellion was just a pretense.

The real purpose is to introduce it into the mansion and kill it!

This is the elaborate plan of the Great King and the National Master!

You know, Concubine is the second powerful minister besides Lu Buwei, and has always been a thorn in the heart of the great king.

Unexpectedly, the action of the Great King and the National Master was so fast, it was simply a thunderous momentum!

"The Shadow Guard Warrior obeys the order!"

"Kill the concubine!"

Zhang Wei snorted coldly, revealing endless murderous intent.

"The Golden Fire Cavalry obeys orders!"

"Surround all the people in the mansion, don't let a single person go, kill them all!"

Meng Tian's eyes flashed with a cold light, and said indifferently.


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