The madness caused by the night pearl does not end there.

The price of the night pearl is still rising!

Once you buy and sell, there is no hard work, just after a hand, you can get countless benefits.

In the face of such huge interests, no one can calm down anymore.

At the moment, there is only one thing in everyone's mind:

Pearl of the Deep!

Cultivate? Work? Produce?

What is that?

The wind comes and goes, how much money can you earn after a hard year?

Ten years of hard work, only to accumulate a little family property. And participating in the night pearl frenzy soon gained ten times the profit!

As a result, many nobles, even merchants and wealthy families, invested all their family property into the night pearl.

The entire Wei kingdom fell into national madness.

As soon as many people meet, greeting each other has changed from "have you eaten" to "Do you buy night pearls?" "How many levels are you?"

Seeing that the profit obtained by casually trading the night pearl is the harvest that only occurs after half a year of running a shop, everyone can't help it.

Many nobles and merchants sold their shop properties, not even the mansions they lived in, and exchanged all them for gold and silver, in order to participate in the buying and selling frenzy of the night pearl.

To run an industry, you need to invest a lot of capital. Raw materials are bought, workers are summoned to process, transport them, and sell them.

The program, as long as there is a little problem, may be lost.

Even if all of them are not wrong, its benefits are limited.

In the past, nature was very valued. But now with the night pearl trade, who can still see it!

Grain trading houses, throw!

Cloth trading house, throw!

Strike iron and smelt copper, throw!

All the industries that were once sought after are now abandoned and sold by aristocratic merchants. Just exchange for gold and silver and join the night pearl frenzy.

Because a large number of store industries were sold off, the price was directly overboard, but no one bought it.

At this time, the Lu Chamber of Commerce finally made a move, and at a very low price, it bought these original shop industries in the Wei Kingdom everywhere.

From planting linen and weaving cloth, to clay utensils, grain industry, forging gold and metallurgical iron, everything fell into the hands of the Lu Chamber of Commerce.

The entire Wei Kingdom, almost all the degrees of use, are in the hands of the Lu Chamber of Commerce.

This boom of night pearls has finally aroused the worries of some wise people.


Wei State Daliang, early dynasty of the royal palace.

The group of courtiers lined up one after another, with joyful faces on their faces, waiting for King Wei to arrive.

"Meet the King!"

The courtiers bowed down and bowed to the King of Wei.


King Wei raised his hand and asked the courtiers to rise.

"Great King, the minister has something important to do!"

A gray-haired old minister couldn't wait to stand up.


After obtaining permission, the white-haired old minister spoke with worried eyes.

"Great King, now within the Wei Kingdom, there has been a boom in the night pearl, and many great nobles have bought and sold the night pearl to obtain huge profits."

"And the one who operates and supervises the sale of the night pearl is the Lu Chamber of Commerce of the Qin Kingdom. Every time traded, a large profit was drawn. "

"In this way, the money of the Wei Kingdom has been earned by the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce!"

"Not only that, they also wantonly acquired various high-quality industries of the Wei Kingdom, indirectly controlling the entire Wei Kingdom!"

The white-haired old minister looked resolute, bowed his head suddenly, and fell to the ground.

"For the safety of the Wei Kingdom, the old minister pleaded with the Great King to ban the raid of the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce!"

This remark made the ministers furious.

"Old and faint, sensational!"

"That is, what else is said for the good of Wei Guo, I'm afraid I didn't take advantage!"

"I don't know what it is!"

One by one, the ministers of the Wei Kingdom jumped out and constantly attacked the white-haired old ministers.

They were in the frenzy of the Night Pearl, but they had obtained extremely huge benefits, how could they tolerate King Wei banning the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce!

At this time, Long Yangjun suddenly stood up and spoke with a serious expression.

"Great King, this man has a sinister intention, and his sins are not forgiven!"

"Please accuse this old thief!"

Long Yangjun's words completely shocked the entire court.

Unexpectedly, Long Yangjun's hand was so ruthless, and he was directly going to kill people!

Long Yangjun occupies the largest part of the interests in the entire Night Pearl System, and it is no wonder that he is so violent and crazy.

With someone taking the lead, many noble ministers followed suit.

"Great King, please accuse this old thief!"

King Wei's heart was also full of anger, and for this old minister, he also wanted to kill him on the spot.

Because of his King Wei, he also participated in this scene, the night pearl feast!

As the king of the Wei state, no one dared to eat meat by himself, but he was not called the king of Wei. Then there is only one result, the destruction of the family.

At the instigation of a kind of nobleman, King Wei personally participated in the night pearl frenzy and became a supreme existence beyond the Supreme Gold Member, the Sky Member!

This Sky Member is a unique existence, and no one dares to be on a par with King Wei.

King Wei, in the entire night pearl frenzy, ate the biggest!

Therefore, when the Qunchen was angry and advised the white-haired old minister to be killed, the King of Wei directly went down the slope and agreed to the Qunchen's suggestion.

"Come man, pull this fool out and behead it for public display!"

King Wei slapped his desk and announced loudly.

He wanted all his courtiers to know his Wei king's attitude towards this matter.

Suddenly, the guarding warrior rushed in, set up the white-haired old minister, and dragged him out.

"The old minister has been wronged!"

"The old minister is only dedicated to the Wei Kingdom, Great King Mingjian!"

The white-haired old minister's voice became farther and farther away, and then it was completely inaudible.

But above the court, some loyal courtiers who originally held the same idea no longer dared to speak.

The banning of the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce was over.

Since then, no one has dared to advise on this matter. The popularity of the night pearl is really out of control.


Just when the whole Wei Kingdom was going crazy for the Night Pearl, his neighbor Zhao Guo was also in a madness.

The destruction of grain and mulberry, after many leading people ate huge sweet benefits, caused crazy imitation.

Interests, will fascinate people's eyes and blindfold people's hearts.

The same field, all planted with grain, at the end of the year, all the harvest, excluding the consumption that the farmer must eat, there is not much left.

And the price of grain has not been high, and when it is replaced by gold and silver, it is even rarer.

From ancient times to the present, no one has ever been able to get rich by farming.

Today, the Lu Chamber of Commerce is still buying silk non-stop. Even if its price has increased by more than ten times compared to the beginning!

This is still because Zhao Guo, a large number of grain seeds and mulberries, and countless new silk production, have maintained the price to this extent.

If it were not for this, I am afraid that the price of silk would have reached a hundred times!

Not only Zhao Guo, but the whole world, the price of silk has increased several times.

From the most remote border of Yan Country to the barbaric land of Chuyue, the price of silk has all risen. Countless crazy businessmen, in order to pursue profits, have crossed mountains, crossed the great river Yangtze River, and traveled all over the world.

All this just to buy more silk.


State of Qin, Xianyang.

Lu Buwei, who had an overview of the Mandate of Heaven plan, read all the local spies and presented the letters, and his heart was full of excitement, his body trembled, and he was excited.

The Mandate of Heaven plan, such as the Agni Fire Cooking Oil, has reached the level that Daqin needs.

"The Mandate of Heaven plan, in full swing, burned all over the Zhao Kingdom and the Wei Kingdom, and burned to the entire world!"

"The divine book given by the ancestor, the way of economy and finance, is really terrifying!"

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