Dad Academy

Chapter 1279 The box office is not as interesting as spicy cabbage (3/3)

Chapter 1279 The box office is not as interesting as spicy cabbage (33)

Xie Ou sent a message informing Zhang Tan of the box office of the movie "I Am Zhan Er".

Today is the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, and "I Am Zhan Er" has been released for three days. Every day, Xie Ou will send him the day's box office information.

Nowadays, the producers and all the crew members of "I Am James" are in a state of extreme excitement, because since the movie was released, although it has only been a short three days, it has created a huge number of people. The reputation and traffic of the film have naturally increased, and the box office has naturally increased, beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Xie Ou didn't expect this movie to be so popular.

If you ask Zhang Tan if he has thought of it, he definitely has not thought of it either.

He was just certain that the movie would not be a hit, and at least it would be able to recoup its costs. If you can make a small profit, you will be satisfied.

After all, "I Am Zhan Er" can be classified as a literary and artistic film. At this time of the Spring Festival, such a literary and artistic film has never been a box office hit.

Popcorn movies and comedy movies are obviously more popular, and those blockbusters often gather together to harvest the box office like this during important holidays.

And low-budget movies like "I Am Zhan Er" are just small roles playing a minor role. It may have a good reputation among a small, specific group and a good box office, but it is even more difficult to become a box office champion.

But now "I Am Zhan Er" has broken this limitation.

This movie was released on the first day of the Lunar New Year. The box office on that day was 250 million yuan, and the film schedule accounted for 10%. The box office on that day ranked fifth among released movies.

This ranking and box office exceeded many people's expectations.

However, this was just the beginning. On the second day, the theater company increased the proportion of "I Am Zhan Er" in the film schedule to 20%. The box office on that day also continued to rise, reaching 310 million yuan, squeezing into the front of the box office. Three people greatly inspired many followers.

Zhang Tan and Kuxun Video took the opportunity to lobby the film company and continue to increase the proportion of films scheduled. So on the third day, the proportion of films scheduled for "I Am Zhan Er" increased to 26.5%, which was the second highest among all released movies. When the box office came out that day, it lived up to everyone's expectations and exceeded them by a large margin.

Zhang Tan looked at the message that Xie Ou had just sent on his phone. He couldn't believe it. The box office on the third day actually jumped again, reaching 450 million yuan, based on the 310 million yuan on the second day! Ranked second in the box office rankings.

Zhang Tan looked at the information again and again, yes! That’s 450 million yuan, ranking second at the box office! It’s really unimaginable that such a tear-jerking movie would become so popular during the Spring Festival holiday as a family time, surpassing many big-budget productions.

At this time, the phone rang, it was Xie Ou calling.

On the phone, Xie Ou's voice couldn't conceal his excitement. She told Zhang Tan that the theater company decided to further increase the proportion of "I Am Zhan Er" in the film schedule to 35%.

Xie Ou said: "Today's box office is very likely to rise to the first place."

The box office of the number one movie reached 680 million yuan yesterday! Much higher than "I am Zhan Er".

Unless the other party's box office drops further today and "I Am James" jumps further, then it will be possible to surpass the other party.

Xie Ou's confidence is not unreasonable, because the box office trends of the two movies are completely different.

"I Am Zhan Er" continues to hit hard, while the other side is showing a downward trend. Although the box office is still high, the reputation is polarized.

This is a typical popcorn movie, with big budget and big production, a series of movies tailor-made for the Spring Festival. The last one has a box office of an astonishing 3.4 billion yuan, ranking among the top movies in the world.

Zhang Tan remained calm and did not show Xie Ou's excitement.

He chatted with Xie Ou for a while, explained some things, and then hung up the phone.

Over there, Xie Ou looked at his phone and said to himself: "You are really calm. You are young and your future is limitless."


Teacher Jiang is good at paper-cutting and embroidery, and her cooking skills are also very good. During the Spring Festival, Zhang Tan has gained weight. The food is so good and the life is so comfortable that it is difficult not to gain weight.

Although the two children were not caught on the scale, visual inspection should have put on a lot of fat. Especially the little friend Tan Xier, it is obvious that her face is much rounder. After all, she is a ruthless character who eats three bowls of rice at a meal. You can't just eat and not gain weight.

Teacher Jiang changed the way she cooked delicious food, one thing every day. On this day she made a spicy cabbage. Not only Zhang Tan liked to eat it, but Xiao Bai also liked it very much. Even the happy one cried because of the spicy rabbit head the day before. My son was also thinking about it, ate three more bowls of rice in one breath, and sat down from the table holding his belly.

Teacher Jiang saw that everyone liked to eat it so much, so he decided to make more spicy cabbage and let Zhang Tan and the others take it back to Pujiang.

Upon hearing this, Tan Jin'er followed Teacher Jiang to learn how to make spicy cabbage.

The two of them carried bamboo baskets and went out, preparing to pick Chinese cabbage in the vegetable field.

Xiaobai and Xi'er followed behind, and the little puppy Bai Zhenzhu also jumped over.

They picked two baskets of fresh cabbage from the vegetable field not far from the door.

After bringing the cabbage home, clean it and split it in the middle with a knife. Then prepare a bag of edible salt and spread it evenly on each cabbage leaf. Then put the cabbage in a basin and press it with a stone grinder.

After marinating for three hours, take them out one by one and squeeze out the water forced out by the salt, so that the pickled spicy cabbage will be crisp and refreshing.

Zhang Tan watched from the side and saw Tan Jin'er bring a basin, pour glutinous rice flour into it, and add warm water.

"Is it enough?" Tan Jin'er asked.

"Add some more, add more, add more, okay, just use chopsticks to stir it evenly. It needs to be stirred into a paste." Teacher Jiang said.

Tan Jin'er stirred the glutinous rice flour with chopsticks. Xiaobai and Xi'er also wanted to join in the fun, but she drove them away. She knew that these two children did not come to help, but to play.

The glutinous rice flour was mixed with warm water and soon became a thick paste. Teacher Jiang prepared a side of chili noodles, thirteen spices and other seasonings, poured them all into the paste, and stirred evenly again.

Then, I washed a few apples, chopped them into pieces, and introduced them into the flour paste, then added minced garlic, minced ginger, shredded white radish and chives.

"These are the sauces for spicy cabbage." Teacher Jiang said, "Now we need to spread the sauce evenly on the cabbage leaves, like this."

Teacher Jiang taught Tan Jiner step by step how to spread the sauce evenly on the cabbage leaves, then stuff the cabbage into the jar, seal it, and marinate it for three days before use.

Zhang Tan took a video of the whole process and sent it back to Tan Jin'er so that she could learn to do it herself when she returns to Pujiang in the future.

During the past few days in Baijiacun, Tan Jin'er learned many dishes from Teacher Jiang, and her cooking skills improved greatly.

With such a sister who loves to delve into cooking, little friend Tan Xier will be very lucky in the future. It is difficult not to eat three bowls of rice. She may have to upgrade to four bowls of rice soon. She is thin and frail, and she has to change. Become a strong woman.

I owe a chapter on the 28th, so I will make up for it in this chapter.

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