Katsura Village, in the afternoon.

Gentle and windy, Ye Xuan's parents, Mu Hanxue and the two little ones woke up from their sleep one after another, while Ye Xuan was tinkering in the brewing room behind the bamboo building.

"[God-level Ten Thousand Magnets: Qi]!" his

mind moved slightly, and the next moment an incredible scene appeared in the field, and under the action of Ye Xuan's magnetic field, he suspended the scrap iron door hundreds of meters away and rose into the air, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked.

Under the ability to defy the sky, the entire iron gate melted in the air at a strange speed, and in a few moments, it turned into a mass of liquid.

Then, in a beautiful arc in the air, he landed in the brewing room, and then began to return to the ground again, and five pairs of rotating grilled fish racks appeared, and they were folded.

A pair of rotating grilled fish racks is about ten catties, and five pairs are fifty catties.

Looking at the little metal liquid in the air, he thought for a moment, then moved his mind again, and then the metal steel drill with the thickness of an adult's thumb, about a meter long, appeared in Ye Xuan's hand like this.

Holding the slightly cool temperature of the steel drill, the corners of Ye Xuan's mouth curved, the barbecue grill and the steel drill were ready to end, and then he went to the fish pond of Old Man Feng's house to eat fish.

Thinking of the fat big fish of Old Man Feng's house, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, he couldn't help but be a little greedy, from sneaking when he was a child to today's Zhengda Guangming, Old Man Feng is probably going to hurt now.

With a move of his right hand, under the effect of the magnetic field, the five altars of peach blossom brewing rose into the air and appeared in Ye Xuan's hand, striding towards the brewing room.

At the same time, the loudspeaker next to the thousand-year-old laurel tree in Guishu Village sounded the radio sound of the village chief Chen Jianghe.

"Ahem, everyone's woken up.

"All the villagers pay attention, everyone is now men, women and children, all gather on the open lawn of the Fengjia fish pond, the little leaves of our village's Yunfei family will feast on our whole village to eat grilled fish in the afternoon, there is only one chance, and they all move."

Through the loudspeaker, every corner of the entire Guishu Village could be heard clearly, and the villagers who had just woken up from their sleep in a groggy state heard the sound of the radio, and felt that their abdomen was full a lot, and their eyes swelled with interest.

Banquet the whole village to eat grilled fish, this idea, it is estimated that the child Wang Ye's Xiao Ye can think of it, when he was a child, he often hit the Feng family's fish pond The idea, now Xiao Ye is really fat.

One after another, the villagers came out of their respective homes, felt the breeze of Xixi, smelled the fragrance of osmanthus in their noses, and hurried towards the Fengjia fish pond.

Father Ye also moved the five jars of peach blossom brew to the car to prepare to have fun with the villagers, Ye Yunfei was also a little reluctant, but when he learned that there were 100 jars of peach blossom brew in the brewing room, he immediately generously agreed.


Guishu Village, the lawn next to the Fengjia fish pond, the blue sky, clear grass and clear water form a beautiful picture.

The scenery is picturesque, and that's what I said!

"Hey, you're finally here, leaf."

As soon as he came to the field, a figure trotted over from not far away, and was slightly stunned by Mu Hanxue beside Ye Xuan for the first time, "I'll go, yes, Ye Zi, this is my brother and sister, and... Two twin daughters, tsk~~"

Hearing her younger siblings, Mu Hanxueqiao's face flushed slightly, she heard Xiaoli mention the small hair of Ye Xuan in front of her, named Zhou Zitian, who was the paternity test he did for Ye Xuan.

"Baba, who is he?" Tongtong

asked as she looked at Zhou Zitian curiously.

"Oh, this is your Uncle Zhou, call someone quickly. He

rubbed his head dotingly and laughed.

"Oh. "

Uncle Zhou is good. The

well-behaved Tongtong blinked his big flickering eyes and said, seeing the cute appearance of the little guy, Zhou Zitian grinned, and before he knew it, he had become an uncle.

But before he could be happy, Meng Meng on the side tilted his head, "Uncle Zhou, didn't my aunt come?" "

Zhou Zitian,"......."

The cuteness of the nail on the head poked Zhou Zitian's pain point, aunt, he didn't even have a girlfriend, where did he come from.

"Hehe, Uncle Meng Zhou is not married yet. He rubbed his cute head and explained.


"No, Baba is not married, and we have Ma Ma." Ye

Xuan, "Ahem..... Don't talk nonsense, I and you are the exception. "

That's it!"

"Uncle Zhou is going to come on, we have us in the poop, and you are not married." "


The little expert in mending the knife inserted a knife again, Zhou Zitian almost didn't vomit three liters of blood

, ruthless, this wave is too ruthless!" "Ye Zi, this is worthy of your daughter, it's really..... If there is a father, there will be a daughter, and they will obey. After

complaining, Zhou Zitian decisively stopped talking, a little guy who is more than two years old is like this, if he grows up, he will have it.

"Don't talk about that. "

Here's the fish grilling tool, I'll take it."

After speaking, Zhou Zitian's attention shifted to the five barbecue stands installed in the car.

"Leaf, today I... Huh!?"

Before Zhou Zitian finished speaking, he suddenly found that the barbecue stand in his hand was wrong, "I'll go, it's so heavy." His

heart was stunned, and then Zhou Zitian straightened his waist and held the handle of the black cloth bag with both hands, "Drink." With

a low shout, the black cloth bag rose from the ground, and here Zhou Zitian's face was flushed, and he just came out of the car, and the five barbecue brackets smashed on the ground, almost hitting Zhou Zitian's feet, scaring him into a cold sweat.

"I'll do it.

Seeing the reddening of the little face, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, and took the handle of the cloth bag in Zhou Zitian's hand, and before he saw how hard he used, the black cloth bag was easily lifted, as if it had no weight at all.

Not to mention fifty catties here, it is five hundred catties, five thousand catties, even fifty thousand catties Ye Xuan can easily do it under the god-level ten thousand magnetic ability.

Zhou Zitian, "Uh....... !"

"This is, when did Ye Zi's strength become so great!!"


Seeing Ye Xuan so easily lift the black cloth bag that he could only lift with all his strength, the shock in his heart can be said to be incomprehensible.

"Hehe, Uncle Zhou is not my strong baba, but you are too weak. "

Mmmmmm, Uncle Zhou, your strength is too small, and your two hands are not as powerful as one hand. "

Zhou Zitian," ?!"

"I..... You..."

Hearing the words of the two little guys, Zhou Zitian was stunned, and he didn't say a reason for a long time, I was too weak, and I almost believed what I said, Ya shou..... It's obviously that the black cloth bag is too heavy, okay, it's just, what has that leaf eaten during this time, and it has become so violent, isn't it...

Zhou Zitian's eyes couldn't help but be aimed at Mu Hanxue, the moisture of love, or... The effect of the two brothers and sisters singing every night!?

PS: Thank you......?.、 曐_曟, user 11083081, like a fairy ✨, user 10243950, Xiao Gu who loves to eat single ginseng soup, snow and mist in the wind, user 58894826, addicted man, new gang leader of the Bomb Gang ~ Mengling old iron reward! Tongtong Meng is coquettish and cute, and

the author has something to say:

Thank you......?.、 曐_曟, user 11083081, like a fairy ✨, user 10243950, Xiao Gu who loves to eat single ginseng soup, snow and mist in the wind, user 58894826, addicted man, new gang leader of the Bomb Sky Gang ~ Mengling old iron reward! Tongtong Meng Meng is coquettish and

cute, and he sells cute, and he ~~

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