Leave the stall.

After walking around for more than an hour, but during this time, Ye Xuan and the two little guys really made a mess of the Lantern Festival, and the way of the rampant was none other than dog food.

There was also a small episode in the meantime.

Not long after Ye Xuan and his entourage left, they encountered a father and daughter arguing, and the girl looked at Pikachu in Tongtong and Mengmeng's hands.

"Hmph, you don't love me. The pretty little Lori snorted at her poop.

The young baba, "uh.... Baby, what do you say.


" "Look at people, that handsome uncle's two daughters have Pikachu, why do you only have one daughter, I don't have Pikachu yet, woo woo~" While speaking, little Lori cried sadly.

The little Lori's numbness on the side looked at the little Lori's poop, "You see you're useless, you can't even guess a lantern riddle." "

Let's go, go back, baby, Mama will help you win Pikachu back, okay." Little Lori's numbness glanced at Little Lori's poop, and she raised her feet and walked in the direction of the stall owner, Xiao Lori's poop smiled awkwardly at Ye Xuan and his party, and hurriedly followed.


Thinking back to the two little guys in the scene just now, looking at the omnipotent Baba, the little faces were full of happiness and sweetness, and Baba had never disappointed them.


A hungry voice came out of the cute little belly, Meng Meng hugged the cute Pikachu and pointed to the little belly, "Baba, the cute little belly is talking again." "


Hearing Mengmeng's words, Chen Yiqiu smiled slightly, "It seems that our Mengmeng is hungry, let's find a place to eat first." "

Uh-huh, Tongtong is hungry too. "

Yes, the two little princesses are hungry, so we'll go to eat. The

minority obeys the majority, Mu Hanxue looked at the back of the group of four people leaving, and stomped her little feet, damn it, is this not his own existence.

Forget that big pig's trotters, why don't you even ask yourself about the two little guys and your mother, the bastard before robbed himself of two children, and now he even robs his mother's love, hateful bastard!

"Damn, big soul

!" "If you succeed again at night in the future, watch Miss Ben bite you off and let you cut off your grandchildren!"

Mu Hanxue, who was extremely angry, swore so fiercely, if this idea was known to Ye Xuan, I don't know how he would react.

After a while, Ye Xuan and his entourage came to a restaurant called 'Port of Love'.

The meaning of the restaurant is very clear, the harbor of love, many couples and couples choose to dine here, firstly, the name of the restaurant is very good, secondly, the taste of the dishes is also good, and thirdly, there is also a pianist who plays the piano very well.

The pianist plays piano music and enjoys rare food in the restaurant where the meaning of "Port of Love" is excellent, which is undoubtedly the best enjoyment of life.

Chen Yiqiu came to the restaurant, and began to order the Western food that the two little guys like to eat, "Foie gras, lobster, pasta, baked snails..."


Yiqiu didn't pay much attention to it when she first started ordering, but when she ordered Lafite in '82, she couldn't help but attract the attention of many people.

Even the waiter's eyes lit up, you must know that they have 82 years of Lafite here for 68888RMB for a bottle, few people can afford to drink, after all, a bottle of wine is nearly 70,000, even the second generation will not order it easily, Lafite is finished drinking, the money is different, you can do something else without drinking.

Butterflies alone can sleep at least a hundred times, and cherries are as many as there are.


?" After ordering, Mu Hanxue asked the waiter suspiciously, "Isn't there a pianist playing here, why didn't you play it?"

"Oh, I'm sorry for this young lady, our pianist resigned from us because of an urgent matter at home two days ago, and now the boss is recruiting a pianist, and he hasn't hired it yet.

"I see, forget it.

Mu Hanxue usually likes to listen to piano music when she eats Western food, especially the piano music played by pianists.

"Sorry again, miss. The

waiter politely and patiently apologized, which was not surprising, after all, many people came for their pianist.

"Why, I want to listen to piano music. When I first came to the restaurant, Ye Xuan, who saw the piano, was a little itchy, and now I laughed when I heard that my wife wanted to listen to piano music.

"Xiao Ye shouldn't know that Xue'er usually likes to listen to piano music when she eats Western food, and many relatives and friends say that Xue'er has obsessive-compulsive disorder. "

Mu Hanxue,"..."

Mom, what are you talking about, what obsessive-compulsive disorder, obviously listening to piano music and eating Western food is the most enjoyable thing, okay?" Mu Hanxue heard her mother expose her shortcomings, and her eyes turned white in disgust, isn't this a pit girl.

"Listening to piano music and eating Western food is good.

After knowing Mu Hanxue's hobby, Ye Xuan smiled deeply, "Since that's the case, then I'll play a piano song."

"Piano music, Xiao Ye you..... Can you also

play the piano!?" Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Chen Yiqiu was slightly stunned, and then the impression of Ye Xuan in her heart increased again, boys who can play the piano always have an inexplicable charm, I think that when she and Mu Yutian met for the first time, it was because Mu Yutian played a good piano that the two of them started.

