Dad Academy

Chapter 1274 Love Letter

Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan think so much. It is so complicated at such a young age. Alas, her mother Zhu Xiaojing told her that none of this would happen. It was her who thought too much. Because she was wearing a mask and sunglasses, no one could recognize her. she.

Liuliu was dubious, so she got out of the car and followed her mother closely into the cinema. Sure enough, no one recognized her, and no one asked her for an autograph or photo!

This is not right, she had so many children and parents asking her to sign autographs and take photos with her in elementary school!

They entered the cinema smoothly and the movie started. Luliu watched it with great interest again.

Their whole family had watched the movie "I Am James", but it was at the premiere.

Although they have seen it, since it is a movie starring their precious daughter, it is not an exaggeration to watch it a hundred times. Of course, they will be the first to support the movie when it is officially released.

Liuliu watched his own performance in the movie with relish, while Zhu Xiaojing paid more attention to the viewing status of people in the theater.

Everyone was quickly immersed in the movie story and deeply moved by Zhan Er’s heartwarming story.

Zhu Xiaojing noticed that a girl in her twenties sitting next to her had been secretly wiping her tears. She ran out of tissues and had a hard time looking for them in her bag. Finally, she handed a bag over.

"Thank you~" the other party whispered.

"It doesn't matter, the movie is very touching." Zhu Xiaojing said.

The girl nodded and sniffed. In the darkness, tears and snot flowed from her nose.

"It's so touching and beautiful. It's really the warmest movie I've seen this year. It's so beautifully shot."

Zhu Xiaojing nodded in agreement, feeling very happy.

After watching the movie, Luoliu was still confused, not because of the plot of the movie, but...why didn't anyone recognize her? ?

The girl sitting next to Zhu Xiaojing expressed her gratitude to Zhu Xiaojing again. She laughed for no reason and pulled down her mask to attract attention.

She succeeded. The girl with tears and runny nose looked at her, her red eyes lit up and said, "Little sister, you are so cute."

"Liuliu, can you stop giggling when you see people, or giggling for no reason? If you do this again, everyone will think you are a stupid kid."

Zhu Xiaojing finally couldn't help it anymore. Shen Liuliu did everything she could to make people recognize her, and one of them was giggling.

Luliu was dejected. She took off her mask, but no one came to chase her.

However, this disappointment soon disappeared, because her mother received many phone calls one after another, all coming to congratulate her. When they saw Liliu's movie, they immediately sent blessings and compliments.

Liliu’s best friends also called and sent their blessings. Thanks to Liuliu's appeal yesterday, they all went to watch Liliu's debut on the big screen today.

The first show was very successful. As Liuliu's best friend and children's business partner, they and Yourongyan immediately sent blessings. Dudu even said that he would send her a flower basket, but now they are thousands of miles apart, and it is difficult to send flower baskets. , I plan to return to Xiaohongma after the New Year and add a flower basket to the durian.

Liuliu laughed loudly and chatted hotly with Dudu. Among so many children, Dudu was the one who suited her best.

Liuliu made a small suggestion, don’t give flower baskets or anything like that, but give chicken drumsticks instead, strive to be the top brother on the list, and protect the best Liuliu duck, hahahaha, 666 duck!

Liliu was so happy today that she laughed in her dreams at night.


Baijia Village.

Xiaobai and Xi'er were already asleep. White Pearl Xiaozi was walking around the living room, wagging his tail and circling the brazier twice, and then returned to his nest.

Zhang Tan, Tan Jin'er and Teacher Jiang gathered around the brazier, chatting while watching TV.

Zhang Tan asked about the visit to friends this afternoon. The main reason was that Teacher Jiang's best friend looked so much like her that she was like a biological sister, but he had never heard of such a biological sister.

Teacher Jiang poured a cup of ginger rice tea for everyone, and the water steamed up. Teacher Jiang was silent for a while before saying: "That's not my cousin, nor my cousin. In fact, she has no blood relationship with me, but we do look very similar. We were more similar when we were young. We are about the same age. , but we are neither classmates nor fellow villagers. We have a common friend. Later, this friend unfortunately passed away, and we got to know each other. Because we look so similar, we have a sense of intimacy, and naturally we have more contacts. Gradually over the years, After we came down, we became good friends and talked about everything.”

Tan Jin'er said in surprise: "There is such a thing. There are really people who look like us in the world."

Teacher Jiang said: "The world is so big and full of wonders. This is fate. To be able to meet someone who looks more or less like you in the sea of ​​life is such a deep fate."

After Teacher Jiang finished saying this, he stopped talking, and instead told Zhang Tan what to pay attention to when visiting relatives and friends tomorrow.

Baijia Village is located in a valley, and the water vapor is very heavy. At night, the temperature drops sharply. Sitting in the living room, even if the brazier is warming up and the air conditioner is turned on, it still feels chilly.

Teacher Jiang was old and couldn't stay up late, so he went back to the bedroom.

Tan Jin'er left not long after, Zhang Tan sat for a while longer, put out the fire in the brazier, and returned to the bedroom.

He was sitting on the bedside, and there were still fine snowflakes floating outside the window. From time to time, there was the sound of snow breaking branches on the mountain behind, and the snow was pouring down. He thought about visiting relatives and friends tomorrow, and then thought about work.

Today is the first day of the release of "I Am Zhan Er". The box office has not been released yet. It is estimated that it will have to wait until tomorrow morning.

Zhang Tan was a little worried and said that he didn't care about the box office, which was impossible.

The movie's reputation has come out. There are a lot of positive reviews after searching on the Internet. The movie's ratings are also very high. Currently, 30,000 people have rated it, and the rating has reached 9.5 points.

Zhang Tan thought about this year's new drama again, the "Zhu Xian" movie script that was being completed these days.

In the story of "Zhu Xian", the protagonist Zhang Xiaofan picked up the magic bead by chance and became a powerful figure, interpreting a fairy tale of love, hatred and hatred.

The origin of everything is a coincidence. Just like today, Teacher Jiang and her best friend also met by chance. What's even more coincidental is that they look so similar, which is even more bizarre than the movie story.

In the dead of night, Zhang Tan was thinking about it. He thought about the words Teacher Jiang said. When he heard them before, he felt a little familiar, as if he had heard something similar somewhere. Now that he calmed down, the more he thought about it, the stronger the feeling of familiarity became. .

His eyes inadvertently fell on the desk, where a notebook was spread out, with dense writing on the pages.

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and thought of something, right! "love letter"!

The story Teacher Jiang told about her best friend is very similar to the clip in the movie "Love Letter".

It was just like today, a snowy winter day. The heroine attended her fiancé's memorial day and was filled with grief. She accidentally found the address where her fiancé was studying and sent a love letter she thought was sent to heaven. Unexpectedly, she received a reply not long after. After further understanding, she learned that the person who replied was a girl of similar age to her, and was a classmate of her fiancé when she was a boy, and her name was the same as her fiancé.

In order to learn more about the situation of her former lover in middle school, the heroine began to exchange letters with her, and in her constant recollections, she gradually discovered that the boy with the same name as her in her youth had hidden tenderness towards her.

Later, the heroine was no longer satisfied with the exchange of letters and decided to go find the other party and talk to the other party about her deceased fiancé so that she could let go completely. When she saw each other, she couldn't help but be surprised because they looked so similar.

It turns out that the fiancé has never let go of his childhood crush. He initially pursued the heroine because she was very similar to his crush.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, we reached the 46th place on the monthly ticket list in April. It's awesome, bro! ! ! In addition, today is Xi’er’s birthday~

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