Dad Academy

Chapter 1076 Naughty people can also warm people’s hearts

While eating breakfast, Xiaobai's eyes kept moving on Zhang Tan and Xi'er, as if there was something on their faces.

Zhang Tan touched his face without trace to make sure there were no rice grains. He glanced at Xi'er, who was digging porridge with her head down, with the same healing smile on her face. She didn't notice at all that there was something wrong with the way Xiao Bai looked at her.

"Eat an egg." Zhang Tan picked up an egg, knocked it on the edge of the table, peeled the shell, and put it in Xiao Bai's small bowl.

Xiaobai looked up at him and said, "I've eaten it all."

"Eat another one. Don't eat the yolk, just eat the egg white."


"Children only need to eat one egg yolk a day. Eating too much is not good for the body."

Hearing this, Xi'er finally raised her little face from the bowl and asked curiously: "Godfather, godfather, isn't it bad for Xi'er to eat the egg yolk?"

"Are you a kid?"

"I am."

"You can't eat two egg yolks, you can only eat one a day."

"Oh, then I'll tell my sister not to eat egg yolks."


"I also want to tell Liuliu and Dudu that they like to eat eggs. One bite at a time, hiahia~"

The three of them were eating breakfast when suddenly the doorbell rang. Xiaobai immediately climbed off the chair and ran to open the door.

"Hello Xiaobai~ Is your father at home?"

Sitting in the restaurant and unable to see the door, he naturally didn't know who it was, but Zhang Tan recognized it immediately after hearing the voice. It was Li Xiaoxiao.

He told Xi'er to continue eating. He got up and went to the living room, and sure enough he saw Li Xiaoxiao standing at the door.

"Old man, the little lady is looking for you." Xiaobai said, inviting Li Xiaoxiao into the house.

"Are you having breakfast?" Li Xiaoxiao changed his shoes and came to the living room. Standing at the door of the dining room was Xi'er, smiling at her.

"It's Xi'er."


Zhang Tan poured a glass of water for Li Xiaoxiao and asked Xiaobai and Xi'er to continue having breakfast, while he stayed in the living room talking to Li Xiaoxiao. Li Xiaoxiao must have come to the door because of something.

Sure enough, Li Xiaoxiao did come to see Zhang Tan for something. During the two days of talking, the two children in the restaurant kept stretching their little heads to look here, looking curious. If Zhang Tan hadn't told them not to come out, they would have immediately found an excuse to sneak to the sofa and sit down, pretending to watch TV, but actually getting involved in the conversation.

Children are always very curious and interested in adults' affairs and have a strong sense of participation.

"Okay, don't worry, I understand. Your dad is very good here. He drinks tea, listens to the radio, and plays with the children every day. He is always happy and nothing will happen. Even if something does happen, I will watch It’s alive.”

"Thank you, Zhang Tan." Li Xiaoxiao said sincerely, "Then I'm leaving. You can continue to have breakfast."

When she saw two little heads sticking out of the restaurant, she smiled and waved to them: "Xiaobai, Xi'er, bye, I'm leaving."

"Bye~~" the child waved to her enthusiastically in response.

After Zhang Tan sent her away, he returned to the restaurant and continued to have breakfast. Facing two pairs of curious eyes, he said, "The little lady is going abroad."

The two little ones immediately talked about it. Xi'er said that she had also been abroad, and she went to the country of Lilliputians.

Li Xiaoxiao's flight tonight leaves Pujiang to go abroad.

After breakfast, when Zhang Tan was preparing to go out with Xiaobai and Xi'er, he saw Lao Li appearing in the yard. As usual, he was sitting in a rocking chair making tea and listening to the radio. He waved to the two people who were walking in at the door. : "Come in, anything else?"

Zhang Tan knew these two people, they were the two who recommended Lao Li to buy a house last time. Every time they met, they were dressed in suits and ties, looking extremely formal.

Just when Lao Li was about to talk to them, he saw Zhang Tan appear and smiled: "Would you like to take them to play?"

Zhang Tan said: "Going to Pujiang Film Studio, what are you doing? Want to buy a house?"

"I won't buy it for now."

"Xiaoxiao is leaving tonight. How about you take a break today instead of staying here and go with her."

"Hey, there's no need. The things that should be prepared for her have already been prepared."

"Then it's good to spend more time with you."

