Under the command of Ling Xue and Han Shan, they lined up to buy fine salt.

All the people who bought the fine salt looked excited, and they looked at the fine salt in their hands with an incredulous expression on their faces.

"The master is really powerful, and he has produced so much fine salt in just three days." Ling Xue's eyes flashed and she said softly.

When she thought of the appearance of her owner, her heart couldn't help but increase her speed|beat|move, and the whole person's cheeks were covered with a faint layer of pink, which looked very fascinating.

"Of course, the master has many means." Han Shan nodded in agreement.

In the hearts of Ling Xue and Han Shan, as long as the two women thought of Su Cheng, they had a shallow smile on their faces.

It is their greatest honor to be the maid of the master.

"Lu Buwei is estimated to vomit blood, who let him meet such a demon person as Su Cheng?" Concubine Yan secretly thought in her heart, her beautiful eyes like jewels shimmered with radiance, making people look at it|heart|head|fire|heat.

Dongfang Undefeated held his hands on his chest, and his fair and delicate face was still a cold look.

She and Concubine Yan came specifically to prevent accidents.

After all, fine salt for five dollars a pound can make many people have crazy thoughts.

This time.

Inside the salt shop opposite.

The salt shop guys looked at the crowd who were still surrounded by water leakage just now, and ran to the opposite side in an instant, and the whole person was stunned.

When he saw the salt on the opposite side, five dollars a pound, and it was all fine salt, he only felt that his head was blank, and his whole body was about to be unstable.

His breathing was rapid, his eyes were fixed on the opposite salt shop, and his face was full of shock.

You know, the entire sales of Daqin salt are all controlled by Prime Minister Cheng.

Which one who does not open his eyes dares to go against Cheng Xiang?

What's more, the other party's fine salt is much finer than the fine salt on the market, and it is only sold for five dollars a catty?

How is this possible?

Compared with each other's fine salt, their fine salt is a dregs.

This must be an illusion, a dream!

He pinched his arm hard.



It's not a dream, it's true!

In an instant, his whole person panicked.

He immediately closed the door of the shop and went directly towards the prime minister's mansion, and the whole person was in a nervous mood.



"Why are you here? Isn't this the time to sell salt? "

Lu Buwei, who was closing his eyes, after seeing the guy, a trace of dissatisfaction obviously flashed on his face, and a faint coercion spread in the room, and his slightly narrowed eyes also revealed a trace of coldness at this time.

The guy from the salt shop plopped down and knelt directly on the ground, his expression was full of horror, and his whole body was trembling involuntarily.

Lu Buwei has been in a high position for a long time, and his power is tilted towards the opposition, and just a trace of momentum on his body can oppress him.

"Prime Minister, something is bad."

The guy pressed his forehead to the ground and said respectfully, he could already imagine the scene of Lu Xiang's fury after hearing this explosive news.

Lu Buwei's heart was even more choked, he faintly felt a little uneasy, and asked in a low voice: "What happened?" "

"Prime Minister..... On the opposite side of the salt shop, a new salt shop was opened, and the other party's fine salt only cost five cents a pound, and the slave had never seen such a fine and white grain of salt. "

The guy's body trembled like a sieve, and his voice trembled.

What the?!

Five cents a pound of fine salt?

And have not seen such a quality of fine salt?



Dead silence!

The room fell into an eerie silence, and he could hear his heart pounding.

If you look closely, the cold sweat on his forehead brushes the direct flow.


Lu Buwei squinted his eyes slightly and opened them directly, revealing two cold rays that seemed to be substantial, and his body revealed a scalp-numbing breath, as if it was a volcano that had been silent for a long time, and it could erupt at any time.

Throughout the room, a strong coercion suddenly spread.

"Who dares to oppose me?"

"Ying Zheng or Su Cheng?"

His voice was full of cold breath, like a blade cutting through the iron, making people goosebumps get faster.

About a minute or so passed.

A flash of essence flashed in his eyes, "Hehe, want to play with me?" I'll play you to death! "

Don't forget that before he became Prime Minister, he was a famous businessman!

He knows more than anyone else!

"You led all the salt dealers in Xianyang and pretended to be ordinary civilians."

"You buy as much salt as the other side has."

"I'll go to the account room to get the money in a moment, and act immediately."

A hint of mockery appeared at the corner of Lu Buwei's mouth, and he said lightly.

The other party wants to fight him?

I don't know if I'm alive or dead.

He secretly bought all the salt of the other party.

Wait until the other party has no salt, and then sell it at a high price!

That's his plan!

It has to be said that to be able to transform from a businessman to a prime minister, Lu Buwei does have two brushes.

The guy who was kneeling on the ground, after hearing the words of the prime minister, the whole person's eyes lit up, and he secretly admired the wisdom of the prime minister.

Immediately, he retreated, received a large amount of money from the account room, and began to act.


It will be on the shelves at twelve o'clock tonight, please order first!


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