As the days passed, the atmosphere on the border became more and more tense, because Daqin gave an ultimatum.

On the city wall, all the soldiers clenched their weapons, because today is Daqin will attack the city.

Woohoo, woohoo!

The whole ground was shaking, smoke was billowing out, Daqin's side moved, and everyone's souls were trembling.

The army, which could not be seen at a glance, was coming in their direction.

With the beat of drums, every step is shaking.

"Wind, gale..."

Listening to the sound that resounded in the sky, even Wei Zhuang couldn't help but grip the long sword.

This is not the same as individual combat, the sound of hundreds of thousands of troops makes people's blood boil.

The scene is very amazing, but for the enemy, it is a rising fear.

The veterans who have been on the battlefield are fine, and those recruits who have not been to the battlefield are trembling at this time.

Behind the city wall, all the soldiers also held their weapons tightly, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.


Wei Zhuang exhaled deeply, the long sword suddenly raised, and then let out a loud gulp.

The archers on the walls were ready.


Wei Zhuang looked at the distance, and the long sword in his hand suddenly waved, and the sound spread throughout the city wall.

Yikes, woooo

The sound fell, and the rain of arrows in the sky blasted out, densely packed, and the sound of breaking the sky resounded throughout the battlefield.

On the Daqin side, Wang Yi was dressed in red armor and calmly looked at the rain of arrows flying over.

Tread, tread!

The footmen walking in front froze, all silently half-squatting on the ground, and one by one shield soldiers behind them walked out from behind.

A round black shield is tightly sealed in front of him.

A rain of arrows fell, creating a series of sparks on the round shield.

Of course, it is impossible to completely block the rain of arrows, and there are still a small number of people who have been hit by arrows.

But Daqin's soldiers reacted very quickly, as long as someone was hit by an arrow, other soldiers immediately filled up.

A rain of arrows is not useless, it is just of little use.

The pace of the Great Qin army did not stop, Wang Yi looked in the direction of the city wall, and his big hand suddenly waved.

Tread, tread!

As his movements fell, archers appeared behind him, drawing bows and releasing arrows.

After several waves of arrow rain, the city gates suddenly opened, and the Korean cavalry poured out.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yi couldn't help but smile, he thought that South Korea was ready to die.

When the narrow road meets, the brave win, the short soldiers intersect, and the soldiers on both sides directly fight together.

In an instant, the entire battlefield was filled with the sounds of fighting and screaming.

Every moment someone fell, blood splattered out, directly staining the ground red.

Han Fei, who was standing on the city wall, clenched his fists and looked at the fight below.

The impact was so shocking that he could smell the pungent smell of blood.

"That person is Meng Tian, right?."

Han Fei took a deep breath, looked at the general in black armor below, and then spoke in a deep voice.

In just a few moments, more than a dozen Korean soldiers fell into Meng Tian's hands.

Now he knows how brutal war is.

In just a few moments, at least a thousand people fell on the battlefield.

Wei Zhuang did not speak, looking at the suppressed soldier, his brows could not help but frown.

South Korea was suppressed, not because of its combat strength, but because of fear.

The momentum was suppressed, and if it went on like this, it would only be defeated.

Wei Zhuang put one foot on the ground, and the whole person rose up in the air, and then landed on the battlefield.

Yikes, woooo

Seeing Wei Zhuang fall, Daqin's soldiers all rushed towards him, and a cold light flashed, and blood spewed out of the throats of several people.

The shark's teeth turn into a death scythe, constantly harvesting life.

Wei Zhuang's face was stained with blood, and in just a short time, there were corpses around him.

However, the Ruishi of Daqin still went forward to kill him.


Wei Zhuang let out a loud drink, raised his hand and swung his sword, and after the two Great Qin Ruishi fell, he then let out a loud drink.

Seeing the general so brave, the Korean soldiers' bodies were shocked, and they all let out a loud drink, and then they also became crazy.

On the city wall, looking at the soldiers who were gaining momentum, Han Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that the border would fall on the first day.

And Wang Yi in the rear also noticed Wei Zhuang, he had long heard that it was Han Fei who led the Korean army this time, and there were descendants of the Ghost Valley faction.

That Ninth Prince heard that he was a Confucian, so if this person is not unexpected, it will be Wei Zhuang.

It is worthy of being a descendant of the Ghost Valley, but there are two brushes.

"Mingjin collected the troops..."

Wang Yi took a deep look at Wei Zhuang, and then spoke to the deputy general on the side.

The adjutant generals on the side were slightly stunned, but now they were occupying the top, although they were a little puzzled, but they still ordered to collect the troops.

Wang Yi was not only the commander, but not a single person in the whole army disobeyed him.

Soon, hearing the sound of beating drums, the Great Qin Ruishi who was fighting was stunned, but he was still slowly retreating.

And Meng Tian slashed the two soldiers with a sword, took a deep look at Wei Zhuang, and then rode towards the rear.

Today's main purpose is just to test South Korea, not to capture the city in one fell swoop.

After all, South Korea now has 300,000 soldiers on its border anyway.

It came quickly, it went quickly, looking at the retreating Daqin army, the Korean soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, which could be regarded as repelling the first wave of attacks.

But everyone knows that this is just beginning, and the real war has not yet begun.

"Count the casualties..."

Wei Zhuang's face was covered in blood, his eyes were bloodshot, and then he spoke coldly.


One of the generals nodded respectfully and left quickly.

The entire battlefield was littered with corpses, discarded weapons, and blood stained the entire dirt red.

Over time, the battlefield was cleaned up and the number of casualties was counted, with more than 3,300 killed and more than 8,000 wounded, some even disabled.

Hearing this number, Han Fei clenched his fists, it was just a trial, and more than three thousand people were actually killed, so what about tomorrow, the day after tomorrow

PS; Collection, flowers....

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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