
A biting cold feeling, Qin Lingyu felt as if his whole person was frozen in a thousand-year-old cold pool, and the cold qi around him poured into his body.

"I won't let you go if I'm a ghost... Ah~!!"

Before Qin Lingyu finished speaking, a thunderbolt flickered from the night, and the next moment it had already submerged into his body, and even let out an extremely terrible scream.

Obviously, Ye Xuan used another ability of [God-level Heaven Control], nothing else, it was the lightning control attribute in the Heaven Control ability.

The power of thunder was so domineering, it poured into Qin Lingyu's body, and in an instant, it was a mess of his five internal organs, seven meridians and eight veins, and the whole person was full of spasms, and his pupils suddenly widened.

The thunder was raging, the blood flow was a point faster, Qin Lingyu never thought that he would die at the hands of that kid who had never been in his eyes.


"You..... Who the hell!!"

The consciousness in his mind dissipated extremely quickly, Qin Lingyu knew very well that his time was running out, and asked the question he was most concerned about, he wanted to know the identity of the enemy before he died.

"Who am I. Hearing

Qin Lingyu's words, the corners of Ye Xuan's mouth curled, "I want to say that I am not from this world, do you believe me." "

Hehe, you're glad you're the first person in the world to know this secret, now that you know my biggest secret, that..... Just die. "


The silver light flashed, and the next moment Qin Lingyu was pierced in the heart by a steel drill that was more than one meter long, and smashed towards the ground with the corpse, and the whole person was nailed to the ground, and Qin Lingyu's body was strangely suspended by the steel drill, his limbs hung down, his eyes opened violently, and there were even more blood stains dripping, Qin Lingyu's body here seemed to be watered with blood, and the scene was extremely miserable.

Then, tens of thousands of man-eating ants followed the steel drill, and Qin Lingyu was annihilated in an instant, and in less than a second, the whole person turned into white bones, and then the white bones were scattered all over the ground with a bang, and they were gnawed into bone slag by the man-eating ants again, and there were no bones left like many of his subordinates.

Qin Lingyu died miserably, and the field fell into a dead silence, only the boundless night was shrouded, and the cold wind blew, and the bloody breath was so thick that it was disgusting.

"Hundreds of people were devoured by man-eating ants, and the smell of blood was so strong.

Feeling the strong smell of blood, Ye Xuan frowned slightly, but Yu didn't think much about it, "It seems that a heavy rain is needed for baptism." Thinking

of this, the [God-level Heaven Control] ability was used again, and boom~~

As soon as the thought came to mind, there was a shocking thunder in the starry night sky without warning, which frightened many people.

Outside the Kowloon Villa, more than a dozen bodyguards who were protecting the villa were also frowning, looking at the thunder in the sky.


"Why, isn't it raining on the radio?" One of the bodyguards frowned slightly, and spoke out in confusion.

"Hey, the weather forecast is just a prediction, and it's not necessarily accurate, but... Today's weather is really weird.

"No, according to common sense, the starry sky should be clear, and the thunder is so weird now. "


between more than a dozen people complaining, not only thunder and lightning also emerged.


after, the pouring rain poured down from the night, the lightning and thunder rain curtain quietly poured, and the sky and earth seemed to turn into an ocean, and the visibility did not exceed ten meters.

"What the hell?"

"When did the magic capital appear in this kind of ghost weather, such a heavy rainstorm!!"

While more than a dozen bodyguards were discussing, Aunt Chen and several maids were also looking at the rain curtain outside the villa through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"I've never seen such a heavy rain in years. "

Yes, is this a natural disaster from heaven?" The

chattering maids were also hotly discussed, and even Aunt Chen frowned slightly, obviously very puzzled by this scene, because the sudden arrival of this rain was too abnormal.

Ye Xuan, who was two kilometers away, looked at the pouring rain that fell from the sky, and the corners of his mouth curved a little, "God-level control of the sky?"

"This ability is really interesting!" "

But if you want people to be unaware, it's not enough. With

a mutter, he once again increased the strength of the [God-level Heaven Control], and with this one thought, the Heaven of the Demon Capital was broken.


deafening thunder covered the sky, and then the lightning that seemed like day illuminated almost every corner of the magic capital.


This scene is so weird!

However, two kilometers away, there is another scene that is even more strange than this one.

In the rain curtain that covers the sky, a young man stands in the rain curtain, but no matter how heavy the rain pours, it does not fall on the young man even a drop.

And this young man is none other than Ye Xuan, the initiator of the pouring rain.

As for the reason why he doesn't get a drop of rain, it's all because he has the ability of [God-level Ten Thousand Magnets], of course, this is the most direct and effective ability to do this, in addition to the rain in [God-level Sky Control], wind, thunder and lightning can do this, but it is a little troublesome to use.

When the rain was about to fall on Ye Xuan, it seemed that there was some force that changed the trajectory of the rain, and then fell to the ground, which seemed to fall on Ye Xuan, but in fact, there was nothing to do.


Feeling that no water stains had fallen on his body, Ye Xuan raised his hands and sighed, "This god-level magnetic ability is really a universal skill, powerful enough." He

muttered, then raised his feet and walked in the direction of the villa, leaving behind him a curtain of night and pouring rain, and in addition to the earth-shattering thunder and lightning raging in the sky.

Not only that, Ye Xuan then took out his mobile phone from his pocket as usual, and made a phone call, and even the mobile phone was not splashed by the rain.

As for the phone call, it was none other than Su Ziyu, a business wizard who was subdued, and he was also his spokesperson in the business world for a long time to come.

Yudu Star Mansion, Room 601, Building 8.


"Brother, brother, it's raining so hard!!" Su

Xiaomeng is wearing a beautiful white princess dress at the moment, coupled with a cute little face, it is difficult for people not to have a good impression of her, compared with the little beggar before, Su Xiaomeng here has completely changed from an ugly duckling to a white swan.

"Hehe, today's rain is really weird. Su Ziyu rubbed his sister's head dotingly, in the rest of his life, in addition to revenge and repaying Ye Shao, the rest is his sister.

In the future, whoever dares to touch his Su Ziyu's sister will definitely make him not able to survive and die.

Jingle bell~

Just as the brothers and sisters were having a pleasant conversation, a phone call came, and seeing that it was Ye Shao's phone, Su Ziyu hurriedly connected it.

And when he learned the news from the other side, Su Ziyu's eyes bloomed with a ray of essence, "Is the time to re-emerge from the rivers and lakes finally come?"

"The imperial capital of the Liu family, wait for Lao Tzu, when I return to the imperial capital, it will be the day when your Liu family will be wiped out!!".

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