Feng Rumin's eyes were shining, because it was the assistant who learned about this eternal poem from the Internet, and they were shocked by it at that time.

"Lao Chen, can you tell me about the Ye Xuan who saved me. Feng Rumin is very curious about what kind of experience such a young man who can write poems for the ages and save him from a sudden cerebral hemorrhage.

"Hehe, this is a long story, and it is estimated that I won't be able to finish it for three days and three nights..."

When he heard that the dogs in the entire village were now afraid of Ye Xuan, Feng Rumin was slightly stunned, and there were already scenes in his mind.

After a while, Feng Rumin looked in the direction of the center of the Demon Capital with interest, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, "Ye Xuan, an interesting young man, but I am afraid that I owe him a great favor." "

The grace of saving lives is as great as the sky.


On the other side, in the car galloping towards the Kowloon Villa.

"Hee-hee-hee, you're too powerful!" Tongtong still said excitedly, and all that appeared in his little head was the picture of Baba showing his might, and Baba was the most attractive at that time.

"Mmmmmm, Meng Meng loves your baba so much, mua~"

Meng Meng is even more direct, a cute and sweet kiss kissed on the side face of Baba , making a guy's unkind smile melt.

"Meng Meng, you, don't grab the baba with me, hum~~"

Tongtong on the side was not happy, seeing Meng Meng's kiss to Baba, he was not calm, "I want Baba too."

Mua's voice, under the kiss of love, she was satisfied, but Mu Hanxue, who watched the scene here, was congested for a while, and she was caught off guard by the sudden attack of this dog food.

"Ye Xuan, you..... When did you learn such good medical skills? After eating the sweet dog food, Mu Hanxue asked curiously, it was a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and it would be good with a few stitches, what does this mean She knows too well, usually this situation requires craniotomy.

Before Ye Xuan could speak, Tongtong smiled and began to assist as usual, "Is Ma Ma also a super admirer of Baba like us?" "


Who.... Who worships you poops. Mu Hanxue was stunned for a moment, and her pretty face was slightly dizzy when she was poked, to be honest, Ye Xuan's hand was really a little beyond her expectations, and she didn't worship it at all, and she wasn't surprised that it was fake.

"Shame, Ma Ma blushed, the liar is not a good boy~"

Meng Meng saw Ma Ma's blushing appearance, her big eyes flickered into a crescent moon, and she said cutely.

"Hahaha, I'm embarrassed if I didn't see Ma Ma. Pretending

to blame, he pinched the faces of the two little guys, "You two little guys, what nonsense are you telling the truth." "

You... Shameless!"

Mu Hanxue, who heard the first half of the sentence, was still a little relieved, but when she heard the second half of the sentence, she suddenly had the urge to bite the big soul to the ground.

Too bastard that guy, she has never seen such a shameless and hateful person, even if she bullies herself at night, she bullies herself during the day as soon as she gets the opportunity, staring at a certain big pig's trotters with fierce eyes, if her eyes can kill, even Ye Xuan, who has many abilities, is afraid that she will be annihilated by Mu Hanxue's sharp gaze at this moment.

While driving, I made fun of my beautiful daughter-in-law, and saw her crazy appearance, which had a unique flavor.

After a while, the two little ones finally let go of Ma Ma, who had been tortured.

"Baba, why don't you tell us a story, we haven't heard you tell a story in days. "

Tongtong's big eyes blink and blink, as if they can speak, and they are very cute.

Mengmeng's eyes lit up when she heard her sister's words, she liked the story the most, especially the story told by Baba, "Mmmmmmmmmm

"That's it, let's have one

, baba..." The sweet and greasy voice, Ye Xuan's whole person who listened to it was crispy, Mu Hanxue on the side saw this scene, not to mention the envy in his heart, and his eyes were full of sourness when he looked at a certain big pig's trotters, as if he had eaten a lemon.

"Of course it's okay to tell a story, but what's the benefit of poop? A doting laugh looked at the two little ones.

"Hmm.... Benefits. Hearing

Baba's words, Tongtong and Mengmeng thought seriously, and at a certain moment, the eyes of the two little guys fell on Ma Ma, and their eyes flowed and thought about it, "Baba tells us a story, and let Baba and Ma Ma watch butterflies together at night." "

Mu Hanxue," ..."

Looking at the butterflies together, Mu Hanxue really collapsed when she listened, these two little guys are going crazy, and unconsciously Mu Hanxue feels that the two little guys are going farther and farther on the road of bear children.

"Ahem..... I'll tell you about it. Seeing

that his wife was on the verge of outburst, he coughed lightly and played in the round, these two little guys assisted him for the outrageous assistance of this poop god, if he didn't say anything again, he might say something.

"Shredded coconut, it's really a poop, you're super good!" "


glanced at the peerless beauty, a story came to mind, and then said, "There is a couple who have been in love for four years in college, and there has never been a promise. On the train home, he had 32 stops and she had 21 stops. She said, called me at the station, and fell asleep. I don't know how long it took for her to wake up, and the car had passed several stops. He smiled softly and said, Come home with me.

Hearing this, Mu Hanxue looked at Ye Xuan suspiciously, and a warm and beautiful picture appeared in his head, if they were together, they would be very happy.

The two little ones also listened expectantly, blinking their big beautiful eyes, looking forward to the next story of Baba.

There was silence in the car, only Ye Xuan's voice sounded everywhere in the car, but the mother and daughter did not notice the arc of the evil smile at the corner of Ye Xuan's mouth, obviously this story was far from being as simple as they thought.

Then, continue to dig the hole," the girl sneered when she heard the boy's confession, and tears slid down her eyes. The

big eyes of the two little guys lit up, they were really happy, even Mu Hanxue smiled.

Just as Mu Hanxue's smile just bloomed, the god-like turn continued the unfinished story.

"They came to the little mountain village where he was born and raised, and she was sold to an old bachelor in his fifties. "

Mu Hanxue,

".......""Uh.... was sold to an old bachelor in his fifties!?"

Hearing this, Mu Hanxue's smiling face was all retracted, and it was replaced by a grudge, and the villain howled in his heart: Human trafficker? This is Mu Hanxue's

first reaction, and he immediately looked at a certain big soul, and was tricked by that villain, a love story that should have ended, and forced him to tell it as a tragedy, and he really misjudged him.


It's so bad, how can it be like this, that aunt is so pitiful. Tongtong

and Mengmeng blinked with good-looking big eyes, and the old man with a small mouth, that aunt actually liked that trafficker for so many years, woo woo, so pitiful, how can the bad egg baba be like this, hum~~

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