"It's okay, I know a little bit about fur. He

said absently, and then asked the waiter on the side, "Can I use your piano?" "

Uh.... Ah, does this gentleman want to play the piano, of course you can. The

waiter was stunned for a moment, and then came back to his senses, the piano has been idle there for two days, and no one has played, now Ye Xuan has this trace, of course she will not refuse, and the boss also said that if there are guests who play the piano, they can be obedient, otherwise without the consent of the boss, they dare not let the guests touch the boss's beloved piano, you must know that the piano alone is worth millions.

Seeing her daughter's flickering eyes, Chen Yiqiu smiled slightly, "Why, do you feel that Xiaoye is becoming more and more attractive." "

Mu Hanxue

,"...""Sigh, he's still charming." Mu Hanxue, who had a slightly dizzy face, undeniably knew that Ye Xuan could play the piano, and her impression of him in her heart was obviously much better, all because listening to piano music was the greatest pleasure in her life besides work.

While the mother and daughter were talking, Ye Xuan had already come to the piano, and he could see at a glance that the piano was not simple, and sat on the chair skillfully with a slight smile, "Next, this piece is given to my wife who likes the beauty and beauty of piano music, and it is also dedicated to everyone who is doing it." Many

couples and couples in the restaurant all looked in the direction of the piano when they heard Ye Xuan's words.

"Does that young man want to play the

piano?" "The piano that has been idle for two days has finally been moved, tsk, I just don't know how this handsome guy plays." The

heated discussion of the restaurant guests made the atmosphere of the restaurant a lot more lively for a while, and on the other hand, the owner Luo Zitian, who learned that someone was playing the piano in the restaurant, also came to the restaurant.

"Since the name of the restaurant is Love Bay, let me talk about a song called "Dream of Love". Ye

Xuan's voice fell, and many people in the audience were shocked, this "Dream of Love" is a famous song in the world today, imitated by countless people but never surpassed.

Everyone is like this, not to mention Mu Hanxue, who likes to listen to piano music, Chen Yiqiu was stunned when she heard it, "Dream of Love?"

"Xue'er, isn't this a famous song composed by your favorite pianist Master Stur!?"

"I remember this piano piece, it's your favorite, Xiao Ye he.... I know you like piano music?"

Mu Hanxue, "this..... No, I never told him, it should be a coincidence. "

Hehehe, Ma Ma Na is not a coincidence, it is a heart.

Meng Meng blinked and said with big flickering eyes, Tongtong was not to be outdone, "Yes, yes, I have a heart." "

Ahem.... Go and go, what kind of coaxing.

Listening to the nonsense of the two little guys, Mu Hanxue glared at the two guys, which really reflected their existence all the time.

Chen Yiqiu saw the appearance of the two little guys, smiled, and everything was silent.

At a certain moment, the sound of the piano sounded, the quiet and soft piano sound was like a drop of water dripping down the mountain stream in the hollow valley, the restaurant owner Luo Zitian's eyes bloomed with a ray of essence, he was originally a piano lover, and the level was not bad, as soon as the connoisseur made a move, he knew that this young man who played the piano was not simple, and it was not simple, and the piano attainments were at least above him.

Under the presentation of super high piano performance skills, a song "Dream of Love" quietly unfolded, the piano sound was tactful and beautiful, as if there was a kind of magic that attracted everyone's reverie, and the body and mind seemed to wander in the long river of memories, immersed in it and unable to extricate themselves.

At this moment, there is not a single sound in the whole restaurant, only the sound of the piano full of love, expectation and memories lingers in the ears and trickles into the heart.

One minute

!Three minutes!Five minutes!!The

ultimate piano level performance, the restaurant has maintained a deathly silence, Mu Hanxue's beautiful eyes stayed in the seat at any time, looking at Ye Xuan, who was playing the piano seriously, the corners of his mouth were slightly shallow arc, the big pig's trotters were quite handsome when he played the piano seriously.

The two little guys were stunned by the sound of the piano in the whole restaurant, and their hearts were full of arrogance and liking.

Hehehehe, Baba is great, I really like Baba like this!

Not to mention Chen Yiqiu, at this moment, she seems to have gone back decades in time, back to the time when she first met Mu Hanxue's father, Mu Yutian.

"It's... The taste of love.

Feeling a little nostalgic, Chen Yiqiu turned around and looked at Ye Xuan again, her eyes were full of essence, "This Xiao Ye, such a high piano attainment, such a level is absolutely a master

!" "Even better than Master Zhistell!" breathed

a sigh of relief, even if she was the wife of the ruler of the Mu family, even if she had seen many worlds and heard countless piano songs, but today's "Dream of Love" , definitely one of the best she has ever heard, almost dreamily looking at the shining Ye Xuan, "This is..... My own son-in-law!?


-The author has something to say:

"Dream of Love" is given to the brothers, I hope everyone can meet her in life, and chase her, love her, and spoil her!

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