"You don't understand, man, it's okay if you can't see him. If he's always dangling in front of your eyes, thinking that this person will leave soon will be even more uncomfortable. It's better to go farther away, think about other things, do something else. Don't keep thinking about it. If you don't think about it, it will be fine. If you think about it, something will happen. You don't understand, Zhang Tan. You have experienced too little. It is the normal state of life. After more experience, you will get used to it. It is nothing special. Today's technology is advanced Whenever you want to talk to her, make a phone call! Whenever you want to see her, make a video call! If you are energetic, you can fly in the morning, arrive in the afternoon, and have a reunion dinner together in the evening, which is very convenient..."

Zhang Tan saw that Lao Li was talking a lot. He felt that Lao Li was not talking to him, but to himself, so he echoed: "That's right, the phone can hear her voice and see her." Her people, if they want to have a reunion dinner, take a plane, it only takes a morning, but you dare to fly, Lao Li? I remember you are airsick."

"...You are Lao Huangli. Didn't I fly to see Qin Shi Huang with your Aunt Li and Xiaoxiao some time ago?"

"Oh, it's amazing. It's best if you think so and be open-minded. Besides, maybe Xiaoxiao just goes over there to deal with things and comes back after finishing it."

Old Li stared at him and then smiled, "You know how to tease me."

Zhang Tan didn't say anything more and left with Xiaobai and Xi'er.

"Let's go, Xiaobai, Xi'er, say goodbye to Li Baibao."


"Bye~~ Li Baibao gives you a mulberry leaf."

"Thank you, Xiaobai."

When passing two real estate agents, Zhang Tan looked at them. They stood aside, smiling and nodding at him in a respectful manner.

This was not their first time to Little Red Horse, and they had already found out that Zhang Tan in front of them was the boss of Little Red Horse. The most important thing is not the identity of the boss, but that he is also a film and television producer and has a great reputation.

In the evening, Lao Li asked for leave and Xiaohongma didn't come. He took Li Xiaoxiao to the airport.

Little Red Horse can't live without someone to watch the door, so tonight we hired Xin Xiaoguang to work part-time.

"Are you sure you want to provoke me like this again and again? Are you sure? Do you still dare to nod? Let me tell you, Liuliu, if this slap continues, you may cry for a long time."

Xin Xiaoguang was in bad luck tonight. He was watched and harassed by a group of melon boys, especially two children, Shen Liuliu and Zhao Chendu, who treated him like a monkey.

Faced with Xin Xiaoguang's threat, Liuliu was not afraid at all and even gave him 666 likes.

"Xiaoguang Xiaoguang bang bang bang, you can't play duck, you can't play duck, you beat the child, you bad guy! Fatty - go up -"

Liuliu called to the thug Zhao Chendu on the side. Miss Zhao immediately rushed over and stopped when she was less than one meter away from Xin Xiaoguang. She jumped up and down a corner, holding the ball that had been confiscated before. Just run.

“La la la la~~~~”

When Luoliu saw this, he laughed loudly and ran away with Dudu.

"Chubby, chubby~~~ Slow down a little bit, why are you running so fast~~ Wait for me——"

Xin Xiaoguang watched the two of them go away, feeling relieved. With two thorns gone, everything else was easy to handle.

"What are you looking at! Go back!!!"

He looked unkind, and the other children saw this and dispersed one after another. Shi Baobao took little Zheng Zheng's hand and fled among the dolls.

"Don't scare everyone~" Teacher Madoka rolled her eyes at him angrily, feeling that he was very childish.

Teacher Xiao Yuan is working the evening shift tonight, and Xin Xiaoguang happens to accompany her to get off work.

However, at around nine o'clock in the evening, Lao Li came back from the night with a wizened expression. He took Xin Xiaoguang to drink tea together, talking without a word, appearing very silent. Xin Xiaoguang understood his mood. His daughter had just gone abroad, and she didn't know when she would come back. Who could be in a good mood?

A small figure ran out of the classroom, like a small whirlwind, and arrived in front of Lao Li in the blink of an eye. Lao Li thought she was about to hit her, so he quickly stopped her and took a closer look at Miss Zhao.

"Don't run crazy at night, be careful, it will hurt if you fall." Lao Li said.

"666~~Li Baibao, don't be sad, here you go! Look."

"What?...A painting? Did you paint it?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~~ I'm so awesome, this is you, this is the little lady, you are all stick figures."

Dudu drew a picture. In the picture, Lao Li and Li Xiaoxiao were holding hands and not knowing what they were doing. The characters were very simple, with match heads, a big head, a body as thin as a pole, and feet as thin as poles.

But no matter how the painting is, the heart is good.

The painting didn't look good, it was too abstract, but Lao Li stared at it for a long time, feeling a little emotional, and touched the naughty guy's little head in front of him. Although it usually made him irritated and worried, the occasional warmth was enough to soothe his long-lasting unspeakable sadness.

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